Harms and benefits of yoga at home along with history

 teaching yoga movements for beginners

in recent years there has been a wave of yoga among people in the society. This wave has been launched after extensive research by doctors on the benefits of yoga training and yoga practice. As a result of this research it has been determined that practicing yoga can improve heart function, lower blood pressure, open heart vessels, increase the resistance f the immune system, delay aging and help balance the body. Also after learning the basic teaching Yoga at home or teaching introductory yoga movements you can easily practice it wherever you are and increase the efficiency of your soul and body. In this article from Fit Play about teaching yoga at home we will teach yoga together and review its 16 great movements and Teaching yoga movements or teaching yoga movements for beginners and teaching yoga pdf stay with us for teaching yoga exercises.

A history of Teaching yoga movements

Yoga is a set of physical and mental activities that originated in India. The word yoga itself is the result of the development of the word (Yuj) which means a fabric, which is taken from the Sanskrit language. Also, the word yoga is used in the meaning of a cloth making and in other words, yoga can be called the science and exercise of mind control and mind integration.
The history of Teaching yoga and meditation reaches 2 to 4 thousand years before Christ, which changed in 5 historical periods and was completed over time. Currently many doctors and specialists in the world are researching its attractive benefits. This sport now has many fans from all walks of life and all ages.

Who should not practice yoga?

At the beginning of the work Yoga at home we must tell you that besides all the benefits that yoga has for every person and at every age some people should not perform its movements and if they do the Teaching Yoga at home movements they must be under the supervision and advice of a doctor. People with spine problems, joint problems, high blood pressure, acute respiratory problems, pregnant people, severe nervous problems are among these people who should be careful even when Teaching Yoga at home.

Yoga at home movements

Where is the right place to do yoga?

At this stage of Teaching Yoga at home we will check together which places are suitable for doing Yoga at homemovements. You can do Teaching yoga movements in special classes but if for any reason you want to teach and practice yourself come with us.
If you are learning the basic Yoga at homemovements and you have not yet reached professional levels you should know that the right place to practice and teach yoga should be completely calm so that you can put your body and soul in unity. People who have big houses usually dedicate a room to teaching yoga and meditation and practice it. But if you dont have this possibility dont worry because you can choose a cozy corner in your house and practice yoga there.

What are the suitable equipment for teaching yoga and meditation?

One of the advantages of yoga training and its practice is that you do not need special tools and equipment to perform Yoga at homemovements and you can easily perform yoga movements wherever you are. But for better yoga training and its Teaching Yoga at homemovements A suitable background and soft music can help you a lot. Remember that the mattress should be the same size as you because you need to lie down in some movements. It is also better to do yoga without shoes wherever you are. Also using a pleasant and mild scent like oud or any other perfume can be helpful in Teaching yoga at home and practicing it.

Teaching yoga at home

Types of yoga schools

Like any other ancient sport during the long years of yoga training, yoga has also found different branches and schools. Among the schools that are mentioned in the teaching yoga pdf and in the video training of teaching yoga pdf and in its classes are :
•Hatana Yoga : This style of teaching yoga and meditation is very popular. The basis of this style of Teaching yoga movements is based on inactivity and increasing flexibility. Due to the popularity of this style, it is used a lot in training classes and teaching yoga pdf.
• Vinyasa yoga : This style is one of the most popular styles in yoga training, which has a high and suitable speed and you can do it easily after learning the beginner yoga movements of this style.
• Ashtanga Yoga : This style of yoga training has a special emphasis on discipline. If you value order and order in yoga movements you can use this style of yoga training. If you look at yoga training and classes, this style is mentioned a lot.
• Kriya yoga : This yoga is one of the most original methods of Teaching yoga at home and in any other place, which is not very popular due to the fact that its techniques are not modernized. But it has a good reputation among the old Stide and the main goal of this school is enlightenment and unity.
• Iyengar yoga training : This style of yoga is similar to Hatha yoga and emphasizes flexibility and is performed at a low speed. Iyengar teaching introductory yoga movements can be easily learned in a yoga training class or in educational media such as teaching yoga pdf.
There are other styles of yoga such as kundalini, ball yoga, anusara yoga, which are taught in teaching yoga pdf resources and in teaching yoga pdf video training and yoga training classes which we will not discuss to avoid procrastination.

16 of the best techniques for Teaching yoga at home

In the following we will examine together 16 of the best and most effective yoga movements. In a few movements we will teach beginner yoga movements and then we will review the training of advanced yoga movements together. You can do these teaching yoga exercises in the time you devote to yoga training at home or you can do it in yoga training classes under the supervision of a teacher.
Teaching  yoga easy posture :
This movement is one of the easiest movements for people who are looking to teach beginner yoga movements. In this easy movement, sit on all fours on the floor and put the ankle of one leg under the other leg. Put your palms together and hold them in front of your chest, straighten your back and close your eyes.
teaching introductory yoga movements -Mountain pose (Tadasana) :
This technique of Teaching yoga preliminary movements may seem simple but it is very important and effective. In this yoga movement training your beginner learns to gradually have peace like a mountain. In this case we imagine ourselves as a mountain. To perform this movement, stand and place your feet together. Try to apply force to the ground with all 10 toes and contract the thigh muscles by raising the kneecap. Place your hands next to your feet and slightly move your weight forward. Do this movement for 10 seconds.

