Table tennis, which is also called ping pong is one of the best and most exciting sports that you must have a table to play. This sport has a very historical past and background knowing it and following its rules and principles, you can become a good ping pong player. In order to play on the table of this sport you must be two or four people each person has his own racket to hit the ball with it to score high points and win the game. In the middle of the table of this sport there is a net so that every person can try to throw the ball to the opponents side by observing the rules of this game. If you are looking for ping pong training for children or ping pong training for women and men and various ping pong service training just stay with us. Because in the rest of the Fit Play article, we want to give you useful information about teaching ping pong to children or teaching ping pong to women and men or professional ping pong service training, so that you know that teaching ping pong to children or teaching ping pong to women and men is as difficult as you think.
What are ping pong game equipment?
Before going to ping pong training for children or ping pong training for women and men you must have information about the equipment of this sport so that you can prepare them. In simpler words, if you are not familiar with ping pong game equipment and once you go to ping pong training for children or ping pong training for women and men you will not learn the necessary things as you should. For this reason, in the following we have briefly described each of the game equipment of this sport which includes :
- table
The most basic equipment for this game that you need to prepare is a ping pong table. The ping pong table should be rectangular with a length of 2.74 meters and a width of 1.52 meters. Also, this table should be 76 cm high from the ground. Then this table should be divided into two halves by a net with a height of 15.25 cm and a length of 183 cm.
- Ball
The second equipment you need to get to play ping pong is a ball. The table tennis ball is made of celluloid and weighs 2.5 grams.
- Rocket
The third tool for playing in this sport is the racket. The rackets of this sport, which are made of wood, have a layer of sponge, rubber, sheet and cork.
- Dress
The fourth and last equipment you need to prepare for playing in this sport is clothes. Normally, ping pong clothes consist of short pants, short sleeve shirts, comfortable shoes and socks which you should prepare.
Basic ping pong training for all ages
After teaching the equipment of this sport it is time to teach basic ping pong. Anyone who is interested in this sport and has come to learn basic ping pong should know that the game starts with a serve. Each participant has the right to serve five times during the game. In this game, services are generally replaced every 5 points. Unless two opponents are tied at 20 points in which case the service will be replaced at each point.
In the end, the game will end with 21 points. Any player who has scored 21 points will be the winner. In basic ping pong training you should also know that when serving the ball must have a free position in the air. For this reason, every person who attempts to serve must first throw the ball in the air and then hit it. Of course, whether you go for beginner ping pong training or professional ping pong training you should know that your ball should not touch the surface of the table more than once during the game. Because in this case the ball will be returned to your opponent.
Beginner ping pong training for singles and doubles
This sport can be played both single and double. According to his interest every person can go to ping pong training for beginners as a single or double player. For this reason, we have given a brief description of beginner ping pong training for single and double players so that those interested in this sport can go to professional ping pong training with an open mind.
- Beginner ping pong training consists of :
In single player ping pong, the player starts the game by hitting the serve. Then, with a special table that is specific to this type of ping pong, he plays as a single player so that his ball goes out and his total points are calculated.
- Beginner ping pong training for two people consists of :
In two person ping pong one person starts the game with a serve and the second person has to respond to the opponents serve with his racket. As a result, each player does this until the ball goes out and the total points are calculated.
Professional ping pong training for hand spin technique
This sport is like other sports with mastering the principles. Any player who can easily master the principles of this game can defeat even the toughest and strongest opponents. Therefore, during professional ping pong training you should try to move your body well when hitting. For this reason, in professional ping pong training we have tried to introduce you to one of the techniques of this sport, so that by learning it you can always win instead of being a loser.
The technique we want to explain to you in teaching ping pong to children or teaching ping pong to women and men is hand rotation. Learning this technique is a bit difficult but it is not impossible and difficult and you should not simply pass it by. Because hand rotation technique is one of the most important techniques of this sport. Therefore, try to practice the way your hand spins and the racket to know how it affects your return of the ball. Because with this technique you can counter any blow through it.
What is the service?
Serving is one of the most important and basic techniques of this sport like hand rotation which every ping pong player should know. This technique in ping pong is the only technique without the interference of the opponent and the person must do it alone. Therefore, if you are a good server you can guarantee to win with anyone and not be afraid of losing.
Also, a good server can determine a good rally and execute it in such a way that it ends the third shot in its favor. So it can be concluded that in the training of professional ping pong service you should give special importance to the exercises of this technique so that winning is not a wish for you and you always win the field by gaining many points.
Professional ping pong service training
As you have noticed, serving technique is one of the most important techniques in table tennis or ping pong, which you must know and act professionally in order to win. If you have not yet gone to the professional ping pong service training, it is not too late and you can earn many points by learning it now.
First, in order to serve the serving player must hold the ball in his free palm in the hand that does not have the racket. Then throw the ball into the air without turning to a height of at least 16 cm compared to his free hand. Then he should hit the ball with the hand that has the racket in such a way that the ball hits the ground once in his home court and once in the opponent’s court after passing through the net.
Teaching different services in ping pong
- Short service
The first serve that you should learn in professional ping pong service training is the short serve. To teach different services in ping pong short service type, the ball should be hit from the third near the net of the serving table to the third behind the net of the receiving table.
- Long service
The second serve that we want to focus on in teaching different serves in ping pong is the long serve. In this type of service, the ball should be hit from one third of the end of the serving table to one third of the end of the receiving table and it is better that the ball hits the end lines.
- Average service
Medium service is another service of this exciting sport that we want to address in teaching different services in ping pong. In this type of service the ball will be sent from the middle third of the servers table to the middle third of the clients table.
Ping pong mistakes
Leaving aside the techniques of this sport such as hand rotation and serving, it is time for its errors. If you follow all the available ways to learn the skills of this sport but you dont have information about the errors and rules if you failed at the first stage and all the work youve done is useless.
In simpler words, as much as it is important to learn the skills and techniques of this sport it is also important to know its mistakes. For this reason, we have stated below the most important mistakes that will reduce your points so that you pay attention to them during the game and do not lose points. Errors that reduce points in ping pong include :
- If the player makes a mistake in serving.
- If the player fails to return the ball before it hits the table.
- If the player rests his hand on the table.
- If the player hits the ball before it hits the table once.
The common difference between ping pong and tennis
Many people consider table tennis and ping pong to be the same while it is true that these two sports are the same but they have small differences. By knowing their difference each person can distinguish these two from each other. The main difference between these two sports is the impact.
For example, in tennis the ball can be bounced before hitting the ground but in ping pong the ball must be bounced after hitting the ground once. Also, the ping pong court is smaller and the racket and ball are also smaller. While the tennis racket can be in different sizes the size of the ping pong racket cannot be changed.
the final conclusion
In the final summary of this Fit Play article like various ping pong service training we tried to teach ping pong, both for beginners and professionals or Ping pong training for children and various ping pong service training, about the techniques of this exciting and attractive sport. For this purpose, dear enthusiasts got acquainted with two of the most important techniques of this sport, so that they can strengthen themselves in the necessary fields in the classes available in the clubs.
We also took a look at the difference between table tennis and ping pong along with its errors so that each person can distinguish the two from each other. In the last words of this article, we hope that the above information like various ping pong service training was useful for you and that you will have a good time for yourself and your children by using them like various ping pong service training.