Volleyball is one of the most attractive and up-to-date group sports that has many fans among young people. Due to the exciting nature of this sport, there is always a high reception for the training of the best volleyball techniques from the fans of this sport. In this article from Fit Poly, we will review the best volleyball technique or forearm technique in volleyball and we will check together what is the most important technique in volleyball, so please stay with us until the end of the article from the Fit Poly sports blog to know What is the most important technique in volleyball like spike technique in volleyball or service technique in volleyball and claw technique in volleyball.
A short history of volleyball
Before examining volleyball technique and what is the most important technique in volleyball, it is not bad to get acquainted with its history briefly. In 1985, an American teacher named William J. Morgan invented the basic form of volleyball by combining two games of tennis and basketball and named it Mignonette.
At first, the technique of volleyball was not very advanced and was only limited to throwing the ball from the net, and even the ball caused people to be hit by this sport due to its heavy weight. In the following years, this sport was expanded by Dr. Alfred Hostler and was named volleyball, and with the expansion of techniques and rules, it was exported to other countries.
Teaching professional volleyball techniques
Professional players combine physical ability with volleyball technique. Regardless of how talented you are, whether you play indoor volleyball or beach volleyball, if you’re looking to become a pro, you need to know the most important technique in volleyball and how to execute it correctly.
Volleyball technique in 6 fields including claw techniques in volleyball, forehand, spike technique in volleyball, service technique in volleyball, waterfall, net defense. Professional volleyball techniques include types of passing, one-handed ball shooting, serving, pressure exercises, diving, ball shooting. In this article, we will examine the best volleyball techniques and volleyball training.
How is the claw techniques in volleyball?
Because claw is the most important and widely used technique of volleyball, which is used in large numbers in teamwork, learning all kinds of claw techniques in volleyball is important for all volleyball players. If you learn the claw techniques in volleyball correctly and can transfer the ball to the desired point with speed and precision, you can easily improve in volleyball. When learning claw techniques in volleyball, the position of the body and the position of the hands are important. This technique consists of two stages of receiving and sending:
- Receiving the ball: This part of the claw techniques in volleyball is for when the ball is in the field of vision of the player and comes towards the player. At this time, in order to receive the ball, the player should sit on his legs and open his hands a little and move his elbows forward and prepare to perform the claw technique in volleyball like a drawn bow.
- Sending the ball after receiving it: The second step of the claw technique in volleyball is sending the ball after receiving it. When sending the ball, the body should lean forward. Head up and body weight should be slightly on the toe of the front foot. In other words, when receiving, the legs should be parallel, and when sending the ball, it should lean forward a little. Of course, if it is an aerial pass with a jump, you must jump into the air and completely separate from the ground.
Types of sending the ball using claw technique in volleyball can be done in the directions of back pass, jump pass, side pass, etc. Just note that when performing claw techniques in volleyball, your hands should be placed in such a way that a triangle or diamond shape is formed from the space created by the placement of the index fingers and your hand together. Also, when performing the claw technique in volleyball, you should not hit with the tips of your fingers and you should hit the lower half of the ball with the middle parts of your fingers.
How to perform the forearm technique in volleyball
The forearm technique is used in volleyball to defend or transfer balls that are hit with speed and power. This technique is less accurate than the claw technique, but it is more widely used in defensive moves and the accuracy of this technique can be greatly increased by increasing skill. Like the previous technique, the forearm technique is divided into two parts: reception and impact.
- When receiving the ball: to perform the forearm technique in volleyball, the legs should be spread parallel to shoulder width and the knees should be slightly bent. The body should be perpendicular to the legs and the stomach should be towards you. The shoulders should be relaxed and the 4 fingers should be crossed and the thumbs should be placed on the fingers and next to each other.
The best point for performing the forearm technique in volleyball is the muscles of the hand. For a better impact of the forearm muscles, the wrist should be slightly turned downward and outward so that the forearm bone moves away from the ball.
- When hitting the ball: The second step of the forearm technique in volleyball is hitting and sending the ball to the desired area, which is done immediately after the first step. When performing this volleyball technique, you should slightly straighten the knees that were bent in the first part and lean the body slightly forward (move the body’s center of gravity slightly forward and up). Also, the forearms push the ball upwards. Don’t forget that when hitting the ball, if you raise your forearms too high, you will move the ball behind your head instead of in front.
You can get help from the wall to practice this volleyball technique individually. Stand in front of the wall and hit the ball with your forearm technique in volleyball and defend in return.
