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Skydiving is one of the most exciting and attractive air sports, which is a fun and uplifting game in addition to being a sport. Maybe a little earlier this sport was not so popular among the general public, but today there are few people in the whole world who have not heard the name of skydiving and have not sought skydiving. This sport is one of those sports that beginners can engage in with skydiving training. On the other hand, this sport itself has different branches, which you will understand by studying them and watching the parachute skydiving training video. If you haven’t tried this sport until now and have been worried about skydiving training, we want to get you started so that after some time you can look for a skydiving certificate. So in the continuation of this article from FitPlay like automatic skydiving training or complete skydiving training, stay with us for a few minutes to learn automatic skydiving and free fall skydiving training along with the necessary tips and complete skydiving training.

Familiarity with skydiving competitions

Before going to skydiving training, we want to introduce you to the competitions of this sport, which are organized by the air organization and are classified into two types, classic and modern. Skydiving competitions are:

  • Classic – Goal: The goal of jumping in this competition is to land in a circle with a radius of 15 cm, and points are given to the person based on this principle. If a person lands outside the circle, a negative score will be considered for him, and each degree will be calculated as 16 cm for him. This race is held from a height of 900 to 1200 meters, which is also possible in groups of five people.
  • Classic – Steel: The jump in this skydiving competition is performed from a height of 2,200 meters. The purpose of this competition is to make free movements without any mistakes, which must be done in the shortest possible time so that the winner of the competition can be seen after his efforts.
  • Modern-FS: This competition is played in teams of four and eight people, with 72 different moves on Friday. These movements are determined by lot in this competition so that each group performs five or six movements at an altitude of 3000 meters. Of course, be careful that in the jumps of FS competitions, in addition to the high activity, coordination within the group is essential.
  • Modern-CF: This kind of parachute game competitions are also held in four-person teams, where a series of different movements must be determined by lot so that each person can perform five to six movements at a height of 2000 meters without any mistakes and at a high speed. to give In the competitions of this jump, the main point is a lot of effort and coordination within the group, and special attention should be paid to it. In addition, in the team of 8 people, rotation will be done from a height of 2500 meters, and performing the most rotation in the specified time is considered the main point.
  • Modern – FSS: The competitions of this parachute game in free fall skydiving training jumps and aviation, due to the three-year experience, are highly regarded for the beauty of the work. By integrating free and compulsory movements, a person must jump from a height of 4000 meters for 45 seconds, and this jump must be flawless, correct and complete skydiving training, because it is very difficult for the judges to score points in this skydiving competition.

Meteorological information in the umbrella game

One thing that should always be in the corner of your mind in this field of sports and games is having information about the weather. In general, meteorology is very important for air sports such as parachuting. The shape of wind and clouds are the most important and main signs needed to fly in the sky with an umbrella, and another important factor is heat and weather changes, which we have given a brief explanation about in the following:

  • Weather changes: These changes are vertical, that is, this type of changes comes from the back to the height at a speed of 5 km per hour in certain geographical areas and acts as a shock in the entrance and exit areas.
  • Temperature changes: It occurs when the mass of hot air rises. As this air becomes colder, it becomes foggy air, which causes thermal changes and hinders flight, and these types of changes generally occur in mountainous rocky areas and asphalt areas.

Automatic skydiving training

One of the types of skydiving in the world is automatic skydiving, which we want to teach about automatic skydiving in this section. Automatic parachute game is a type of parachute game in which your parachute opens automatically after jumping from the flying device. In this type of parachuting, you have no involvement in opening your parachute, which is why this type of parachuting is mostly used for military work. In automatic skydiving training, the parachute is opened to a device called a link, which is connected to the body of the helicopter or plane.

When you jump from the plane after learning the automatic skydiving training, this strap will automatically open your parachute, and if the parachute deviates and does not open, the auxiliary parachute in front of you is of a non-automatic type and is manually operated. The clamp installed on it can open the auxiliary umbrella at will. In automatic skydiving training, it is not bad to know that Phoenix parachutes are one of the best automatic parachutes.

Free fall skydiving training

Free fall skydiving is another type of skydiving that we want to introduce you to in free fall skydiving training. Free fall parachute game is a type of parachute game where the parachuter opens his own parachute. Of course, this method of skydiving is more interesting for parachutists due to more control over the parachute, high speed, the possibility of jumping in high wind speed, and the possibility of falling more, and many people are looking for free fall skydiving training in skydiving training centers.

