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Another name of the sport field is fitness or body beauty. Do you know why? Because in a short period of time, if you have a goal and a little motivation, you will understand how you can achieve a fat-free and healthy body. This sport has become so popular in today’s modern world where inactivity is paramount that even teenagers have come to play it and want to become a professional in it. Because the benefits of this sport for the soul and body are so many that knowing them you will not hesitate for a moment and look for a good club for yourself. But by watching the video fitness training or the content available on the internet sites, you can achieve your desired body at home. For this reason, in the rest of this article from Fit Play women’s fitness training at home, we have given a brief but useful description of the most important movements of this sport women’s fitness training at home, movements that are available in many video fitness trainings, but we want to discuss them in the form of an article, so stay with us.

How many groups are there in the gym?

When you want to go for fitness training in the gym, what may not be available in video fitness training is information about its groups. In fact, by knowing the fitness movements at home, you can reach your goal faster and take a more principled step in this way. In order to have an ideal and fat-free body in this sport, there are four muscle groups, which we have described below so that you know which of these groups the fitness training in the gym belong to such as:

  • Neck and hip muscles
  • triceps and deltoid muscles
  • Chest muscles
  • Armpit muscles

Fitness program – neck muscles

The first group we discussed in the fitness training in the gym is related to the neck muscles. Therefore, in this section, we want to discuss the fitness program regarding the neck muscles, so that if you do not have enough time for video fitness training, you can get the necessary information in this section. To strengthen the neck and neck muscles, you can go to the following fitness exercises:

  • Movement of the neck from four main angles (to strengthen the neck muscles)
  • Performing the bridge on the neck axis (to strengthen the neck muscles)
  • Col with barbell (to strengthen the height and thickness of the col)
  • Dumbbell push-up (to strengthen the muscles of the neck)
  • Barbell squats from the back (to strengthen the posterior muscles of the neck)

Fitness program – shoulder muscles

The second group that we discussed in the fitness section of the gym is related to the triceps and deltoid muscles. Therefore, in this section, we would like to discuss the fitness program regarding the triceps and deltoid muscles, so that if you do not have time to go to video fitness training, you can get the necessary information in this section. To strengthen the triple shoulder and deltoid muscles, you can go to the following movements:

Parallel dumbbell press (to round the shoulders)

  • Spreading from the front (to strengthen the anterior part of the head)
  • Spreading from the side (to strengthen the middle part of the shoulder head)

Nashrakham (to strengthen the posterior part of the shoulder head)

Fitness program – chest muscles

Skipping the next two groups, it is time for the third group, which is specific to the chest muscles. Therefore, in this section, we want to discuss the fitness bodybuilding program regarding the chest muscles, so that you can find the information you are looking for here without the need for video fitness training. To strengthen the chest muscles, you can go to the following movements:

  • Chest press with barbell/dumbbell (to strengthen chest size)
  • High chest press with barbell/dumbbell (to strengthen the volume of the upper part of the chest)
  • Dumbbell chest (to separate and create chest line)
  • Dumbbell upper chest rack (to separate and create the upper chest line)
  • Barbell press under the chest (to shape the chest)
  • Butterfly/Dice (to separate the breast line and strengthen the breast volume)

Fitness program – armpit muscles

The fourth and last group that we have to deal with in order to know whether the movements you want in this section or not is related to the armpit muscles. Therefore, in this material, we want to discuss the fitness program regarding the armpit muscles, so that you can get the answer to what is in your mind right here. You can go to the following movements to strengthen the armpit muscles.

Barfix types (for general strengthening of armpit and back muscles)

  • Lath from the front (to strengthen the upper part and increase the width or width of the armpits)
  • Lat from the back (to strengthen the back muscles and increase the width or width of the armpits)
  • Pulling (to strengthen armpit and back muscles)
  • Underarm barbell bend (to strengthen the lower part and effective in strengthening the thickness of the armpit)

Fitness training – swimming

Swimming is one of the oldest and best movements of this sport, which is loved by many people because every person can control the pressure of this movement by changing the position of their hands. For this reason, we continue to teach fitness about swimming movements:

  • Kneel on a long mat.
  • Bring your feet together behind your head.
  • Open your hands shoulder width apart.
  • Slowly raise your body weight.
  • Keep your body straight and without any bending.
  • Lower your body while keeping your torso straight and your head in line with your spine.
  • Meanwhile, your elbows should be bent outwards.
  • At the end, keeping the same position and putting pressure on your hands, move upwards.

