How can we exercise at home to have a fit and free body for a lifetime?

video exercise at home for weight loss

Many people are working hard and neglect their body health. In response to these people it should be said that if you want to not suffer from various diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure and joint pains such as knee pain and back disc in your middle age you should start exercising now. but how? Weight loss exercise at home is one of the options. With exercise at home for weight loss you exercise help your physical health and lose weight, whats better than this? Also by doing Slimming exercise at home you do not need any equipment and you will not pay for it. Next if you really want to lose weight you should stay with us to discuss tips and video exercise at home for weight loss and Slimming exercise at home and types of exercise at home for weight loss or weight loss exercise for lumbar disc.

How many times should you do exercise at home for weight loss?

After examining the question of what exercises to do at home to lose weight, it is time to examine the question of when to do exercise at home for weight loss. The best time to do Slimming exercise at home which was mentioned in the above content, is certain times that should be determined by the person himself. You should spend at least 15 minutes on each exercise and rest for 30 seconds between each exercise.
After getting used to the time of doing Slimming exercise at home you should make them harder and more intense. For example when you want to increase the intensity of your exercises you can use some dumbbells during the exercises. Of course, it should be noted that until your body is used to light exercises with less time you should not go for heavy exercises with more time.

What should we do before exercise?

Many people only think about what to eat or what to do to have a beautiful body after exercise but in this section we introduce you to the things and foods that you should eat and do before exercise. We all exercise to benefit from physical health and good shape, thats why we do all the work after exercise at home. But on the one hand in Slimming exercise at home we must pay attention to the fact that the work done before exercise is as important as after exercise for children at home.
• Warm up the well :
softening or warming up the body before starting exercise increases the temperature of the muscles, central body and blood flow. In fact by warming up your body muscles become strong and power.
• Delivering fuel to the body :
There must be carbohydrates and protein in your food menu. Toast and peanut butter are high in protein and carbohydrates and are a good option for providing fuel to the body.
• Drinking water :
during scientific research some people have proven, that a person must drink 600 grams of water before exercising so that exercise can be more effective.

Maintaining the motivation to weight loss exercises at home

The most difficult and essential thing in home weight loss exercise to get rid of excess fat is to be consistent. Because by adapting you can maintain your motivation and perseverance to reach the ideal weight. For example, the best way to exercise at home is to find a partner and add music to your exercise.
When a person starts exercising at home with another person to lose weight, their motivation will double. Another thing that helps to maintain motivation in exercise and avoid getting frustrated is to change the order of exercise. That is when weight loss exercises at home a person can change the order of his training program from 3 days of aerobics and 4 days of strength to 5 days of aerobics and 2 days of strength.

Slimming exercise at home

Is weight loss exercise beneficial for the lumbar disc?

Nowadays many people have suffered from back disc disease due to not exercising in their youth and doing heavy work. These people should also be told that it is never too late to exercise and you can exercise at any time and even with various diseases. But before starting weight loss exercise for lumbar disc, those with lumbar and cervical discs should consult with a physiotherapist about the suitability and safety of the Slimming exercise at home.
Slimming exercise at home is the best option for lumbar disc along with many treatment methods such as painkillers. On the other hand by performing the correct movements, the persons back pain or neck pain will gradually improve. Because exercising causes the release of hormones in a person that are relaxing and act like pain relievers.

Types of best exercises for the lumbar disc

In addition to weight loss exercises at home as mentioned there are exercises for people with lumbar discs. Because exercising is not prohibited only for each person according to his physical condition, the movements are different. In the following we have mentioned some sports exercises for people with lumbar disc disease. These movements are :
• Exercise for lumbar disc - first exercise :
In this exercise you should lie with your palms on the floor because by being in this position the persons lower back will become more hollow. When the back arch increases in this exercise, the central part of the disc moves to its original position.
• Exercise for the lumbar disc - the second exercise :
in this exercise the person should lie on his stomach then lean on his elbows and be in a semi rising position and maintain his position for two seconds and then return to the initial position.
• Lumbar disc exercise - third exercise :
To perform this exercise a person should stand straight and place his hands behind the joint so that the tips of the fingers are facing down. Then you have to press the hands on the hips so that the back is arched.

