Teaching 16 of the best yoga exercise techniques

teaching yoga movements for beginners

In todays modern world where technology takes the first place we are all looking for some peace and we dont know how to get this peace. This exercise is one of the most popular sports today that has been welcomed by many people around the world. This popular sport has very positive effects on the human body and soul and gives him a feeling of peace, the main reason for the popularity of this sport is to get some mental and physical peace. Mny people are just looking for relaxation and when they go to yoga, they dont know about the other characteristics of this sport. In fact these people dont  know what effects they have on their body by doing each movement of this sport. For this reason in this article from Fit Play about Harms of yoga and teaching yoga exercises or teaching yoga at home stay with us to explore This exercise like benefits of yoga and its features more so that you will be surprised and can be know teaching yoga and meditation and teaching yoga movements for beginners.

History of yoga at a glance

As we know this sport is not related to heavy weights or different devices like other sports and it is a physical and mental sport. The history of this relaxing sport goes back to the Indian subcontinent where the Hindus created this sport. Since this sport is very old, we cannot name the name of the person who created it and there is no information about the person who created this sport.
But the first recorded movements of teaching yoga movements for beginners and one of the oldest texts left in the past about this sport were written by a woman named Maryam Yuji who lived in India 2000-2500 years ago under the name Patanjali. The word Patanjali means the principles, philosophy and teaching method of this sport, which was named by Maryam Yuji. With the passage of time many people and countries taught this sport to their students and children. this sport spread in many schools in addition to the public.

What is yoga?

Wherever we are in the world when the name of this sport is mentioned all of our minds are drawn to the sense of relaxation we get from this sport and teaching yoga movements for beginners and we can say that in the minds of many people, this sport is a way to achieve peace. This amazing sport has the ability to create a union between the body and soul of humans and even the positive and negative forces that cannot fit in our human minds.
It can even be said that the root of this sport is taken from the Sanskrit word, which means unity. In the section of teaching yoga movements for beginners it can be said that performing the movements of this exciting sport covers both the factors of movement, breath control and concentration. The main exercises of this sport, which are also called asanas, are safe stretching exercises that in addition to increasing the flexibility of our body and mental concentration, also remove fatigue from our body.

teaching yoga movements

Why are yoga exercises beneficial for the body?

After reviewing what is yoga and teaching yoga movements for beginners We realized that by doing the exercises of this sport and Harms of yoga we can achieve the fitness we want because the two words This exercise and slimming are directly related to each other. In fact by performing the movements of this sport, the muscles of the body become bigger in response to the stretching movements that we do in this sport as a result, the ability to extract and use oxygen increases more and faster.
By performing the movements of this sport and teaching yoga movements for beginners in addition to providing more oxygen, they can increase the capacity of the lungs with the flexibility of the chest, shoulders and back. As a result of this work our lungs open more also by adjusting the diaphragm valve and supplying more oxygen to the blood, it increases the capacity of our lungs. In principle you can see the improvement of your body system in yoga and slimming.

Doing the best yoga at home

In todays busy world many people dont have enough time to do many sports movements for various reasons, including working. Many instructors of this sport believe that if you do yoga at home continuously and as a daily activity you will succeed in it. By doing this exercise we will not only save money but we will also achieve mental peace.

teaching yoga and meditation

At the beginning of starting teaching introductory yoga movements we should pay attention to several points. The first point is to find a suitable place. You should first allocate a quiet environment like a room for your exercise and open the windows. The second point is to put a relaxing song or some lighted candles next to you. To check the movements and other points of this exercise just refer to what is teaching yoga pdf.

What is teaching yoga and meditation?

teaching yoga and meditation like This exercise and teaching introductory yoga movements is a way to find and obtain peace but some people may not know the correct way to do meditation, which we will discuss further. By practicing and repeating teaching yoga and meditation we can cultivate our mind so that by doing it, we can find physical relaxation, inner and mental concentration and a positive attitude to events and issues. The meaning of the word meditation is essentially healing. With teaching yoga and meditation we can overcome the external stimuli that cause us to lose our inner peace.

By doing  or teaching yoga and meditation and teaching introductory yoga

movements a person slowly brings attention to his body to finally achieve mental and physical relaxation. One of the most important features of meditation is concentration, relaxation, reduction of pain and increased improvement of human health. In fact in teaching yoga and meditation you become a new and different person who does not try to turn off or stifle your emotions when faced with problems and life but with teaching yoga and meditation you will easily go through them and understand them.

