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According to his taste and interests, everyone goes to a sports field to lose weight and have fun. In other words, many people like to go to sports with their friends instead of going to the gym to experience fun and happiness together. Therefore, what is better than swimming? You must have heard that swimming is one of the best and most exciting recreational sports. But you should know that swimming is not like other sports and you should not do it arbitrarily because if you do this, you may face irreparable problems. Therefore, we strongly advise you not to rely only on the materials available on the Internet to learn this sport, and go to learn more specialized techniques from the trainers of this field. For this reason, we want to introduce you to the types of movements like frog swimming training of this fun sport so that you have useful information about swimming and Beginner swimming training or children’s swimming training. Just stay with us in butterfly swimming training and we will take you from zero kilometers with swimming lessons.

The history of swimming in Iran

When you want to go for a sport, you should look at its history and past. In the old days, this sport was performed in covered places, which were known as Chal Hoz and were not called pools. The size of these pits, which were located in the bathrooms, was not more than ten meters, and most people went into it to play. Around these pits there are platforms whose height is 2-3 meters and people jump into the water from the top.

There were no rules for hygiene in these pits, and everyone used to go inside them before going to the bathroom and stay inside for long hours. It is also better to know that there was no swimming pool in Iran until 1314, and over time, a swimming pool was built in the Aqdasiyeh military camp for Swimming Training. Originally, the first swimming pool that was built to teach the skills of this sport was in Manzareh, Tehran, which was supervised by a coach.

Is it difficult to learn how to swim for beginners?

Swimming is a series of skills to stay afloat or move on water, for which we intend to teach you how to swim for Beginner swimming training When you want to learn Beginner swimming training, you should know that no one should be by your side, and if there is, they should not interfere in your learning process. We can also say that by learning and Beginner swimming training, in addition to strengthening the body and having fun, you can save your life and those around you.

Even today, we see animals that know how to swim instinctively, so why don’t we start teaching swimming to beginners? For Beginner swimming training lessons, you should first go to shallow pools so that your chosen instructor can teach you the basic skills of staying afloat and foot movements. After learning these movements, it is time to learn hand movements. You should also know that since you are a beginner, you should practice how to coordinate hand movements and breathing underwater.

professional swimming training with diving

If you want to take professional swimming training lessons in any pool, they will tell you to go diving. Basically, one of the best and most beautiful skills of this sport is diving in the water, which must be done either from the platform or from the spring board. Therefore, in professional swimming training, you should know that we have two types of platform, 10-meter platform and 5-meter platform. We also have 3 meter board and 1 meter board. If you are curious to know the types of diving in addition to professional swimming training, we must say that you have come to the right place because we have presented the types of diving for you.

Basically, there are different types of diving. When you leave the platform or springboard, you can make beautiful twists to your body to make your movement look more beautiful. But in general, the types of dives are: angel, broken, open gather, one wheel from the front with a back, one and a half back, a moonshine, balance dive, balance dive, screw dives.

frog swimming training

Are you looking for children’s swimming training lessons or frog swimming training? Do you want to give your children’s swimming training lessons? Just go for the frog swimming training, because this type of swimming like frog swimming training is the least stressful for your children, and you can children’s swimming training in the swimming pools. To perform this movement means frog swimming training, you must first control the movement of your hands and feet. Because many people or children put their hands far away from their body, which is wrong in children’s swimming training and adults to swim.

To perform this movement means frog swimming training, your body must go up and down in a spiral-like path. so that your head and torso rise and the lower half of the body follows. We have to say one thing to adults who are looking to learn this swimming move. People who have problems with their knees or back should slow down so as not to damage their joints. Therefore in frog swimming training, this movement can be considered one of the best swimming movements because it is suitable for both children and adults.

Butterfly Swimming Training

butterfly swimming training or Swimming Training, along with the most beautiful movement, is one of the most difficult movements in this sport. In most competitions, people wait for the participants to go butterfly swimming training. To teach butterfly swimming training, you must learn Beginner swimming training movements, because butterfly swimming training is one of the most difficult and specialized movements that beginners cannot do well.

