We all know that football is a very popular and team sport in many countries of the world, there are even countries that have the least sports facilities. This attractive sport is played by two teams of 11 players, all of whom try to score goals with a soccer ball on natural or even artificial grass. In each of theese eleven teams, there are several attackers, midfielders, defenders and a goalkeeper who are arranged on the field by their head coach and are like a system and this is called the football system as a teammate. In fact in the modern world today more than 250 million footballers in more than 200 countries are active in this field. Stay with us so that with this article from the Fit Play website your questions about What is football how to play football, football history, football league, dribble football, football posts and even what football is will be answered.
What is football and where did it come from?
Many people dont know What is football and what rules it follows because they have only watched this exciting sport on TV. Now we want to know What is football and where it came from on the planet? The history of the world sport of football goes back to China but first we want to know what is football? Soccer is now a global game that consists of two teams of eleven players and the members of this team play against each other with a ball on natural and artificial grass.
What is football?
In the question of What is football it should be said that the length of the football field is between 90 and 120 meters and its width is between 45 and 90 meters. Football like other sports, has rules that are controlled by FIFA. In addition to the supervision of football, the FIFA organization also oversees the official body of futsal and beach soccer as well as the continental confederations of UEFA, AFC, CEF and OFC are sub branches of FIFA.
What period does the history of football go back to?
The sport of football has a long history and an ancient history. The history of football and the history of derby dates back to several centuries BC and to China, which over time also spread to Greece and Rome, but in essence the history of football sports goes back to 1863 and England with a deeper look. In the 12th century in England playing football was similar to playing with a ball on lawns and roads.
Even in the old days in addition to shooting the ball with their hands they also played games. The sport of football, which originated in England is taught in the schools of this country in a completely modern way today and gradually and with the passage of time, this sport has covered the whole world. In addition with the opening and formation of the FIFA world organization in 1904, this sport has become much wider and bigger by creating the World Cup competition.
A look at how to play football
What is football? Football sports are played in two 45 minute halves and extra time and penalties are added to it in elimination games or sometimes round trip matches and as a result, the game may exceed 90 minutes. In this sport to know What is football the football coach has the role of training and organizing the team players to achieve an exciting result. Today in the sport of football and know What is football each team even has several coaches and all the tasks are divided among them.
How to play football?
Football consists of captain, goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, striker, reserve player and defensive wall. The way football is played is that each of the attackers or defenders has different tasks. For example to know What is football the captain is one of the players who has the responsibility of leading the team on the field and by tying an armband on his left arm, he is separated from other players on the playing field, or the goalie has the responsibility of preventing and preventing the ball from entering the goal. This player is also separated from other players by having a special dress.
Soccer Exciting soccer game
At the beginning of our conversation to know What is football we understood What is football? We even realized that football is a global game and has its own fans all over the country. After understanding What is football you should know that the World Cup, which we watch on TV every few years is one of the biggest sporting events in the world.
In fact every four years a country hosts it and some of the players from other teams Countries are treated like a guest. In addition to the World Cup, other international competitions such as the Summer Olympic Games, Club World Cup, Confederations Cup, Arusha Nations Cup or European Champions League are held every year in different countries at different times.
What is the structure of the football league?
At the beginning of dealing with the structure of the football league we will talk about what the football league is and What is football. In sports terminology a league is a type of sports competition in which teams compete with each other on a round trip basis. In the football league, there is a league with 18 to 20 teams.
In the football league players play back and forth with each other and at the end the team that has received the most points is chosen and introduced as the champion of the league. There are two types of football leagues, domestic or continental. The league that was explained first was domestic and in the continental league, teams first play back and forth based on seeding or lottery in groups of people.
dribble football is the most beautiful individual show
dribble football is basically the most beautiful individual display of a player. Moving the ball with the foot for a long time is called dribbling in soccer. One of the secrets of dribbling is controlling the ball correctly. Dribbling in soccer is like that, first one right and left foot is not different and then two feet are used together with the help of the inside and outside of the foot.
You should continue this work and practice so much that swinging and playing with the ball forward seems easy and comfortable. One of the important points in dribbling is passing. Basically passing is the best and best type of dribbling in the exciting sport of football because if the best defender in the world is in front of you, with a simple pass to your team player you can easily pass the ball past her.
All about football posts
In the following after know What is football we are going to discuss football positions and the duties of each of them. The goalkeeper is the most important and defensive position in football and we all know that the duty of the goalkeeper is to prevent the ball from entering and to keep the goal closed. Also, the color of the goalkeepers uniform is different from that of other players. The next position in football is fullback. The side defenders have the task of covering and preventing the attack of the players of the opposing team.
The two headed central defender is also responsible for covering the central attackers when the defensive barrier is broken. Most of the time, the offensive wing on the right side of the post 7 player is said that the duties of the offensive wings are to attack from the sides of the field and find the right position and center into the penalty area.
What does a midfielder mean in football?