Slimming exercise at home

Today with the presence of the disease called Corona all sports clubs, recreation centers and even offices are closed and in this situation people who love to exercise do not know what to do. On the other hand, in this situation you must have high morale and physical health thats why we suggest you to exercise at home. If a person has enough movement follows a diet has a high morale and physical health he will never get sick and will not suffer from joint pains in old age.
Also exercising and being active causes the release of useful hormones in the body, which increase the health of the body and the readiness of the immune system. In the continuation of this Fit Play article by downloading exercise at home you can view all types of exercise videos at home for weight loss and get in shape and Download exercise at home، download exercise video at home with music.

Download exercise at home for the best body

Before looking at the main topic downloading sports at home with music you should first know that sports and music are like two inseparable friends. We have all seen music playing in all sports clubs but what is the reason for playing music in the club? When happy and rhythmic music is played in a club, it makes start exercising with a high spirit enjoys his exercise to the fullest. But nowadays with the closure of the clubs you have to stay at home and there is no news of the club.

video exercise at home for exiting sport

Having a big belly along with the side is one of the biggest problems that not only women but also men are involved in today. For this reason today women and men are looking for ways to melt their belly fat. The best and most appropriate way to lose weight is to exercise because exercise is the best and most effective way to get fit.
On the other hand exercising at home costs nothing and you can easily start exercising anywhere in your home, but at first it is not possible without home exercise videos. At first to learn sports movements you should download exercise at home video and after learning it completely, leave the video exercise at home yourself.

Download exercise at home

Do you want video exercise at home for weight loss?

In principle exercising is the best option to have a fit body and trying other ways such as diet pills may not be successful. If you are a beginner and havent tried any kind of exercise you can learn all kinds of aerobic exercise with the exercise video at home for weight loss. You can see hundreds of movements with video exercise at home for weight loss.
Also according to your taste you can choose some movements and start performing movements like in the movie. There are many exercises at home for weight loss but below we have presented the most important ones for you which by downloading exercises at home you can learn them completely and have a beautiful body. These movements are :
• Crunch
• Swedish swimming
• Bridge
• Lying on the side
• lunch
• Barfix

Download the exercise video for Slimming exercise at home stomach and sides

The most difficult step to lose weight is always to melt belly and side fat. In fact when we wear clothes, the first thing that appears is the stomach and sides which spoil the appearance of the clothes. In addition, when a group talks about downloading exercise videos for slimming the belly and sides at home everyone at first thinks that belly fat is just something that is visible, while there are many muscles connected to each other in the belly.
Abdominal muscles continue from the upper back to the bottom of the hips and the front of the thighs, and only by downloading the exercise video for slimming the belly and sides at home, you can start melting your belly and side fat. It is possible to download the video of exercise at home for weight loss with songs through many sites.

Exercise video at home for belly slimming

In the following we have mentioned some of the most important exercises that are very useful for Slimming exercise at home the stomach. Even to learn these movements better you can download exercise at home video for belly slimming and start exercising at home. The most important abdominal slimming movements are :
• Spinning crunch suitable for Slimming exercise at home : this exercise is somewhat similar to sitting but of a more advanced type that you can learn how to do it completely by downloading the Slimming exercise at home.
• Exercise boat pose at home for weight loss with music : In this exercise you have to sit on the floor and put your feet on the floor and bend your knees and place your hands under it. For a complete reminder of this exercise you can download the video of Slimming exercise at home.

exercise at home

At the end

In the final summary weight loss exercise for lumbar disc it should be said that in this article you generally got to know the types of Slimming exercise at home. You also realized that its never too late to exercise and you can start exercising at any age and with any type of illness, provided you consult your doctor. Also in this article you got to know when to do weight loss exercises at home and know video exercise at home for weight loss. In the end we hope that the above material like Slimming exercise at home، weight loss exercise for lumbar disc or Download exercise at home has been useful for you and that you have made the most of it.