To teach butterfly swimming training and Beginner swimming training or children’s swimming training, you should know that the movement of the legs should be like the movement of a dolphin in the water, and it starts from the waist. In this swimming movement, the hands are also thrown forward from the sides at the same time, while the head comes out of the water and breathing is done at the same time.

crawl swimming training

Would you like to see crawl swimming training? Do you like to make such beautiful moves when you go to the pool that everyone disappears watching you? If you have this opinion crawl swimming training, we must say that you should not worry because we have given you crawl swimming training in general to see your significant progress in this sport. crawl swimming training and its features are as follows:

  • When your hand is out of the water it should follow a pattern like an inverted S.
  • Your hand stroke should accelerate as it passes through and end with a solid blow.
  • Since each person’s legs do not produce much thrust compared to their arms, in crawl swimming training, the whipping motion of the legs is directly behind the body.
  • Rotate your pelvis and trunk while performing this movement so as to break the water.
  • Do not take your head out of the water too much while performing this movement.

Backstroke swimming training

Another movement of this popular sport around the world, which is very popular, is backstroke swimming. Are you curious to know how to swim backstroke? Do you think backstroke swimming is like normal backstroke? Backstroke training is more like breaststroke than regular backstroke. The only difference in this type of movement is that the person’s face is up instead of down. You don’t need to worry about learning this movement like other movements because we have briefly explained how to perform this movement and its features below:

  • Breathing is easier in backstroke because your mouth and nose are separate from the water.
  • In backstroke swimming, unfortunately, you cannot see where you are going.
  • Backstroke swimming, like belly crawl, should be done by rotating the trunk and hip joints.
  • When doing backstroke, when moving your hands back and in the water, your arms should be bent at the elbow.

What are the benefits of swimming for the body?

  • Using the whole body

This fun and exciting sport uses all your muscles, and among them we can mention hand muscles.

  • Increase in cardiovascular strength

Swimming is one of the sports that uses the cardiovascular system of a person, which results in lowering blood pressure and controlling blood sugar.

  • Suitable for injured people

For those who have joint pain such as arthritis, swimming is a good option because water does not put pressure on muscles and joints.

  • Burn calories

Swimming is one of the best sports for burning calories, and the amount of calories burned by swimming depends on the intensity of the exercise and the person’s body.

  • Invigorating and refreshing

People who don’t feel like exercising can choose swimming because this sport is refreshing and does not tire a person.

  • Increase sleep quality

Exercise is suitable for people who are looking for better sleep and have insomnia because water relaxes their body.

  • Improve morale

Any sport releases endorphins, that’s why you can improve your mood and self-confidence by swimming.

  • Helping people with asthma

Swimming increases the ability of the lungs and controls breathing, therefore the humid air of the pool reduces the symptoms of asthma.

  • Improving conditions of MS patients by swimming

People who have MS can find better conditions by swimming because swimming reduces pain in these patients. Benefits of swimming

Swimming injuries and injuries

One of the problems that has become a lot in this sport today is its injuries, all of which are either due to the unsanitary environment of the swimming pool or due to the lack of sufficient knowledge about the skills. The main damages that happen due to hygiene can be ear infections, sinuses and respiratory system. Many of us are worried about fungi in swimming pools, but we have to tell them not to worry because they don’t stay in your body after showering while wearing a bathing suit.

Warts on the soles of the feet also occur when you don’t wear flip-flops while walking in the pool or showering. By examining these damages for Swimming Training, you realized that they all happen in case of lack of hygiene, so in this respect of personal hygiene, go to swimming pools that you know about public health. The most common injuries that occur if the mentioned movements in Swimming Training are not performed correctly, such as crawl swimming training are:

  • Dislocation or fracture of the wrist
  • Shoulder injuries and blows
  • Sprained ankle
  • Knee injury
  • Pain in the front of the leg
  • Inflammation and swelling of tendons
  • Muscle strain or so-called muscle sprain

In the final summary of this article Swimming Training and children’s swimming training, we tried as much as possible to familiarize you with the movements of this fun and exciting sport so that you have comprehensive information about it in your head. We also want to give you two important recommendations. Our first recommendation is to never leave exercise out of your daily schedule, even if you are busy, because by exercising crawl swimming training, you will enjoy both physical health and mental health.

Our second recommendation is that to become a professional swimming training in this sport, you must go to clubs that have respected public health and have professional swimming training standing over you so that you do not suffer from the aforementioned diseases and injuries. In the last word of this article Swimming Training, we hope that the above content like Swimming Training and Beginner swimming training or butterfly swimming training was useful for you and that you will have a good time for yourself and your children by using them.

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