Fitness training – raising the opposite arm and leg

Another movement of this sport that many people think is difficult is raising the opposite arm and leg. But don’t worry, this movement is very suitable for softening the troublesome areas of the upper part, which we have discussed in fitness training:

  • Sleep with your palm on your stomach on a single bed.
  • Stretch your legs.
  • Slowly bend the legs from the ankles to the soles of the feet.
  • Raise your hands above your head with the palms of both hands facing each other to stretch.
  • In the meantime, place your head in a way that is in line with your spine.
  • Exhale your central abdominal muscles.
  • Slowly lift one set and one opposite leg off the ground and keep it straight.
  • At the end, return your hands and feet to the same starting position after a few seconds.

Women’s fitness movements – swimming with bent knees

If for any reason you don’t like the simple swimming movement, we suggest swimming with bent knees in women’s fitness because it is a wonderful alternative. For this reason, we have given a brief description of how to perform this movement, which consists of:

  • Kneel on a mat.
  • Keep your feet close together behind your head.
  • Slowly bend forward and place your palms flat on the mat
  • With your fingers pointing forward, open your hands shoulder width apart.
  • Slowly lower your body towards the ground
  • While you have kept the position of your trunk in the same rigid position, your head should be in line with the spine.
  • At the end, push your hands back up.

Women’s Fitness Exercises – Downward Facing Dog

Another fitness movement for women is downward facing dog, and you must be calm to perform this movement so that you can perform this movement in a controlled manner, which is suitable for stretching your leg muscles. For this reason, we have explained this movement in the following:

  • Kneel on a mat.
  • Keep your feet close together behind your head.
  • Slowly bend forward and place your palms flat on the mat.
  • With your fingers pointing forward, open your hands shoulder width apart.
  • Then get into a swimming position.
  • Exhale slowly while keeping your torso tight.
  • Transfer your weight to the back of your body by pushing your hips back and up.
  • Finally, pull your hips up so that your hands are parallel to the spine.

Training of men’s fitness movements – sitting with bent knees

Sitting with bent knees, which is also called crunch, is one of the movements of this sport that we want to address in the training of men’s fitness movements. The way to perform this movement that strengthens and strengthens the central core of the body is as follows:

  • Lie on the mat in an open arched position.
  • Bend your knees so that the soles of your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Your knees should be bent so that your heels are 30 to 45 cm away from your tailbone.
  • Put your hands behind your head.
  • Push the shoulder bones together.
  • Keep your elbows straight and parallel to your shoulders.
  • Contract the abdominal and central muscles and slowly bend your chin towards the chest.
  • Finally, while the soles of your feet, tail, and waist are in contact with the mat, lower your body backwards.

Training of men’s fitness movements – sit up with one leg lift

One of the other attractive movements of this sport is squatting by lifting one leg, which is the same as regular squatting, that’s why in the continuation of the training of men’s fitness movements, we have given a brief but comprehensive description of it, which is:

  • Kneel on a mat or exercise floor.
  • Keep your feet close together behind your head.
  • Slowly bend forward and place your palms flat on the mat.

With your fingers pointing forward, open your hands shoulder width apart.

  • Slowly lower your body to the ground and at the same time lift one leg back and up.
  • Push up while keeping your torso and head in line with your spine.
  • At the same time, lower your leg to its first position and parallel to the other leg.
  • At the end, press until the hands are completely straight in the elbow area and your left foot is on the ground.

Women’s fitness training at home – Plank from the front

This movement may seem difficult at first glance, but it will become easier with women’s fitness training at home and continuous practice. For this reason, we have given a brief description of how to perform this movement, which is very suitable for your stomach:

  • Lie with your palms on a mat while keeping your elbows close to your sides and just below your shoulders.

While your hands are in front of you, place your palms on the floor.

  • Extend the legs and put the paws on the ground.
  • Slowly lift your whole body off the floor or mat by keeping your trunk and legs stretched.
  • Finally, while keeping your knees straight and your body straight, slowly lower your body towards the mat.

Women’s fitness training at home – side plank with bent knees

A unique movement to increase the efficiency of the buttocks is the plank from the side with bent knees, which we have explained in brief in the women’s fitness training section at home so that you have a healthy body. The correct way to perform this movement is:

  • Lie on your right side on a mat.
  • In such a way that your left foot is placed on your right foot.
  • Bend your knee so that it is in a comfortable position.
  • From the elbow to the tip of the fingers of the right hand and hip, and from the knee to the tip of the toes of the right foot, put it on the mat.
  • Slowly contract the abdominal and central muscles.
  • Lift your hips off the mat.
  • Inhale and slowly bring yourself back to the starting position.

the final conclusion

In the final summary of this article about Fit Play like fitness training in the gym, we discussed muscle groups so that you know which group each movement belongs to. Also, in the following, we discussed the most important movements of this sport for women and men, so that you can make useful use of this article. In the last words of this article, we hope that the above material was useful for you and have a good time using it. Make a figure for yourself.

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