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Are you looking for a sport to take some time away from today’s busy world? Do you like to play a sport together with your friends? First of all, we want to congratulate you because you have made the right decision. Because you want to exercise and have fun with your friends. Therefore, if you want to experience excitement in addition to burning fat and getting fit, we suggest kickboxing. Do you know why we suggested this sport to you? Because this sport, which is one of the martial arts, is a combination of aerobic and strength movements, the result of which is an increase in body metabolism and fat burning. Therefore, it is enough to stay with us in the rest of the Fit Play article like Beginner kickboxing training or kickboxing training pdf to introduce you to the sport of kickboxing and know that kickboxing training is not as difficult as you think or full kickboxing training.

What is Kickboxing?

Do you know what kickboxing is? This sport is a combination of Muay Thai, Karate and Boxing, so we conclude that this sport is a combination of several sports. In this exciting combat sport, you can hit your opponent with fists, knees, elbows, but if your opponent is on the ground, you are not allowed to do so. Do you even know what the purpose of kickboxing is? In general the goal of this sport is self-defense and physical fitness.

Also by using this sport Kickboxing training over time, you can not only get fit, but your body will stay in shape and flexible forever. This sport doesn’t have strict rules like other sports, that’s why it is popular with many people, especially young people all over the world. Even because of the moves that you have to make quickly on your opponent, your thinking power will increase so much that you can think about several things at the same time. Because you have to learn to anticipate to know what is going through your opponent’s mind before you get hit.

Teaching kickboxing techniques training

Are you looking to learn kickboxing techniques training? Are you tired of looking at kickboxing training pdf websites? You don’t need to browse the internet sites for kickboxing techniques training anymore and face inappropriate kickboxing training pdf. Basically, you can become a professional by knowing the concepts and tips of this martial sport. At first glance, teaching kickboxing techniques training seems a little difficult. It is true that learning everything is a little difficult at first, but once you learn it, it will be easy for you.

Basically, during the training of kickboxing techniques training or kickboxing training pdf, due to the involvement of the mind with the formulas and principles of kickboxing, especially people who do not yet have much expertise in the field of kickboxing, their mind deviates from kickboxing itself and they constantly think about how to use this Be the principles. But don’t worry in kickboxing training pdf and full kickboxing training, if you can fully learn the necessary techniques and formulas of this martial sport, in addition to becoming a professional, you can reach very high levels. For this reason in full kickboxing training, we have stated seven solid principles in kickboxing training:

  • Distanceology
  • Defense
  • Deceiving
  • Chronology
  • the power
  • Stubbornness
  • Kickboxing training and photography

Beginner kickboxing training

To learn professional kickboxing or Beginner kickboxing training, you must first know the distance to the opponent. Therefore, in professional kickboxing training, first when you are ready to attack, you must know how much distance there is between you and the opponent in the field. Do you know why we emphasize this principle in Beginner kickboxing training? Because if there is not enough distance between you and your opponent, you will not be able to implement the techniques you have learned well on him.

Therefore inĀ  Beginner kickboxing training, even if you are too close to your opponent, he will easily defend you with his hand. Therefore, we can tell you in professional kickboxing training that observing this distance can lead you to many successes and victories. For example in Beginner kickboxing training, close distance means when you can hit your opponent with uppercuts and hooks, and full kickboxing training distance means that you can attack your opponent with your feet.

Teaching kickboxing movements training

One of the kickboxing moves that you must learn first is defense. For this reason, in this section, we want to teach you kickboxing movements trainingor defense. In kickboxing movements training or defense, you must have a strong defense in order to become an expert in this sport. For example, in the training of defense kickboxing movements training, if your defense skills are low, you can only knock out average opponents from the field. For this reason, in the following, we have tried to introduce you to the things that can increase your defense power in the kickboxing movements training.

  • Repel your opponent’s attack quickly, for example, don’t delay and respond with hand movements.
  • Lock yourself because when your arms and legs are locked your opponent can use limited movements to defeat you.
  • During the attack, always try to dodge and do not have physical contact with your opponent.
  • After repelling the attack, quickly implement new moves on your opponent.
  • When your opponent wants to attack, move away as much as you can in the direction of the same attack.
  • Always stay away from the line of attack and withdraw yourself so that your opponent does not dominate you.