In the training of free fall skydiving, it should be said that this type of skydiving is professional and complete skydiving training the opposite of automatic, that is, the parachutist jumps from a certain height with a non-automatic parachute and free falls at a speed of about 230 km or more and at a safe height. He opens the umbrella by means of a handle or a pilot shot. In the free fall skydiving training, it is also important to know that this type of skydiving is used in both military and recreational applications, and it has a special place in between.

Teaching different types of umbrellas in skydiving training centers

According to the weight of the pilot and the type of flight, the parachutes of this sport have different types that we want to introduce you to so that you can go to skydiving training centers with useful information. Of course, before going to the skydiving training centers, it is not bad to know that all the parachutes of this sport are of 5 different types according to the experience, type of operation and training carried out. Do not go to skydiving training centers. The types of umbrellas in this sport and recreation are:

  • Wing structure: The parachute has four parts: the canopy, the brake rope and the hanging rope, the carrier parts and the harness part.
  • Canopy: adjusts the air pressure inside the umbrella and makes the person stay at high altitudes, and is made of fabric impermeable to air.
  • Hanging and brake ropes: made of very strong and light material and is connected to the canopy scatteredly to support the pilot.
  • Holding clips: The holding clips connect the ropes of the dome to the umbrella and when the umbrella flies, they are mobile in place, and in addition to providing comfort in flight, they are pressure maintainers.
  • Harness section: It forms the seat of the pilot. In fact, it is the hanging parts that the pilot’s hands and feet pass through, and its material can be different according to the type of application.

Automatic parachute training video?

Many people are looking for automatic parachute skydiving training video, but do you really prefer automatic skydiving training video . to scientific materials and writings? It is true that the automatic skydiving training video has the necessary information about this type of parachute game, but we want to say more important points in the content that we express, which may not be in the automatic parachute training video, because most of the skydiving training video Automatic games do not pay attention to small details.

In general, in automatic parachute games, due to the fact that the opening of the parachute is done automatically, safe landing is one of the most important issues that should be paid special attention to. When you go to skydiving training centers, your physical fitness will be tested first. Then, in the skydiving training centers, after checking your readiness, you will be given the necessary training so that the least amount of impact is inflicted on your body during landing. For this reason, in the following, we have put forward some points that by following them, you can land with little damage to your body, which are:

  • Pairing the legs and sticking the knees together.
  • Bending the knees.
  • Lowering the head so that the person’s chin touches his chest.

Placing the hands next to the ears in a half-fist position.

  • Flatness of the back.

Conditions for registration and getting a skydiving certificate

Knowing the necessary information for skydiving, have you decided to go for skydiving certification along with skydiving training? If you are thinking of getting a skydiving certificate along with skydiving training, first accept our congratulations because you have made the right choice. In order to get a skydiving certificate, first of all, your physical and mental health must be determined.

  • Age should be from 18 to 55 years
  • Weight should be between 45 and 115 kg
  • having normal health without shortness of breath, epilepsy and acute cardiac cases and not having movement restrictions in the hands, shoulders and shoulders

After having the above features, you can get your skydiving certificate from our country’s aviation organization. The skydiving certificate in this organization is complete skydiving training according to the standard because they try to preserve your health, dear sports enthusiasts, with their principles and strictness.

Complete skydiving training with knowledge of terminology

By knowing the terms of skydiving, you have seen the complete skydiving training, because it is only by knowing the terms of a sport that you can know all its words and movements. For this reason, we have discussed the complete skydiving training in terms of its terms so that you can see the complete skydiving training without going to skydiving training centers. The most common and important terms of this wonderful sport and entertainment are:

  • Airborne
  • Airborne force
  • Air landing
  • Air disembarkation
  • Air movement
  • Airborne attack
  • Joint Airborne Operations
  • Overhead bridge
  • Landing area
  • Launch area
  • Combat control team
  • Leading team
  • Coach Barriz
  • Jump leaf
  • Fruitful
  • Cargo
  • loading time
  • Preparation time
  • flight crew

the final conclusion

In the final summary of this article like Skydiving certificate or automatic skydiving training, we tried to give useful information about this fun game and sport that makes you fresh and alive, so that you know what skydiving is and the complete training of skydiving is not as difficult as you think. In the last words of this article like automatic skydiving training or free fall skydiving training and skydiving training video, we hope that the above content was useful for you and by using it, you will have a good time not only for yourself but also for your friends.

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