One of the oldest and most widespread sports in the world is wrestling, which dates back to our time before history, when humans used this sport to defend themselves. On the other hand, this sport is one of the sports fields that any person with minimal facilities can learn wrestling by knowing only a brief information about wrestling and receive a wrestling training program from expert coaches. If you are among the fans of this martial sport and you don’t know where to find the necessary training for beginners, we suggest that you don’t neglect us. Because in the continuation of the Fit Play article Iranian wrestling training, we want to give a brief description of the wrestling training program and basic wrestling training so that he can easily obtain the necessary information about this sport from a distance.
Iranian wrestling training – Kurdish wrestling
The oldest Iranian ship that we want to discuss in a brief description of Iranian ship training is the Kurdish ship, which is still common. Kurdish wrestlers in official clothes in the cities of Khorasan; It is done in Gorgan, Kerman and has its own enthusiasts.
In this wrestling, each person must be able to defeat his opponent twice, and if the game is tied one to one, they must wrestle with each other for the third time. Kurdish wrestling is on the ground and has no limits. The wrestler should only roll up his sleeves and tie a shawl around his waist.
Iranian wrestling training – Turkmen wrestling
This type of ship, which we want to describe in a brief description of Iranian ship training, is common in Turkmen Sahara and a part of Khorasan and Sistan and Baluchistan. In this type of wrestling, the participant only has the right to grab the waist and cannot grab any other part of his opponent’s body.
For this purpose, the wrestler must grab both sides of his opponent’s waist so that they both try to knock each other down. In this ship, you must first know that a lot of power is needed and you cannot take a Turkmen ship with little power. On the other hand, it is not possible to fan or step on the opponent’s feet in this type of ship.
Iranian wrestling training – Gilki wrestling
Another type of Iranian ship is the Gilki or Mazandarani ship, which is common in northern parts of Iran. In this wrestling, the glavising starts from a distance and the person has to approach his opponent in a special order, and after mixing with each other, they do the wrestling with the usual program.
In this type of Iranian wrestling training, none of the wrestlers have the right to strike with their hands. This ship, like other Iranian ships, is very interesting, and its wrestlers must be very agile, strong, situational and obedient to the rules in order to be able to play in the best possible way.
Iranian wrestling training – Illyrian wrestling
Another type of Iranian wrestling is the Illyrian wrestling. In this type of wrestling, the wrestlers must roll up their pants and tie a shawl around their waist to avoid the opponent’s hand. This type of ship is like an ancient ship and wrestlers can use ancient techniques. This ship is popular all over Eilat, Maghreb, South and Central Iran, and has many fans.
Iranian ship training – ancient ship
This ship is more important than other types of Iranian ship and it is performed in Zorkhanehs and official squares. Ancient wrestling is very important and the wrestlers in this wrestling field are chosen and can go much higher. In simpler words, to become a professional and enter the competitions, every person must see the ancient wrestling training and the ancient wrestling training program and pass it well.
Training wrestling and its types
Wrestling is one of the types of wrestling that each of the wrestlers in this type of wrestling should try to knock down the opponent with their strength and the fans trained in wrestling training. Wrestling, which is one of the famous ships, has different types, which you should have brief and useful information about to learn wrestling. For this reason, we have described the types of wrestling to teach wrestling to dear enthusiasts, which include:
- Friendly ship
This type of wrestling is mostly done for practice and review of the technique and is performed with the permission of the person present.
- Hostile ship
This type of wrestling is done at the previous request of one of the 2 opponents and the veteran’s agreement.
- Periodic ship
This type of wrestling is for several people and several people must come on the mat and wrestle with each other.
- Field ship
Field wrestling is done outside the pit of Zorkhane, which is also held to determine the country’s champion.
freestyle wrestling training for competition
freestyle wrestling training is one of the wrestling methods and the most important one is that you must have the necessary information and education of freestyle wrestling training to qualify for world competitions. In simpler words, freestyle wrestling training is one of the methods of wrestling that teenagers are engaged in today all over the world, and each person must enter the Olympic Games either through freestyle wrestling training or through wrestling.
In freestyle wrestling training, like wrestling, the main goal is to pin the opponent’s shoulder on the mat, which leads to an immediate victory, and unlike wrestling, wrestlers are not allowed to grab the opponent’s legs and can only use their feet to hit the opponent’s ground. Freestyle wrestling entered the Olympics in 1904, and since 2004, competitions in this discipline have been held in the women’s section.
Weights in freestyle wrestling
Only wrestling training and a wrestling training program can’t get you into world competitions, but you should have useful information such as men’s and women’s weights in freestyle or even freestyle wrestling. Wrestling weight groups have undergone many changes since ancient times. But we have stated the weights that have been approved in freestyle wrestling and wrestling for men and women so that your information about this field is complete and you don’t just limit yourself to the wrestling training program.
