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There are different types of sports and everyone chooses a sport according to their interests and starts working. Even many times many people devote not only their time but also their money to watch a sports team. Also sports today is like a tool in which many people become a team like friends and cooperate with each other. Sports is a combination of normal activities, individual skills or even fun. tow sports that we want to discuss in this sports blog article from Fit Play is shooting or Paintball and The benefits of shooting sports or paintball techniques and know about what is shooting and paintball. This exciting sport has existed since ancient times and today it has even become a global sport that has its own fans all over the world and the history of shooting in the world.

A look at the History of shooting sports

Studying the history of shooting sports is as interesting as shooting for many people. If we want to know what is the oldest sport the name of shooting is formed in our minds. The history of shooting sports goes back to very distant years. The witnesses who talked about shooting sports attributed the history of shooting sports to the Stone Age. Early humans lived in Egypt about 20,000 years before Christ.

These people used bows and arrows for shooting, and the history of shooting using bows and arrows dates back to about 5,000 years before the beginning of the first signs of warfare on the planet. Over time when the Chinese introduced the Japanese to the sport of shooting, it had a great impact on the people of East Asia. Assyrians and Parthians were among the people who took great steps in the development of this martial sport.

the history of shooting sports and what is shooting?

In the history of shooting sports it should be said that in very distant centuries or the Stone Age, the popularity of shooting sports was so much that even poets have mentioned it. The use of bow and arrow for the history of archery or the history of shooting sports goes back to the time of the Prophet of Islam and the formation of the Islamic religion. As the years passed the history of shooting went back to the time of the Safavid dynasty and during this period, the history of shooting sports was officially expanded and many people welcomed this sport During the Safavid era, instead of using a bow and arrow a tool called a gun became very popular.

With the passage of time due to the formation of the CENTO agreement between the countries of  Pakistan, America and Turkey, attractive competitions are held in these countries every year. After many years, the history of shooting sports began to operate under the name of the Shooting Sports Union and in 1337, the federation of this exciting sport and the history of shooting sports officially started its activity under the supervision of the Physical Education and Sports Organization.

the benefits of shooting with rifles

Shooting with an air rifle is one of the newest shooting disciplines that is included in the program of the World Federation today and the history of shooting in the world and the benefits of shooting with rifles is so large. This new sport was popularized in many countries in the early 20th century with air rifles and many people welcomed it and the benefits of shooting with rifles is so important but it did not become an international discipline until 1958, when a person named Carl August Larsen brought this discipline to the federation introduced the world and the history of shooting in the world.

In the third edition of the Asian Games air rifle shooting was performed in three situations. In this competition, 80 shooters participated in 18 rounds. In the early years of the introduction of this discipline, only 40 arrows were fired but since 1981, the number of arrows for men has increased to 60 and as a result, this discipline has been put on the same level as other shooting disciplines.

What is shooting?

Before know what is shooting to choose shooting or Paintball and The sport of shooting, which has been welcomed by many people all over the world today and the history of shooting in the world, is a competitive sport based on accuracy, speed, decision making and concentration using a rifle or pistol.

This exciting sport has a direct relationship with the power of concentration and many people are drawn to this sport just to increase their concentration level. Of course if you are looking for fun and entertainment, you can also use this sport to hunt with a bow and arrow instead of a gun. Today, shooting has become one of the most authentic disciplines due to its long history and many young people are learning to find this fun and attractive sport.

The benefits of shooting sports for body

In addition to shooting with a bow and choose shooting or Paintball you know shooting with a gun is also an important and useful sport, for which you should be trained by expert trainers. In this section we want to talk a little about the The benefits of shooting sports with a rifle to choose shooting or Paintball. The most important The benefits of shooting sports with a rifle is to increase concentration and target skill. In the following we explained some other The benefits of shooting sports with a gun to choose better shooting or Paintball:

  • Relieve fatigue and vitality
  • Combining physical and mental resources when focusing on a goal
  • A sense of self-confidence and success
  • Increase in skill and physical strength
  • Strengthening body muscles

What are the types of recognized shooting disciplines?