Spike technique in volleyball, a beautiful and powerful technique
Another one of the best professional volleyball techniques is the spike or waterfall volleyball technique. Spike technique in volleyball is one of the techniques that is very important for the spectators as well as the players due to its decisive role. Wherever a spike technique in volleyball should be hit, there is a defense on the opposite side of the net. So, it is very important to make this shot correctly, technically and powerfully to increase the probability of success. Spike technique in volleyball is hit by the passer after the pass. In some cases, the passer can also perform a cascade kick. Every spike technique in volleyball has four main stages:
- Three-step movement: In order to accelerate the ball and hit, you can take three steps before jumping and accelerate your body. This movement helps to transfer part of the body’s weight to the ball in addition to the force that your hand applies to the ball.
- Jumping: When performing the spike technique in volleyball, we expect the ball to pass over the net. So you have to jump in order to reach the right height to hit. In some cases, the spike or waterfall kick is executed from this stage without going through the first stage.
- Kick: After getting the acceleration and proper height in the previous two situations, we start to kick. The spike is hit in three modes: power spike, speed spike and blank space spike. When hitting, the body should be fully stretched and the power should be transferred from the shoulder. The elbow should be bent (angle of about 45 degrees) and the hand should be placed above the head. Also, since the opponent’s defenders are on the net during the execution of the spike, to deceive them, you can use the wrist rotation so that they cannot recognize the direction of the ball.
A few important points about the execution of spike kick
Note that when performing the shot, you must be looking at the ball from the beginning to the end. If your gaze turns away from the ball, you may not be able to identify the point where the shot will be hit and your shot will be wasted. Also, you should not be anxious or in doubt when performing the spike technique in volleyball because it increases the possibility of mistakes. Also, if your ball hits the net (it sits on the net and does not pass through the net). It is because of your low jump height and to solve this problem you need to increase your jump height.
When hitting the spike, pay attention that the horizontal distance between your hand and the ball is more than 1 hand, because if the ball is behind you, the impact will not be strong and it will stretch the vertebrae of the back (because to reach the ball backwards you bend). If the ball is in front of your hands and at a distance, you have to bend forward to hit, which makes it difficult to master and transfer power.
The best way to implement service technique in volleyball
Another professional service technique in volleyball shot. The serve is used to trigger a rally and a new round in the game. Maybe the service technique in volleyball seems easy, but one of the most important techniques in professional volleyball is that the teams spend most of their training time on hitting the serve. A service or waterfall is a shot that is hit at a speed of about 80 km/h and according to research, the team that serves better has a 50% more chance of winning. In the following, we will briefly review the types of serving techniques in volleyball:
- Normal service: in this type of service, we easily throw the ball above the head and hit the lower part of the ball with the palm of the hand, which is usually rarely used. When starting this service, if you are left-handed, put your right foot forward, and if you are right-handed, put your left foot forward. Bend your knees a little before throwing the ball up and push your body up and forward a little while throwing up and hitting the ball to give more momentum to the ball.
- Cascading service: Another service technique in volleyball for know What is the most important technique in volleyball is the cascade or tennis service. This type of common service can be played in fixed, moving and jumping methods. which is the most widely used jumping service. In the cascade jump service, we bend our knees a little and bounce the ball upwards and hit the ball. When hitting, the body should be convex and forward to increase the power of this service technique in volleyball.
So far, we have learned about the most important service methods. Now let’s examine some models of serve that are played in professional volleyball:
- Pavlovi service: It is one of the professional volleyball techniques that is played immediately after the referee’s whistle to surprise the opposing team.
- Spin service: It is a type of service in which the player spins the ball forward so that it hits the ground earlier and its landing point cannot be recognized. This type of service is one of the skipping services.
- Locust serve: A serve that looks like it is going to hit the net, but strangely goes over the net.
- Wave service: This service is played in such a way that until the last moment the point of the ball’s landing is not known and the track of the ball is not recognizable and…
How to improve our volleyball techniques?
In the previous sections, we got to know the most important techniques of professional volleyball and we knew what the most important technique is in volleyball. But to be successful in this sport, you must also strengthen your body. Especially the muscles that are directly involved in kicking, such as leg muscles, shoulder muscles, shoulder and back muscles, knees and ankles, should be strongly strengthened. Also, in order to be able to do the volleyball technique more correctly and know What is the most important technique in volleyball, you need to have high endurance exercises so that your body does not lose energy during the competition.
In this article from Fit Poly, we examined the techniques of professional volleyball and we examined together what is the most important technique in volleyball? And how it should be hit and what points we should pay attention to when hitting. We hope that the content of this article like What is the most important technique in volleyball has given you complete information about volleyball technique and forearm technique in volleyball and claw technique in volleyball.