The appropriate weight in freestyle wrestling for men is:
- 57 kilos
- 61 kilos
- 65 kilos
- 70 kilos
- 74 kilos
- 79 kilos
- 86 kilos
- 92 kilos
- 97 kilos
- 125 kilos
The appropriate weight in freestyle wrestling for men is:
- 48 kilos
- 53 kilos
- 55 kilos
- 58 kilos
- 60 kilos
- 63 kilos
- 69 kilos
- 75 kilos
Wrestling training
Another style of this sport is wrestling, which originated in France. This type of wrestling, which appeared in the 19th century, is done on a mat like free wrestling. Therefore, athletes who are interested in this wrestling should implement the moves they learned in wrestling training on their opponent after wrestling training. These movements should be performed on the upper body of people and should not be performed otherwise. It is enough for those who are interested in wrestling to go to wrestling training so that after learning the necessary moves, they can use them on their opponent and win the field.
Necessary equipment for wrestling
- Dubandeh
Dubende is the name of the clothes that a wrestler must wear in order to enter the arena and defeat his opponent. This dress has a strong and light material that brings comfort to the athlete with its high flexibility.
- shoe
As you know, since this sport is performed on a mat, a person must use special shoes. This shoe should have a spongy surface to provide flexibility, moderation and proper movement for the athlete.
- Blood clot
A tourniquet is a device that a wrestler puts inside his armband for his martial arts so that the blood flow is stopped due to being hit and the person does not bleed.
- Helmet
A helmet is another piece of equipment needed by a wrestler that every wrestler must wear for their own safety in order to prevent injuries and injuries.
Important rules of wrestling
In addition to basic wrestling training, a person interested in this martial sport should take a look at the wrestling regulations to complete his information in this field. For this reason, we have stated below some of the most important rules of wrestling for those who are interested in this sport to study it along with basic wrestling training. Common ship regulations are:
- Any hitting and throwing on purpose is prohibited.
- Any kind of kicking, punching, headbutting, and grabbing a stick is prohibited.
- Counting points in the game will be the total of both times.
- Leaving the competitor’s mat is a warning and has only one point.
- When a wrestler’s technical score reaches a difference of 8 at any time or in total, the match will be stopped and the winner will be declared.
- The collision of the shoulders with the mat is considered a technical blow in this game.
What are the disadvantages of wrestling for wrestlers?
- Stretching of muscles and tendons
One of the disadvantages of wrestling for wrestlers that may happen to a person during basic wrestling training or wrestling training is the stretching of muscles and tendons. Because in this martial sport, it is possible to stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh and groin, both during basic wrestling training and during the game. Also, in some cases, ankle sprains and twists, which lead to stretching of the tendons, are also seen in wrestlers.
- Dead blood in various parts of the body
Another problem that happens to wrestlers and it can be said that it is one of the disadvantages of wrestling is the appearance of dead blood in different parts of the body. Due to the fact that wrestlers are constantly fighting and hitting each other on the wrestling mat, this situation occurs in their bodies.
- Skin disease and fungus
Skin disease is another disadvantage of this sport, which may occur if the wrestler’s clothes are not clean and new. It can even be said that if one of the wrestlers is suffering from skin diseases or fungus, the possibility of transmission of skin disease and fungus increases due to frequent contact between wrestlers.
- Injury to the head and face
One of the most serious parts involved in wrestlers is the head and face. Therefore, it must be said that severe blows to the head during this game may cause serious injuries to the person and even make the person feel dizzy or nauseous.
- Incidence of knee injuries
Another vulnerable part of the body of wrestlers is the knee. Because due to excessive twisting and bending of the knees, meniscus damage is more common in this sport than in all other disciplines.
Wrestling in the Olympics
As you know, wrestling is one of the most honorable and medal-winning sports for our country in the Olympic arena. The national champions of wrestling in our Olympics always give their best performance and bring gold, silver and bronze medals to our country. Therefore, the training of wrestling in our country, especially in the northern provinces, is very important. We recommend that you train your children in this sport from childhood so that you can witness their pride in the national and international arenas.
the final conclusion
In the final summary of this Fit Play article, we tried to provide you with useful information about this sport so that you can understand basic wrestling training, Persian wrestling training, Iranian wrestling training, wrestling training program, wrestling training, freestyle wrestling training along with the disadvantages of this The field of sports has been useful for you. Of course, you must remember that the disadvantages of this sport only occur when you do not have the fault of a move or do not perform a move correctly and have nothing to do with the sport of wrestling itself.
In the last words of this Fit Play article Iranian wrestling training, we hope that the above content has been useful for you and that you will have a good time by using it. Because having a healthy body and soul depends on exercising, and only by exercising you can have a healthy body and soul for a lifetime, even in your old age and middle age.