In this section we are going to discuss the types of shooting disciplines that are recognized by the International Federation of Shooting Sports. These disciplines to choose shooting or Paintball are:

  • Gun: A gun is a firearm or an air weapon that has a barbed barrel but in fact, a gun is a long weapon that you need two hands to hold.
  • Pistol: The pistol is a small gun and you can easily carry it with you anywhere. Also compared to the gun, it has a shorter range.
  • Shotgun: In this type of gun which is mostly used in hunting, the total weight of the shot should not be more than 24 grams and the diameter of the shot gun should not be more than 2.6 mm. The range of these guns is generally considered to be 50 meters.

How many divisions are the different shooting disciplines divided into?

Different shooting disciplines are divided into two general parts, indoor and outdoor flying targets.

Inside the hall:

  • 50 meters mens rifle
  • 50 meters three position rifle
  • 10 meters mens air rifle
  • Mens 50 m pistol
  • 50 meters of womens air rifle
  • 10 meters womens air rifle
  • 25 m womens pistol
  • 10 meters womens air pistol

Outside the hall:

  • Trap men
  • Mens double trap
  • Mens skating
  • Trap women
  • Womens double trap
  • Womens skating

What are the effective factors in shooting?

The implementation and observance of each of the factors mentioned below is very effective in your shooting and winning in a competition. Of course before starting anything and choose shooting or Paintball it is necessary to have a proper mood and calmness, away from stress and negative thoughts. And it is necessary and the most important factors of shooting to choose shooting or Paintball are mentioned below :

  • Checking weapons and shooting accessories
  • Correct body posture
  • Deep breathing
  • Marking
  • Pulling the trigger
  • Complementary vision

History of paitball in the world

When you dont have information about the history of paintball in your mind to choose shooting or Paintball you cant master this game as you should and give useful information to other people who want to come to this game. Therefore, knowing the history of this game is not without grace and you can play this game with more and more complete knowledge. The history of this game goes back to the early 1970s, when the US Department of Agriculture had a series of machines that had a pump behind them and threw the paint over long distances.

In fact with these machines, the trees that needed to be pruned were marked. People who lived in this decade gradually went to guns and balls that could turn this work into a game and finally they started to invent the game of paintball. With the passage of time, this game became popular all over the world and was officially accepted by the International Olympic Committee to be played in the Olympic Games.

What is the sport of paintball?

As we mentioned in the above article about paintball to choose shooting or Paintball this game is played by balls full of color which must have an open space. If you are looking for excitement in your life you should go to this game to know what excitement is. In this game when you have seen the paintball training you should go to eliminate your teammates by shooting colored bullets. But in order to see paintball training in its entirety you must be familiar with its techniques and Paintball game rules so as not to injure yourself or other people.

The bullet in this game is a spherical gelatin ball that contains water soluble dye and explodes after hitting the person you are targeting. The ball of this game is shot by a gun whose mechanism is pneumatic and its speed is 260 to 300 feet per second. If you are over ten years old you can look for your friend in the special area of this game to remove him from the game by aiming correctly and win the field yourself. You should also know that this game is a completely safe game and you must wear a mask, helmet, knee pads and other necessary equipment before starting the game.

About Paintball game rules

  • Paintball mask

In shooting or Paintball when choose paintball training you should first go to the mask because these masks protect your face from the bullets thrown by your opponent. So dont hesitate to wear it and you can go for the types that are more comfortable and lighter.

  • Paintball tank

In shooting or Paintball when choose paintball training you should know that the paintball tank is where the balls of this game are placed. In general there are two types of this tank, one of which feeds the bullets into the gun based on gravity and the other is an electronic hopper that uses a battery and pushes the bullets towards the gun.

  • Gun barrel protection lock

In paintball training you should also be familiar with the gun barrel protection lock. The gun barrel protection lock is very important and necessary for safety in this game. In simpler words if this piece is not there, you may harm yourself and the people around you.

  • Air tank

The air tank is another thing that should be addressed in paintball training so that you have the necessary information in this field. These tanks have different types in terms of shape, size and weight, which are generally of two types. The first is the carbon dioxide tank which is filled with liquid and turns into gas when fired. Another is the high pressure nitro tanks which do not react to the weather and no matter how you hold your gun.

