Since many years many people have been trying to invent a means of recreation and entertainment for people which will bring pleasure and relieve peoples fatigue. With the passage of time the Skating or aerobics appeared all over the world and at the very beginning many people were attracted to it. Easy walking moving or sliding on the surface of the ground is one of the emotions that everyone has wanted for a long time and this desire has been provided with the sport of skating. The word skating literally means sliding on a dry surface. In this sport by wearing special shoes you can easily play on the ground and slip. In the continuation of the sports blog article from Fit Play about Skating or aerobics and learning professional skating stay with us to see zero to one hundred Skating or aerobics or Learning skating moves and benefit from it and learning skating step by step and what are the disadvantages of aerobics.
A look at the history of skating
A person named Merlin Joseph invented the sport of skating in Belgium in 1376. This person went to a party in the city of London with new shoes that he had made that were slipping on the floor. In this party because it was the first time he used his shoes in a long time, he hit a big and expensive one and as a result, he had to pay heavy damages. 56 years after the invention of the first type of skate shoes a person named Monsieur Pettibeldi invented another type of skate shoe in his city France.
In the late 19th century and early 20th century this exciting sport became very popular among the public. With the passage of time in 1991 when this sport became popular and used in the market, other sports like hockey came into use and flourished. In the following years when the International Skating Federation got a statistic, it found out that this sport has become one of the top twenty sports in the world over the years.
All kinds of styles and disciplines of skating
This exciting sport to choose Skating or aerobics which is very popular all over the world today and is used by people of all ages, has different disciplines and by learning skateboarding each of them, you can enjoy this sport in many competitions every year. participate In the following we have named some of these sports fields for you to better choose Skating or aerobics :
- ice skating
- Figure skating
- Speed skating
- ice Hockey
- Roller skates
- Skateboarding
Exciting sports Skate training
In the aforementioned sections the types of disciplines of this exciting and exciting sport were explained to you but in the Skate training of Learning skating moves, we will discuss the most important disciplines of this sport more and more fully.
- Ice skating: Ice Skate training is moving and sliding on ice which is done using special skate shoes. Ice skating shoes have blades that allow you to play on the ice easily without slipping
- Types of ice skating: figure skating, ice hockey, ice speed skating, long track speed skating, short track speed skating, Nordic skating, bandy and ringette.
- Figure Skating: Figure skating or skating, which has many fans and is held every year in the Olympics in which people can perform very attractive and challenging Learning skating moves by spinning or jumping on the ice, both individually and in pairs and in groups.
- Speed skating: This type of skating is a competitive sport in which people compete with each other along a specified route using special skating shoes and the winner is announced based on the distance traveled.
- Ice hockey: Ice hockey is one of the skating sports that has many fans in America and this sport is also called hockey. In this sport a team starts playing on the ice.
Teaching skating movements in learning skating moves
To do any work principles must be observed and sports are no exception to this rule and in skating, just like in other sports we must follow the principles and learning skating moves that we discuss in the section of teaching skating movements in Persian. The principles of every sport starts with safety and the equipment needed for skating is a hat, forearm braces, elbow braces, knee braces, gloves and special skating shoes to Learning skating moves.
learning professional skating
In learning professional skating to choose Skating or aerobics first slowly start sliding on the ground at a low speed and gradually increase your speed, because if you start skating at a high speed at first you will increase your heart rate, which is a cause for concern. Throughout learning professional skating your Learning skating moves keep your arms bent at the elbows and forearms and keep your wrists facing the ground.
In learning professional skating, at the beginning of the movement from the part you want to start move your legs and body at the same time and keep your arms still as much as you can and do not move. To move sit in a squat position and put all your weight on the rear wheel of the shoe and move the heel of one of your legs straight.
learning skating step by step for beginners
In the learning skating step by step section for those who are beginners and have no knowledge of this sport, it should be said that you should stand on a flat surface and keep your legs in the figure of seven and raise your legs like the same figure of seven and finally Go down steadily on the same number seven. By doing this in a rhythm and full concentration you can easily learn to skate.