Midfielder or in the term middle player is a player who is located on the football field between the defender and the striker. The main duty of a midfielder or middle player is to have the ball in her team and not to give the ball to the opponent in compliance with the rules,so that the ball is only for her team and it is scored.
A midfielder in football must have mental and physical qualities as well as special tactical qualities. Among the physical qualities of a midfielder we can mention strength, mobility and agility and from the mental and tactical qualities we can mention deception, determination, jumping, estimation.
Football rules and FIFA regulations
What is football? Since football has become a global sport, FIFA has set stricter and more complex rules for this sport and obliged the players to follow them. According to the above statements we realized that two teams of 11 people are trying to enter the ball into the goal with a 71 cm ball and so to speak, that the team that scores more is the winner.
One of the rules of football is not allowed to touch the ball and the goal. In this rule no player except the goalkeeper has the right to hold the ball in his hand and they can use their legs and head to pass and use the ball. Among the other rules applied by FIFA on soccer, the use of leather balls or other suitable materials and the diameter of the ball should not be more than 71 cm and not less than 68 cm can be used as an example.
The difference between a yellow card and a red card in football
What is football? Football which has many fans all over the world today cannot be thought of without getting a yellow card and a red card because this sport is very difficult and complicated as it is exciting and exciting. There are various reasons for getting a yellow card and a red card from a coach or head coach, such as rudeness or not following FIFA rules.
In the sport of football when the referee gives a yellow card to a player, it means that the player must be careful on the playing field and after receiving the yellow card, the player can continue his game on the other hand when the referee gives a red card to a player, it means that The player has committed an offense and does not have the right to play on the field and as a result, he has been expelled.
research about the sport of football pdf
As we all know every sport has its own rules and regulations and football is no exception to this rule and we will first discuss the term offside. Basically when a player is closer than other players to the opposing teams goal line when the ball is passed, he is said to be in an offside position. The next term is penalty kick.
If a player of one team makes a mistake with an opponent player of another team who is in the penalty area, then it is said that a penalty foul has been committed which means that the chance of scoring a goal from a penalty kick is very high for each team. If you are very interested in soccer and its rules by researching soccer pdf you might become one of the national team players.
A look at the new football rules
Almost since the time when football was officially formed in the West a series of people have also set rules for it. In 1876, Walter Kemp, known as the father of American football, compiled the first rules of football. Of course changes were not made in these laws for a long time but the current laws have many differences from those initial laws.
What is the difference between mens and womens Football rules?
Womens football like mens football, started in England. But compared to mens football, it took a more complicated path and bypassed many restrictions. For example the First World War in addition to its casualties, caused the womens football in England which had been born from there, to suffer great damage because the Football Association in England announced its lack of support for womens football. However womens football is now held in most countries and its rules are no different from men’s new football rules.
What are the rules of womens football in muslum contury?
The rules of playing football in Iran have differences with the rules of international football which we will mention below :
- Hijab Rules : Female soccer players are required to wear long sleeved clothes and full head covering with a mask, pants and socks during the game. Of course the officials are trying to change the head covering from the mask to the hats designed for this game.
- Spectators : Another rule of womens football is to hold this game without spectators, which may reduce the enthusiasm of the players of this sport.
Football game rules in general
These football game rules are among the unwritten rules that every football fan knows.
- None of the soccer players has the right to touch the soccer ball except the referee.
- Usually, each player is stronger in one of the positions of defender, attacker, midfielder and the head coach puts the players in their appropriate position with the tactical systems he has planned for the team.
- If the goalkeeper has to leave the game for any reason, one of the players selected by the head coach will be placed in this position.
- Usually, players of two teams do things like cutting passes, in which case the game is not stopped by the referee. Only when a foul is committed or the ball is completely out of bounds will play be stopped and restarted.
- Each team has a captain who leads the team and is older and more experienced than the rest of the players. It also has the ability to influence other players. This person always talks to the referee to choose the pitch and wears an armband on his left arm.
summary of football rules by FIFA
In this section about summary of football rules or football game rules we are going to summary of football rules game provided by FIFA, the international football federation. These Football game rules have been implemented since June 1, 2012 in all the member countries of this federation.
- Football field : according to the new football rules, the game is played on the grass field. The length of the football field must be at least 95 meters and at most 120 meters and its width at least 64 meters and at most 120 meters.
- Ball : The soccer ball should be round and made of strong materials such as leather and its material should not harm the players.
- Players : In the rules of the football game, the number of players in each team should not be less than 7 and more than 11.
- Offside : If a player is closer to the goal of the opposing team than the other players, this situation is called offside.
- Duration : The duration of a football game is two halves of 45 minutes. According to the new football rules, it is possible to change this time in one case and that is the case when the referee and the two teams have agreed on this matter.
- Players equipment : The use of additional equipment such as jewelry is prohibited for the player and he should not use equipment that can cause harm.
What are the important kicks in the game of football?
There are some important and decisive kicks in the game of football, the rules of which are mandatory for every football player to know. Also knowing it for the fans of this game makes them watch football with a different perspective.