Complete kickboxing training

Have you gone to the kickboxing training pdf for a full kickboxing training and did not come across the right training? In this section, we are going to give you a complete training of kickboxing with one case, because only the said cases are the core of the kickboxing sport and the rest are minor cases. Therefore, cheating in kickboxing is one of the most important and basic skills in this sport, which we have covered in this section to full kickboxing training and cheating.

Because a professional kickboxer can only earn points by deceiving his opponent. Because by cheating, you indirectly make your opponent guess your moves, which results in his confusion. Therefore, for your deception to be right, you must do it with power. For this reason in full kickboxing training, we have tried to teach you two important skills to deceive your opponent. The full training of kickboxing deception consists of:

  • To distract the opponent, throw a punch and then quickly return to your place.
  • To deceive your opponent, you can throw a punch to his face and kick the same movement to his head.

Timing in kickboxing

Another principle that should be paid attention to in this sport is timing technique. Because without timing, none of our work will go properly and will not have a good end. Basically timing requires proper distance, direction and speed. For this reason, you can stand away from your opponent and calmly direct your movements towards him. You can also continue this way for two to three rounds and to improve the situation, you can increase the speed of the game.

Having enough power

There is no human being who does not like to be strong, and athletes are no exception to this rule and they always want high strength. For this reason, one of the things that you should pay attention to in kickboxing is having the right strength for this martial sport. For this, you can go for special strength-enhancing moves so that over time you become a strong person who has the ability to defeat anyone.

being stubborn

If you are not hard-headed in this sport, you will not be able to win and then achieve many successes. It is true that many athletes did not have this skill, but they were saved from the situation in which they were stuck, but they did not achieve high success in the future. For this reason, we strongly advise you to work on this skill as well as the skills mentioned above, so that stubbornness becomes one of your most prominent features. Do you know why? Because when you can combine your tenacity and fighting techniques that we have taught you, then you will achieve success.

Kickboxing training

Are you looking for kickboxing training? Do you want to learn the most important kick of this martial sport? Don’t worry anymore, because like the other skills we have taught you, we will also teach kickboxing. One of the most important kicks in kickboxing is the front kick. Are you curious to know how to train kickboxing or front kicks?

This kick in kickboxing is also called front kick. You can use this kick as a blocking kick to block your opponent. In principle, you can perform this kick in two types, knocking and blocking, because the general purpose of the front kick is to hit the opponent’s stomach or face. To perform this kick, you must raise your knee to a suitable height for kicking, so that the kick is performed directly with the foot or chest.

Fighting method in kickboxing and the score of its important moves

This exciting martial sport is held all over the world in square fields that are 16 to 20 feet, which are covered with special ropes. The time of this exciting martial arts match is three rounds of three minutes, and martial athletes can rest for one minute in each round to recover their lost energy. In this fighting game, there is a referee and three judges to rate the movements and techniques of the fighters.

Like other martial arts, this martial sport has a belt. In this game, if you make more than three mistakes, you lose and the referee declares your opponent as the winner. In this game, punches to the opponent’s head are worth 1 point, and kicks to the opponent’s head are worth 2 points. Also, foot kicks that are performed in a rotating manner and hit the opponent’s head have 3 points.

Benefits of kickboxing

Are you looking to know the benefits of kickboxing? Do you want to know what are the benefits of this popular martial sport? When you face your opponent in the fighting field of this sport, eight parts of your body are involved in the movements you want to make. Do you know what parts these eight parts are?

Fists, elbows, knees and thighs are the points involved in this martial art. As a result, combining the skills you have learned using these parts will make you burn a lot of calories. When you get fit by burning calories, your body will get in shape. Even by punching in this combat sport, you can strengthen your deltoid muscles and arm muscles.

the final conclusion

In the final summary of this article Kickboxing training or Beginner kickboxing training, we tried to introduce you to the most important and basic kickboxing techniques training, so that you can achieve high success by using it and do not go to inappropriate sites for kickboxing training pdf. At the end of this article kickboxing techniques training and kickboxing movements training, we hope that the above content was useful for you and that you benefited from it.

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