Yoga and TRX at home? Which one should we choose?

yoga at home for concentration

If you want to avoid all kinds of diseases and joint pains in your old age you should start exercising now. Many people now say that we dont have enough time to stay in traffic to start exercising. In response to these people we should say that you can exercise at home. One of the best and most popular sports at home is yoga because with this sport, you can strengthen both your mental and physical health. yoga and Trx at home is a combination of stretching movements and corect breathing which helps people a lot in achieving relaxation. Continue with this article from Fit Play to get to know yoga and Trx at home in generl and yoga at home for concentration or yoga package at home.

History of yoga at a glance

This sport is one of the oldest cultural heritages of India and in their language yoga means uniting. A person named Patanjali recorded the first principles of yoga in Indian texts 5000 years ago. With this sport, in addition to physical health you can achieve moral and mental health.
In fact this sport contributes to human longevity and happiness of the soul. In addition and in the history of yoga it should be said that Hatha yoga is one of the well known and famous styles of yoga. This style was brought to the West by a person named T Krishnacharya and today it has become one of the most popular styles of yoga.

What is Yoga at home?

In response to the question of many people who ask what is yoga, it should be said that yoga is a branch of philosophy that is known by physical and spiritual order. On the other hand you should know that this sport improves both the human body and the human spirit at the same time. We can also describe yoga as a process of self knowledge.
One of the most important features of this sport that many fans are interested in is paying attention to breathing. If you are thinking of exercising at home and you dont know what exercise to go for we suggest yoga and Trx at home.

Types of yoga practice at home for concentration

yoga and Trx at home is the best exercise at home for concentration, which you can do both individually and with your friends. Next we want to examine the types of yoga practice at home for concentration and its movements. The types of yoga practice at home are :
• Anusara : If you want to have a good and philosophical yoga class you can use this movement, also this movement is based on heart activities.
• Ashtanga : If you are looking for a way to strengthen your arteries you can use this yoga movement because it is the healthiest and most complete way to strengthen your arteries.
• Bikram : If you want to sweat while doing sports and you like sweating you can use this yoga movement.
• Hatha : This movement is done slowly and step by step and if you dont like other yoga exercises and you have a gentle spirit we suggest this exercise for you to start.
• Iyengar : If you are among the people who pay attention to details and always do your work slowly and patiently, this exercise is suitable for you.
• Kripalu : If you are tired of your monotonous and routine life and are looking for a kick, this yoga practice is suitable for you.
• Kundalini : If you use drugs and want to start quitting yourself, this exercise is the best spiritual exercise for you.

yoga at home for concentration

Types of yoga practice at home to increase height

This exercise involves all the muscles of the body from head to toe due to the stretching and softening movements, so it is suitable for increasing height. In the following we have proposed some yoga practice at home to increase height so that people who suffer from shortness of height can increase their height by practicing Yoga at home.
• Tadasana
• Vriksh asana
• Sarwang Asana
• Astra Asana
• Ojai Pranayama
• Bojang Asana
• Hasta Padasana

yoga at home for weight loss And slimming

There are various methods for losing weight and fitness and if you have tried all of them and you have not gotten fit, we suggest yoga at home for weight loss. By doing yoga exercises at home for weight loss and buying a yoga package at home you can easily get rid of your excess fat in a short time. Here are some yoga exercises at home for weight loss :
• Hand mill movement
• Arc motion
• Boat movement
• Cobra movement
• Movement of wind release
• Padasana movement

What are the benefits of yoga at home?

The main goal of yoga is to harmonize different body systems and create vitality in a person. This sport, like other sports, has advantages that we have briefly mentioned below :
• flexibility
• Strengthen muscles
• Improving moods
• Improve breathing
• depression treatment
• Lower blood pressure
• Fix insomnia

How is TRX at home? And TRX strap installation at home?

Today in TRX strap installation at home many people buy yoga and Trx at home and the only reason for that is the convenient use at home and access at any time. TRX strap installation at home is an endurance and strength exercise that you will see an increase in flexibility in your body with long term use.
If you are one of those busy people who always face the problem of lack of time and you want not to neglect exercising we suggest you TRX training at home. By installing TRX belts and straps at home you can perform various exercises and reach your fitness plans in a short time.

yoga and Trx at home

installing the TRX rope exercise

Before installing the TRX rope exercise in the house you first need a solid and suitable place and the suitable places in any house are the roof, walls and pillars. Of course the installation of the TRX rope exercise is not only limited to these places and it is possible in any place where you are sure of its suitability. Also, to install the TRX strap at home you need accessories such as TRX hooks, carabiners and special hooks for the back door. On the other hand, TRX installation is generally divided into three categories which we have taken a brief look at below :
• Installing the TRX on the wall or ceiling : Connect the TRX hook to the wall or ceiling of the house with the help of screws.
• Installing TRX behind the door : Connect the special TRX hook behind the door and then close the door.
• Installing the TRX to the rod : wrap the TRX carabiner around the rod and then secure it with a ring.

Exercise with TRX rope easilly

In fact TRX is an exciting sport and when you are bored or angry, you can try TRX rope sports. Exercise with the TRX rope depends on the weight of the person and this rope supports up to 180 kg. On the other hand TRX is a wonderful exercise and exercise because with TRX you can increase your physical strength level over time and by using more exercises.

TRX exercises at home is it good?

In order to do TRX exercises at home, you must first choose your exercise program in a simple and easy way and after you get to know and master the work of your hand you can make TRX exercises at home harder and more complicated. Also, when you want to go from simple exercises to hard exercises be sure to consult with a sports coach so that you dont put a heavy weight on your body at once.

TRX movements at home

TRX exercises at home for all person

In the following we have gone to some of the most famous and fundamental TRX movements and have taken a brief look at the types of TRX at home :
• Squat repetition 10 to 12 times suitable for leg and buttock muscles
• Low Row repetition 10 to 12 times suitable for arms, shoulders, stomach and back
• Back-It-Up Lunge 10 to 12 repetitions suitable for the core, legs and glutes
• Chest Press 10 to 12 repetitions suitable for arms, shoulders and chest muscles
• Pike repetitions 10 to 12 times suitable for the core of the body, arms, legs and abdominal muscles
• Hamstring Curl 10 to 12 repetitions suitable for the core, legs and glutes

TRX training at home for has a fit body

In the previous topic we presented you the most important movements of this exciting sport. To train yoga and Trx at home you must first adjust your strength level, for example are you tall, short, male or female. In TRX movements at home the stability of the core of your body is important which is moved through the exercises.
TRX training at home is an excellent aerobic tool for all ages and also elderly people or those with physical injuries can also start to participate in this sport. To train TRX movements at home in general and start this exercise at home, it is enough to repeat the movements mentioned in the previous topic 10 or 12 times a day at home.

the final conclusion

In the final summary of this Fit Play blog article you generally learned about TRX exercise at home or yoga and Trx at home and how to install it and its important TRX movements at home and you realized that by purchasing TRX you can start exercising anywhere at home. Also with yoga and Trx at home you got rid of heavy traffic and crowded cities to go to the gym and exercise. In the end we hope that the above information about Fit Play has been useful for you and that you have made the most of yoga and Trx at home or yoga at home for concentration.