Zero to hundred basketball or taekwondo sports to choose the best

getting to know basketball

today there are few people who are not into sports and if there is someone at the end of this article, they will definitely be encouraged towards a sports field because life without health and vitality is not possible and this health and vitality can only be achieved by exercising in A sport is born. Its never too late to exercise and if you are confused among thousands of sports and dont know which one to choose  just stay with us to know about basketball or taekwondo and choose one of them. In this Fit Play sports blog article Summary of basketball rules and basketball or taekwondo we have generally getting to know basketball, the benefits of basketball of this sport and everything about basketball or taekwondo like basketball game time or styles of Taekwondo and basketball court. Basketball like volleyball or teakwondo consists of two person teams.

A passage to the history of basketball in the world

In the history of this sport and Summary of basketball rules a Canadian doctor named James Nye Smith immigrated to America and settled in America. Over time when Dr. Smith was teaching his students at the Springfield Athletic University in 1891, the president of the university asked Mr. Smith to invent a sport by which American students could prepare themselves physically for the start of football, hockey field matches and keep baseball in the summer and spring seasons.
Dr. Smith was always looking for a sport that is a team sport with a ball and on the other hand, there is no violence and violent encounters in it so he invented a sport called Basketball. Over the centuries, this fascinating sport has become one of the best and most popular sports in the world. Canada was the first country where this sport entered and gradually this attractive sport became popular in other countries of the world.

basketball rules

Summary of basketball rules

getting to know basketball it should be said that this sport consists of two teams of six people and both teams must touch the ball with their hands and throw it into a special basket. getting to know basketball, there is a ball and two baskets each basket is for one team and is considered as the goal of the game. This exciting sport is played in four periods of ten minutes between two teams with 5 players on the field.
In this exciting game to choose basketball or taekwondo that is held every year in many countries a team attacks from its field, which is known as the defense field, towards the other teams field or the opponents field to make full use of the 24 seconds it has the ball in full possession. and as a result throw a strong shot towards the basket and gradually win this sport by collecting points in this way.

Knowing when to play basketball

In this part of the article like getting to know basketball or basketball game time we will discuss the basketball game time completely to choose basketball or taekwondo. It is useful to play basketball in four periods of ten minutes, each of these ten minutes is called a quarter. Now when playing basketball some people ask what is the useful time? Or basketball game time?  Useful time is when the basketball ball leaves the field and the time is stopped in this situation and the time is calculated when the game starts again. During the basketball game time, the players of the two teams can rest for two minutes between the two quarters.
The break between the second and third quarter is 15 minutes unlike the previous one. When each team receives the ball or basketball ball, it must pass the basketball ball from the center line of the field and enter the opponents field within eight seconds. The team that has scored more points than its opponent at the end of four quarters is the winner but if they are tied, both teams will be given five minutes of extra time. Basically as long as each team has four quarters more than its opponent five minutes of time will be Extra is given.

basketball or taekwondo

The passage of time and the changes of the basketball

In the first two years when the Basketball was made they used it only for playing but because this ball had little weight, in 1894 the first Basketball was produced by a factory. With the passage of time in 1937, another Basketball, which was bigger and lighter, entered the market. In 1949 a ball was made that had the latest changes and after many years, the same ball is still used for the game.
The Basketball that players use today are bigger than normal balls and they are made of leather, plastic or rubber and they are inflated by a special device when playing and using. The circumference of this ball must be at least 75 cm and at most 78 cm. It should also be said that this ball is the heaviest and biggest ball among team games.

Examining the types of jumps in Basketball

As it was said at the beginning of the article to choose basketball or taekwondo this 12 person sport is played by hand and the ball is moved in the hands of the players so much that it falls into the net and leads to points for the team in question. We have described them below for you to choose better basketball or taekwondo:
• Jump shot: For this jump, the player must take the T position, that is the left hand should be placed next to the ball and the right hand on the ball and the feet should be shoulder width apart.
• Three step throw-up: in this throw up method, when we reach the opposite teams ring we must take three steps while running and throw the ball into the ring.
• Throw by the board: for this throw you have to face the ring and throw the ball into the basket with the square on the board.

How many referees does Basketball have?

The total number of referees in this sport is five. Of these five referees three are standing on the side of the field and each of them has a specific task and officials to perform and the other two referees are placed inside the field and monitor the game. There is also one person as a recorder of points and errors and one person as a time keeper.

Summary of basketball rules at a glance

Every sport follows a rule and law and if you dont follow it, you will be held accountable by the FIFA organization and this sport also follows this rule. In the continuation of this article to choose basketball or taekwondo we have named the most important and basic rules of basketball for you in a Summary of basketball rules form. For complete information about each of the rules just refer to the Internet.
• Time rules
• Double rule
• Law of running
• Three second rule
• Twenty four second rule
• The eight second rule
• Rule of half

basketball or taekwondo

The most important benefits of basketball

There is no sport in the world that is harmful to the human body and soul in other words we are the ones who injure ourselves if we do not follow the movements or perform them, therefore before starting to participate in a sport or know benefits of basketball to choose basketball or taekwondo we must first Research the sport thoroughly. In this section like benefits of basketball we have briefly described the most important benefits of basketball for you to choose better basketball or taekwondo:
• Freshness and vitality
• Cultivating and strengthening physical strength
• Increasing the power of concentration and decision-making in a person
• Strengthening psychological actions such as self-confidence
• Gaining mental balance
• Cardiovascular system health

A look at the history of Taekwondo

In the history of Taekwondo like basketball to choose basketball or taekwondo there are threads that are painted on the wall of a shrine and a Korean king named Goguryeo built this shrine between 37 BC and 66 AD. In the history of taekwondo on the wall of this tomb, it shows that two people are standing unarmed facing each other and their standing form is the same as this sport.
In addition to this design there are other paintings on the wall in the history of Taekwondo which are breaking some bricks and their clothes are the same as the clothes of this sport. This evidence shows the existence of a sport called Taekwondo in Korea. In fact there are examples and history of Taekwondo in all the records of other kings throughout the centuries.