Determining the range of paintball game from paintball techniques

The first technique that you should go to from the paintball techniques for professional paintball training is to determine the range of the paintball game. To teach professional paintball training this technique, you must make sure that you have fully shown the limits to your opponent before the game starts. Also, in implementing this paintball technique you should remember that your field is not too big or too small.

The size of a suitable field in this game should be 100 meters long and 50 meters wide for a big 3 by 3 game. To do this technique just choose the starting point on 2 opposite sides of the field and try to choose this point so that you don’t see each other so that you can win this game.

Determining the dead zone in the paintball game from paintball techniques

Another technique of this game that should be addressed in professional paintball training is defining the dead zone. In addition to being sure of the dead zone you must be sure that your opponent is also aware of that zone and should not shoot close to it.

The dead zone is where the players must go after being eliminated. Usually in this part to choose shooting or Paintball, extra tools and bullets are placed between games. This area must be far enough away from the home court that the eliminated players can safely remove their masks for cleaning.

Determining the purpose of the paintball game from paintball techniques

Another thing that should be addressed in professional paintball training after know about shooting or Paintball is defining the goal of the game. That means in addition to yourself your opponents must also know the goal of the game. For example you want to play a simple game or go for a win. In the meantime, after specifying your goals you should start playing using the paintball rules.

Attention to the time in the paintball game of paintball techniques

Attention to time in the game of paintball is another important thing that we have to teach. In order to win this game you have to set a time limit for yourself. There are two ways for this, the first is the time plan from the game and the second is the time plan from when the first player leaves the field.

Learning how to work with paintball gun training

One of the main tools of this game is the paintball gun training to choose shooting or Paintball means if you dont have it you cant play this game. For this you must first know how to work with a paintball gun training, which requires knowing a series of information and following them. In paintball training you should know that you can target your opponents just by pressing the trigger on the gun marker but accurate aiming is not as easy and simple as learning to work with a paintball gun training. In simpler words, there are some points that you should keep in mind to become a skilled shooter in paintball training.

Getting to know the Paintball game rules

Just checking out several article about shooting or Paintball and paintball training is not enough to win and not get hurt in this game. In fact in addition to reviewing several article about shooting or Paintball and paintball training you should also have useful and comprehensive information about Paintball game rules. If you dont know anything about the Paintball game rules for choose shooting or Paintball in the end either you wont win or you will hurt yourself and your opponents. For this reason we have presented to you the most important Paintball game rules that you should know about to choose shooting or Paintball. The most important paintball rules to choose shooting or Paintball are:

  • The flag station must be at least 2 meters wide and placed in the middle of the horizontal boundaries of the field.
  • No team and no player has the right to change the playing field in any way.
  • If you are shot and the bullet is fired, then you must remove yourself from the game.
  • Clearing the shot or continuing to play despite being shot will result in dismissal.
  • After being hit by the ball, immediately announce it yourself.

What are the benefits of playing paintball?

Whatever we do we cannot ignore the benefits of this exciting and popular game. When you come to this game you kill two birds with one stone, because both your soul and your body become healthy and fresh. For this reason to choose shooting or Paintball we have tried to present the most important benefits of this game to you so that you know what pleasant thing happens in your body by playing it. The most important benefits of playing paintball to choose shooting or Paintball are:

  • Diversity in daily work
  • Whole body workout
  • Joyful and soul-enhancing
  • Increase endurance
  • Increase physical strength
  • Increasing self-confidence and individual skills
  • Weight Loss
  • Stress taxin
  • Promotion of teamwork
  • Fun and uplifting

final word History of shooting or Paintball

At the beginning of the article the History of shooting sports or The benefits of shooting sports and the history of shooting in the world was fully explained for you. Also the history of shooting with a bow and arrow or an air rifle was told for those interested in this exciting and attractive sport. In the final words of this Fit Play article like shooting or Paintball or The benefits of shooting sports and the benefits of shooting with rifles, we hope that you will benefit from many of the above statements or know which is better shooting or Paintball and have gained useful information and know the benefits of shooting with rifles.

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