Types of yoga and meditation

In This exercise and meditation there are three types of general techniques that aim to achieve our inner peace. The main point in doing these three techniques is that you have to do all of them together, all three techniques together will bring you the above result which is inner peace.
• Focused meditation : In this type of meditation a person should try to concentrate in the present with a series of real or imaginary photos. The thoughts that appear during this time will focus on the mind and make the mind clear.
• Contemplative meditation : In this type of meditation, the person repeats the sound to himself because by doing this we try to focus our thoughts. You can do this type of meditation anywhere you like, even at work.
• Breathing meditation : In this type of meditation, a person must find her concentration through inhaling and exhaling her oxygen. In this type of meditation and teaching yoga pdf you have to take deep breaths to focus your mind faster.

teaching yoga at home

what are the benefits of yoga and meditation?

By doing yoga and meditation and yoga and weight loss you will become a new person with new thoughts over time. This exercise and meditation are actually the only ways that we can look inside ourselves and take control of our mind with the help of that. Meditation has many benefits of yoga and in this section we will discuss some of the most important ones so that you can go to meditation more determinedly than before.
• Reducing anxiety and stress
• Help to remove negative views
• Turning to a positive outlook
• Gain inner peace
• Helping personal growth and self-awareness
• Improvement of depression
• Regulation of blood pressure and a guarantee for heart health

Health benefits of yoga

Doing the exercises of this sport is easy in teaching yoga pdf and simple as long as we spend a lot of time and energy on it and have sufficient mastery of the exercises of this sport and it has a very positive effect on your physical and mental health but by choosing a mistake, it may be a side effect. Positive and negative tendencies will change and eventually this exercise will have negative effects on your physical and mental health. In the following we mentioned the most important disadvantages of yoga at home :
• Stretching muscles from the disadvantages of This exercise
• Back pain and lumbar disc formation
• Dizziness is one of the side effects of this exercise
• Ligament rupture
• Neck stiffness and pain
• Pain in the wrist
In fact if any exercise of this sport is not done correctly, it will have negative effects on the human body. By studying what is teaching yoga pdf you can easily do the exercises in the correct and principled way and not worry about the harm of this sport just with what is teaching yoga pdf.

teaching yoga at home

What are the benefits of yoga at home and yoga and weight loss?

This exciting sport has many benefits as an exercise that affects us physically and mentally. Today even famous people or doctors recommend this popular sport to people from the benefits of yoga and teaching yoga exercises :
• Improving blood circulation : One of the benefits of yogais that with this exercise, the circulation of oxygen in the body is improved and nutrients reach the body faster and with the flow of blood in the body, we will have glowing skin and a healthy body.
• Lowering blood pressure : If a person does this exercise daily or at certain hours, it will increase the blood circulation in the body and by absorbing more oxygen in the body, high blood pressure will be reduced.
• Helping to breathe correctly and healthy : in this exercise your breathing will be regular while concentrating because it fills the entire volume of your lungs and makes them work better.
• Increasing the bodys immune system: this exercise is aligned with health and on the other hand, when this exercise causes the body to breathe and breathe regularly our body will be automatically protected.

Does yoga cause weight loss?

Many people think that this exercise is only for relaxation and increasing concentration but it must be said that you are very wrong. In addition to improving your physical and mental health, this exercise means yoga and weight loss will also help you lose weight. In fact if teaching yoga exercises is done continuously, it causes weight loss but not as much as when we walk or go on a treadmill.
Basically yoga and weight loss and teaching yoga exercises happens to a person when her daily calorie intake is less than the calories she consumes, thats why many movements and exercises of this sport burn fewer calories compared to running. A person can easily lose weight by avoiding heavy and fast food and finally eating nutritious foods.


At the end of this sports blog and know about teaching yoga at home and yoga and weight loss, it should be mentioned that while doing the exercises of this sport try to perform the movements accurately and completely without mistakes, because if a small mistake occurs, it will give you the opposite result and instead of enjoying the benefits of yoga. We suggest you not to neglect this sport and do the movements of this sport anywhere even teaching yoga at home.
To start this sport in the initial stages get help from experts and professional trainers in this field. Even before starting the training of this sport or teaching yoga at home share your medical conditions with the trainer or specialist of this sport so that the training will be allocated to you according to your conditions. In this way you will perform the movements correctly and over time you will see changes in yourself as you become a new person with teaching yoga at home.