What is the definition of taekwondo and knowledge about taekwondo?

In this part of the article basketball or taekwondo we want to define taekwondo and know what is Taekwondo? At first when you go to a sport like taekwondo a question forms in your mind and you ask yourself what is Taekwondo? In response to what Taekwondo is and the definition of Taekwondo, it should be said that this sport is one of the most regular and scientific Korean martial arts that teaches people more than fighting skills.
In the definition of taekwondo it should be said that the discipline that exists in this sport teaches the youth ways to strengthen the spirit and raise the level of life by training the body and mind and with the help of this sport, the youth can learn the right way of life. In todays modern world this sport has become a global sport, where many young people compete in this sport in the official Olympic Games.

basketball game

Various styles of taekwondo and what is Taekwondo?

This exciting martial sport has different styles that everyone should familiarize themselves with at the beginning of their activity in this sport. The fights of this sport have a special level of protection compared to other martial sports. There are many styles of taekwondo and in this section we have discussed only the most important styles of taekwondo. The most important styles of Taekwondo to choose basketball or taekwondo are:
• Kyurogi: This Taekwondo style is one of the ways of training to participate in the competition, which is done with special rules of Taekwondo and conditions. In this style the competition is held in three rounds of two minutes, where two taekwondo players are on the pan with a referee in the middle and four referees standing around the pan and monitoring the fight.
• Pomseh: In this style taekwondo players use movements, kicks, punches, standing techniques and how to respond to the attackers attack. This style is one of the most important martial arts of this sport and every movement and form is created based on logic and philosophy.
• Han Ma Dong: This style of this sport is a form of self defense and people in this style break objects and hard objects. This style is only for professionals and a person must have a lot of training, concentration, strength and high self confidence to break objects.

About Injuries of Taekwondo

Basically in any sport if we perform the movements incorrectly it causes physical damage to our body and this sport is no exception. Most of the physical injuries of this sport are caused during the competition and will not cause serious injuries during training. The most famous injuries that a person suffers during a fight are lacerations or crushes in different parts of the body.
Among the other injuries of this sport we can mention sprains in the leg area, knee injuries and fractures, which means that the most common injuries are fractures in different parts of the body such as hands, feet, knees and wrists. Most of these injuries occur in people whose weight is above 65 and 75 kg. In general, if you follow the rules of this sport, you will have very few injuries.

history of Taekwondo

A brief look at the philosophy of Taekwondo colored belts

You must have heard in the corners of the internet or in your friends circles that a person in this sport has a black belt or a certain color and you have a question about the philosophy and law behind the color of the belts in this sport. In this part of the article basketball or taekwondo we take a brief look at the philosophy of the color of the belts of this martial sport. Basically there are six belt colors for this sport, these colors are:
• White belt: It shows innocence and people at this stage do not know anything about this sport.
• Yellow belt: By taking this color from the belt we realize that the person is in elementary training.
• Blue belt: In this color of the belt, the person has received the necessary training and has reached the desired level.
• Green belt: In this Yin color a person is progressing in the training that has been given to him.
• Red belt: indicates the line and in this section one must be careful of his opponent and keep him away.
• Black belt: This color of the belt shows that the person has seen and learned all the necessary skills and shows that he is impenetrable to this person.

What is the right weight for men and women in this sport?

Both men and women are always trying to work in the highest weight group for example, a 72 kg person is trying to lose two kilos and be in the 69 kg category because if he wants to be in the 80 kg category and compete with them you are considered among the low weights. The classification of weights in this sport to choose basketball or taekwondo is as follows:
• Men and women minus 58 kg: below 58 kg
• Minus 49 kg: lower than 49 kg
• Minus 68 kg: lower than 68 kg
• Minus 57 kg: lower than 57 kg
• Minus 80 kg: lower than 80 kg
• Minus 67 kg: lower than 67 kg
• In addition to 80 kg: above 80 kg
• In addition to 67 kg: above 67 kg

comprehensive rules of Taekwondo

This Korean martial art is held in three periods of two minutes between which the person can rest. When starting the game after choose basketball or taekwondo you must use safety equipment such as leg protectors, mouth and teeth protectors, head protectors and even hip protectors. Leaving aside these, its time for the rules of Taekwondo. This sport like other sports has rules of Taekwondo that, if you dont follow them after choose basketball or taekwondo, bans and punishments will be considered for you. In the following basketball or taekwondo we mentioned some of the most important rules of Taekwondo for you. rules of Taekwondo are:
• Jiroki, Chagi
• Crossing the border line
• Delaying or staying away from fighting
• Grabbing or even pushing your opponent
• Impact on the lower back
• Touching the opponent's face
• Lifting the leg to avoid the attack
• Attacking a fallen opponent

the final conclusion

In the final summary of this article definition of basketball or taekwondo and what is Taekwondo we always tried to give you useful information about this martial sport. In the last words of this article definition of Taekwondo and styles of Taekwondo we hope that the above content was useful for you and that you have a healthy body after choose basketball or taekwondo.