In learning skating step by step when you have practiced the figure of seven and gained complete mastery, stand on the starting line and open your legs like the figure of seven and jump. By repeating this Learning skating moves we move forward one step in each series. Basically we do not slip when moving forward, and we step as if walking, and our back should lean forward a little.
learning skating for children
Before learning skating for children to choose Skating or aerobics a main and important question arises, and the question is, what age is suitable learning skating for children? When we are sure that our child is trainable we can start teaching learning skating for children. In fact our child should be old enough to understand when we teach him the exercises and tips. On the other hand we should make sure that the childs skeleton and ossification are formed so that no physical damage is caused to him.
learning skateboarding from basic to advanced
If you are one of the people who love to exercise in open spaces and streets we suggest learning skateboarding. If you are among the people who have been looking for this sport for a long time and have always faced various questions in your mind, we will answer them all in this section with learning skateboarding. Skateboard boards have a lot of variety both in terms of price and shape and appearance in the market and for skateboards we offer you the classic board.
This board is very suitable for skating due to its curve. The next thing in learning skateboarding is choosing the right shoes. For this purpose you should choose a shoes that does not have a heel and has a flat sole. After doing these steps to stand on the skateboard you need to practice so much that you dont lose your balance by moving your legs back and forth. When you feel that you have gained your balance on the skateboard you can move slowly on the skateboard.
What are the benefits of skating?
When talking about the benefits and advantages of skating, it should be noted that this sport like aerobics, is an aerobic sport that burns calories in our body and reduces weight. In the following we have described some of the most important benefits of skating for the body to choose better Skating or aerobics:
- Strengthening the ligaments of the upper muscles such as legs, hips, thighs and hips
- More oxygen supply to the body
- Release of calcium in nerve cells
- Keeping the body skeleton straight
- Regulation of blood pressure
- Increasing ones concentration
- Reduces stress in the body
- Strengthening the nervous system
- Revitalizing the muscles of learning and learning to skate
Everything you need to know about the rules of skating
Anyone who works in any sport knows that following the rules and regulations of sports is more important than exercising itself. One of the sports in which it is very important to follow the rules is skating because if you dont follow the rules you will face physical injuries. The most important and first rule in skating is safety and you must prepare your helmet, knee braces and elbow braces before starting the game.
If you skate on the streets you must follow traffic rules for example, you must overtake vehicles on the left side. You should not skate in bad and slippery weather such as rain. There are other rules about skating, the most important of which we discussed in this article but by going to the internet and reading a little you can learn other rules and dont worry.
A brief look at the history of aerobics
Before dealing with the main topic Skating or aerobics we take a brief look at the history of this exciting sport. The activity of teenagers in this sport started in the beginning of 70s in many city. At first aerobics training was done in clubs with videos and with the passage of time, coaches started to be more active in this sport and aerobics training was given to teenagers by coaches.
With the passage of time and What is aerobics, in some universities of the country, classes were held in educational workshops for young boys and girls under the supervision of the Federation of General Sports, in which coaching degrees were given to those who participated in physical fitness and rhythmic and aerobic tendencies. In this way coaches with valid degrees started working in sports clubs and over time, many young people were attracted to this exciting sport.
Do you know What is aerobics?
Do you know what the nature of aerobics is and what movements the coaches teach young people? In response to the question of what is aerobics to choose Skating or aerobics it should be said that aerobics is an aerobic activity in which the intensity of the exercise is high and the duration of the exercise is low so that the person doing it does not feel tired. This exercise is performed in a rhythmic mode for 10 to 12 minutes at the beginning. You can do this exercise even at home and for those who are working, this is a positive point.
In response to the question of what is aerobics to choose Skating or aerobics it can be said that this sport basically involves the large muscles of the body, which is also useful for burning fat. Today this sport has many fans all over the world due to its lightness and comfort. Aerobics means performing movements and exercises that directly help the oxygen consumption system to produce more energy. Other aerobic exercises and sports such as aerobics include swimming, running and cycling.
Different types of aerobic exercise and
After examining the nature of aerobics to choose Skating or aerobics its time to look at the types of this popular and attractive sport. what is aerobic exercise generally divided into two types and everyone can choose one according to their interest and physical condition.