Teaching yoga at home

teaching introductory yoga movements -Cobra movement :
In this part of teaching yoga movements for beginners we want to examine a movement that strengthens the spine and abdominal muscles. To perform this movement lie on your stomach on the ground and place your palms on the ground and pull your upper torso up. When you are in that position press your legs, hips and toes together.
teaching introductory yoga movements -Tree technique :
This technique is a little more complicated than the previous ones. First stand up and spread your legs shoulder width apart. While straightening your back, put your hands together and put the sole of your right foot either on the knee of the left foot or on the thigh of the left foot, depending on the level of balance. Take your right knee to the side of your body and push your hip in until the knee of the leg and the hip are on the same plane. At this time focus on a desired point to achieve balance and gradually raise your hands above your head like tree branches. Take five or six deep breaths and then switch legs.
teaching introductory yoga movements -Cat movement :
This technique of teaching beginner Yoga at home helps to strengthen your spine and digestive system. Get on your hands and knees (like a cat) with your back down and your spine concave. Stay in this position for an inhale and exhale and then change your body position and make your spine convex and look up. Repeat this movement 10 to 15 times.
teaching introductory yoga movements -Downward facing dog movement :
This part of the teaching introductory teaching yoga exercises stretches the whole body and increases your physical strength significantly. For this movement first get on your hands and knees (similar to the cat pose). Separate the fingers a little and place the foot so that the toes are only on it. Straighten your legs and raise your back. Move the abdominal muscles inwards and towards the spine and try to direct the heels towards the ground to feel the leg muscles being stretched. Move the shoulders slightly towards the ears and stay in that position for 6 deep breaths.

teaching yoga pdf

teaching introductory yoga movements -Planck motion :
On another part of teaching yoga movements for beginners we will examine the plank movement. This movement teaches us to balance on the hands. For this movement or teaching Yoga at home movements for beginners lie on the ground and go on your toes and stand on your hands. You should form a straight line on your back from head to toe and take 8 to 10 deep breaths.
teaching yoga exercises -Kapalabhati breathing movement :
This jerk is used in the yoga training section. In this simple movement you can sit on all fours in one place, place your palm on your stomach and take a deep breath slowly and silently and exhale strongly. Do this movement 25 to 30 times.
teaching yoga exercises -Physical movement or dead movement :
This technique is one of the easiest yoga movements, although it is simple but it is very important and very effective. For this movement, lie on your back and close your eyes. Move your body slowly and stay in this position for 3 to 5 minutes.
teaching yoga exercises -Deep breathing technique :
This is another simple yoga technique that has great effects. For this technique sit on all 4 knees and lean against the wall. Take a deep breath through your nose into your lungs and let it out with a sigh. You can practice this movement 3 to 4 times per session and a total of 10 sets.
Teaching yoga -Cabler movement :
This technique is suitable after moving the tree. Sit on your legs and put your legs in front of you. so that the soles of the feet stick together and the knees are placed on the ground. Let the muscles stretch as much as possible.
Teaching yoga -Lounge movement :
To perform this movement from the techniques of yoga training at home and teaching yoga at home, first move your left leg back so that you feel the tension in your muscles. Then move your right knee forward and make its angle 90 degrees so that your thigh is parallel to the ground. You can put your hands on the ground to maintain balance. Click on the video below to watch the yoga training video.
Teaching yoga -Forward pulling movement :
This is one of the movements that is used even in martial arts and is one of the important movements of yoga training from beginner to professional and teaching yoga and meditation. This movement gives you high strength and flexibility. Sit on the floor and put your legs together. Try to touch the tip of the foot without bending the knee in the first step and the sole of the foot from the toes in the next steps and bring the head closer to the feet. This movement helps to stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh.
Teaching yoga -Single leg stretch :
This movement is similar to the above movement but in this movement, one of the legs is folded in while sitting, and the knee and the outer part of the thigh are placed on the ground. After doing this movement a few times, you can change the legs.

teaching yoga pdf

Teaching yoga -Bow movement :
This is one of the advanced yoga movements that you need to make sure that you have the necessary physical flexibility to perform it. Lie down on the mat and hold your legs from behind in a bow with your hands. Try to lift the upper half of the body as much as possible and look forward. Take a deep breath and do this movement for 10 seconds.
Teaching yoga -Cross leg movement :
Lie on your back on the floor and lock your hands behind your head. Make your legs parallel to the ground (knee 90 degrees) and try to bring your right knee closer to your left shoulder with exhalation. Then return to the initial position by moving the tail and do the opposite this time. It should be done 7 times for both sides of the body.


In this article from fit play about teaching yoga at home we tried to get to know the benefits of teaching yoga movements for beginners to professional and simple and advanced Yoga at home techniques and how to do them. You can read more about Yoga at home or the history of yoga and teaching yoga movements or teaching yoga movements for beginners, exercise at home on the Fit Play sports blog with teaching yoga pdf and teaching yoga exercises or teaching yoga and meditation.