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Nowadays, many people are working hard and neglect their body health. In response to these people, it should be said that if you want to not suffer from various diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, and joint pains such as knee pain and back disc in your middle age, you should start exercising now. but how? Weight loss exercise at home is one of the options. With weight loss exercise at home, you exercise, help your physical health and lose weight, what’s better than this? Also, by doing slimming exercises at home, you do not need any equipment and you will not pay for it. Next, if you really want to lose weight, you should stay with us to discuss tips and how to do weight loss exercises at home and Slimming exercise at home and types of weight loss exercise at home.

What is Slimming exercise at home?

Every person should pay attention to a few points at the beginning of weight loss at home and in the gym. At first glance, the mentioned points may be important to you, but if you do not follow any of them, you will not reach an acceptable result.

For example, if you don’t eat breakfast, you will decrease your blood sugar and your body’s energy. Or if you don’t warm up before starting exercise, you will suffer from cramps in your joints and muscles. Therefore, you should try to do and observe each one. The main points of weight loss exercise at home are:

  • Keep your exercise routine regular.
  • To lose weight, you should at least increase the exercise time to 60 minutes.
  • Never skip breakfast.
  • Eat foods that are low in calories and fat.
  • Maintain a food pattern that is compatible with your body.
  • Avoid eating out.
  • Always have enough rest and sleep.

When do you think the weight loss will start?

The time to start losing weight varies from person to person. Because the physical condition of each person is different from another person. If a person does his eating habits and lifestyle along with slimming exercise at home, he will see good results in the first weeks. On the other hand, the scale is not always the best guide for people who are looking for weight loss.

Therefore, to strengthen your motivation, you should write down the size of your arms, thighs, sides, stomach, and breasts. It should also be said that if you have a stressful schedule, weight loss will not happen and changes in the size of your clothes will not be achieved. Because in addition to doing slimming exercises at home, you must also have a basic plan and follow it properly.

Breaking the training program or following it?

Two important principles of proper exercise are doing aerobic and strength exercises at the same time. Because the movements of aerobic sports increase your heart rate. You should also try aerobic activities such as running, dancing, jumping rope, butterfly or brisk walking. On the other hand, in addition to aerobic exercises, the body also needs strength exercises, and the reason for that is to build muscles.

By performing strength exercises, the body builds more muscles, as a result of which the body’s metabolism increases. There is also a very simple rule in home weight loss and this rule is that if you want to change the size of your clothes, you must do aerobic exercise. If you want to change your body shape, you should do strength training.

How is nutrition before exercise?

One of the important principles in addition to exercising and Slimming exercise at home is following a healthy and principled diet. Many people think that if they eat before doing sports, they will gain weight and feel bloated. On the other hand, many people think that if they exercise on an empty stomach, they will burn more fat, but people in the second category are generally wrong. Because exercising on an empty stomach causes a decrease in blood sugar and body energy.

Therefore, you need some food that provides the energy needed for exercise and fat burning. The use of light foods is because they are digested after 2 hours, but the digestion of heavy foods takes 3-4 hours. Therefore, it is better to eat a light meal one to two hours before starting exercise. You should also know that as you get closer to the time of your exercises, you should avoid eating.

Getting to know types of exercise at home for weight loss

Many young people have questions about getting rid of excess body fat, such as what exercises to do at home to lose weight. In response to the question of what exercises to do at home to lose weight, it should be said that you should do the exercises at home for weight loss, which we will discuss below, correctly and regularly, daily. Exercises at home for weight loss include:

  • Swimming – 3 sets of 15: This exercise is a great movement to work all the muscles of the body, especially the chest.
  • Bridge – 3 sets of 15: This exercise is used to activate the muscles of the back and central muscles.
  • Plank crawl – 3 sets of 20: This exercise is an excellent movement for melting the abdominal muscles and increasing the resistance of the back.
  • Squats – 3 sets of 20: One of the best exercises to strengthen thigh and hip muscles is the squat movement.
  • Long walking – 2 sets of 15: This type of movement starts working on the large muscles of the legs and trunk.
  • Rope – 4 sets of 20: jumping rope is one of the easiest aerobic exercises that increases metabolism in the body.

How many times should you do weight loss exercises at home?

After examining the question of what exercises to do at home to lose weight, it is time to examine the question of when to do weight loss exercises at home. The best time to do slimming exercises at home, which was mentioned in the above content, is certain times that should be determined by the person himself. You should spend at least 15 minutes on each exercise and rest for 30 seconds between each exercise.

After getting used to the time of doing slimming exercises at home, you should make them harder and more intense. For example, when you want to increase the intensity of your exercises, you can use some dumbbells during the exercises. Of course, it should be noted that until your body is used to light exercises with less time, you should not go for heavy exercises with more time.

Maintaining the motivation to exercise at home for weight loss

The most difficult and essential thing in home weight loss exercise to get rid of excess fat is to be consistent. Because by adapting, you can maintain your motivation and perseverance to reach the ideal weight. For example, the best way to exercise at home is to find a partner and add music to your exercise.

When a person starts exercising at home with another person to lose weight, their motivation will double. Another thing that helps to maintain motivation in exercise and avoid getting frustrated is to change the order of exercise. That is, when exercising at home for weight loss, a person can change the order of his training program from 3 days of aerobics and 4 days of strength to 5 days of aerobics and 2 days of strength.

Is weight loss exercise beneficial for the lumbar disc?

Nowadays, many people have suffered from back disc disease due to not exercising in their youth and doing heavy work. These people should also be told that it is never too late to exercise and you can exercise at any time and even with various diseases. But before starting weight loss exercise for lumbar disc, those with lumbar and cervical discs should consult with a physiotherapist about the suitability and safety of the exercises.

Slimming exercise is the best option for lumbar disc along with many treatment methods such as painkillers. On the other hand, by performing the correct movements, the person’s back pain or neck pain will gradually improve. Because exercising causes the release of hormones in a person that are relaxing and act like pain relievers.

Types of exercises for the lumbar disc

In addition to weight loss exercises at home, as mentioned, there are exercises for people with lumbar discs. Because exercising is not prohibited, only for each person according to his physical condition, the movements are different. In the following, we have mentioned some sports exercises for people with lumbar disc disease. These movements are:

  • Exercise for lumbar disc – first exercise: In this exercise, you should lie with your palms on the floor, because by being in this position, the person’s lower back will become more hollow. When the back arch increases in this exercise, the central part of the disc moves to its original position.
  • Exercise for the lumbar disc – the second exercise: in this exercise, the person should lie on his stomach, then lean on his elbows and be in a semi-rising position, and maintain his position for two seconds and then return to the initial position.
  • Lumbar disc exercise – third exercise: To perform this exercise, a person should stand straight and place his hands behind the joint so that the tips of the fingers are facing down. Then you have to press the hands on the hips so that the back is arched.

At the end

In the final summary, it should be said that in this article, you generally got to know the types of slimming exercises at home. You also realized that it’s never too late to exercise and you can start exercising at any age and with any type of illness, provided you consult your doctor. Also, in this article, in general, you got to know when to do weight loss exercises at home and how to do the most important types of weight loss exercise at home. In the end, we hope that the above material like Slimming exercise at home، weight loss exercise for lumbar disc has been useful for you and that you have made the most of it.

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