- The first type is sports with intensity and mild effect such as walking, swimming, step classes and skiing, which everyone can start working in one of these branches according to their physical health status and interest.
- The second type are sports with high impact intensity such as running, tennis, sports with rhythmic movements and squash. The point of this type of exercise is that it should be done every other day, and people who are overweight or elderly should do it less often and consult a doctor before doing the what is aerobic exercise.
What is advanced aerobics?
At the beginning of the conversation we discussed the topic of aerobics completely to choose better Skating or aerobics but some people ask what is advanced aerobics? In response to what is advanced aerobics to choose Skating or aerobics it should first be pointed out to these people that this type of aerobics is the same as regular aerobics, with the difference that to perform a type of it, such as swimming instead of swimming in a home pool you must go to a public pool and be monitored.
Or in another answer what is advanced aerobics? These people should be told that aerobics is a physical activity that every person goes to to improve their heart function and body health but some people for various reasons such as being students or working. To follow what is advanced aerobics these people should go to sports clubs and work with the machine in addition to what is aerobic exercise.
Age factors for aerobics
In the section of age factors for aerobics it should be said that any age is suitable for aerobics and bodybuilding, provided that the person does all the movements correctly. In fact this sport is useful for all people, even children who have physical disabilities, and the reason for the usefulness of this sport is the existence of rhythmic movements that help these children learn to move.
As it was said at the beginning any age can engage in bodybuilding and aerobics and choose Skating or aerobics but the best age to do bodybuilding exercises is 15 years old and later because teenagers should not perform vigorous and heavy exercises before their puberty. And the best exercise for them before this age is aerobics. Also the age factor for women over 40 is to exercise with special weights but due to their age, these people should first consult a doctor before doing the exercises and know what is aerobic exercise.
What is aerobic dance?
After the necessary investigations and the answer to the question of what is aerobics to choose Skating or aerobics there are still people who ask in their minds what is aerobic dance? If you want to know What is aerobics you should stay with us to know what is aerobic dance. This exciting sport also incorporates dance moves so that people who are thinking of burning calories can get good results.
Learning and mastering aerobic dance movements is one of the ways to achieve success in aerobic dance. First of all to perform aerobic dance you must have the necessary knowledge of your physical health. In the rest of the article Skating or aerobics we have given you a brief explanation of aerobic dance movements so that you can get to know this exciting sport in advance to know what is aerobic dance.
- Walking in place
- One sided compression of the knee
- Bending and pumping with hands
- Rise on the toes
- Hip rotation
- Kickback
- Standing bicycle movement
- Kicking from behind
- Body rotation
- Upper body rotation
- Pulling hands above the head
- Raising the leg
What are the benefits of aerobics?
If you are one of those people who wants to know the What are the benefits of aerobics in addition to knowing What is aerobics just stay with us. In response to the What are the benefits of aerobics, it should be said that aerobics reduces blood fat and even prevents colds and if a person does this exercise continuously and daily, it releases a substance called endorphins in his body.
Endorphin is a natural pain reliever that gives a person a feeling of relaxation. In addition many people who suffer from depression have said that by doing sports such as aerobics, they felt a sense of freshness and life in themselves. This exciting sport has many benefits, the most important of which we have discussed below. The benefits of aerobics include the following to know What are the benefits of aerobics:
- Improve performance in the immune system
- Strengthening bones
- Increasing energy and feeling of freshness in the body
- Improved blood flow and better oxygenation
- Helping to reduce cardiovascular diseases
- Help to reduce the incidence of diabetes
- Improvement in sleep quality
- The effect of aerobic exercise has been effective in relieving depression and increasing vitality
- Increasing the health of mind, soul and body
- Reducing the risk of some cancers (such as breast and colon cancer)
Conclusion Skating or aerobics
In the final summary of this article about Skating or aerobics and Learning skating moves we tried to give you useful information about the sport of skating and learning skating moves. In the last words of this artice from Fit Play about learning professional skating and Skating or aerobics we hope that the above content like learning skating step by step and learning skating for children was useful for you and that you have a good time exercising and learning skateboarding or what is advanced aerobics and what are the disadvantages of aerobics.