- Corner kick : If in one team the ball hits one of the players of the same team and crosses the crossbar of the same teams goal, the opposing team gets the opportunity to take a corner kick and score a goal.
- Goal kick : When the attacking players pass the ball across the crossbar, except for the area between the two goal posts, one of the defending players plants the ball inside the penalty area and directly into the field. If a goal is scored, it is counted if the goal is not by itself.
Penalty kicks : Penalty kicks must be taken from the penalty spot. Things that the player must follow according to football rules :
Hit from a distance of 9.5 meters.
He should not play the ball twice.
It is placed in the penalty area.
- Free kicks : We have two types of free kicks; 1- Direct impact, 2- Indirect impact.
In a direct free kick to know What is football if the ball enters the opponents goal directly, it is considered a goal and if it enters the goal of the free kick team, it is considered a corner. In an indirect free kick, the referee raises his hand and holds the kick until the ball leaves the field or touches another player.
What is the The law of leaving the team field in football?
The The law of leaving the team field in football is a law in which if a team leaves the field, in addition to the fact that the said team loses the competition 3-0, it is also subject to heavy fines and fines such as expulsion from the league.
The law of leaving the team field in football happens for various reasons ; Disrespecting the opposing team, protesting the referees decision. of course leaving the field is considered an unprofessional phenomenon in the modern world. however some football teams still do this. In famous international teams the rule of The law of leaving the team field in football is also applied in the form of exclusion from the team.
A look at examples of The law of leaving the team field in football
- Recently one of the American teams named San Diego Loyal in the second division league, its players left the field due to insulting the opposite team, which is a rare event in this country. The law of leaving the team field in football was applied to them in the form of a fine.
What are the football refereeing rules?
A person who is trained to judge and manage a football game rules and has the necessary preparation for this work is chosen as a referee. In the new rules of football in India one of the changes that have been made is that the game will be stopped if the referee is hit. football refereeing rules are one of the most important rules for playing football.
latest football rules
In the latest football rules to know What is football? in the section related to football refereeing rules, it is stated that in addition to the referee, two other people are present in the game under the title of assistant referees who help the referee in special situations such as latest football rules or football refereeing rules :
1- When the ball leaves the field in general.
2- Which team will take corner kicks, penalties or throw-ins.
3- If a mistake happens and the referee does not witness it.
4- An error occurs and the assistant referee is closer to it.
5- Player penalty for offside.
In the new rules of football game rules the addition of the third and fourth assistant referees is also important. Due to the large size of the football field, the legislators and officials decided to register this law and place the assistant referees in different parts of the football field.
The latest Football rules in todays world
The legislators of football have decided to make changes and reforms in this game. After football was stopped for a year in the 2019-2020 Premier League many temporary rules were implemented but these rules were not extended for the next season.
This is not the first time that the rules of the football game are modified and it probably won’t be the last time either Because managers are still looking for ways to improve this game in this world that is changing every moment.
What are the new football rules that may be imposed?
Due to the great popularity of the football game around the world, its officials and legislators make a lot of effort to organize it properly and are trying to fix its problems and limitations every year. One of the limitations is human errors in these cases modern technologies such as VAR can be used to make this game as fair as possible.
- Increased three substitutions
One of the latest football rules changes that the Premier League made to the rules of the football game was the increase of 3 substitutions to 5. These changes were applied in June due to the Corona disease in the 2020 league. But after Premier League clubs who voted against this law, it was not approved by the World Football Federation and this law was extended until 2021.
- Breaks to drink water
Another new football rule in the 2019-2020 Premier League was the creation of breaks for players to drink water. The Premier League which usually ends by the end of May, in 2020, due to the spread of the Corona virus, lasted until June, which is summer and the weather is hot. But the rumors indicate that this law will not be implemented in the year 2021-2020.
- Changing VAR rules
In June 2020 soccers world governing body transferred responsibility for VAR to FIFA.
A change was also made regarding the goalkeepers attack on penalty kicks. If the goalkeeper saves a penalty but puts his foot on the line, VAR takes it back.
If the goalkeeper goes off the line when the ball hits the goal post the penalty will not be taken back unless the goalkeeper had a hand in causing the shot to miss.
In the same way new rules have been introduced in relation to players violating penalty kicks. If any part of the players foot is in the penalty area, it is considered a foul.
What is football ? and Football rules pdf ?
There is no need to read specialized and heavy books about this sport like new football rules or summary of football rules to know what are the rules of football. You can easily download the football rules pdf file on your laptop or phone and always refer to it even while watching the football game.
the final conclusion
In the final summary of this sports article from Fit Play What is football we found out What is football? What is its history? How to play football ? research about the sport of football pdf or dribble football and football posts We got acqainted with the football posts sports or the meaning of receiving a yellow card and a red card, as well as the duties of the players and the rules inserted by FIFA. This exciting sport has many fans, from young to old and even in countries that have the least facilities, their youths play soccer with a ball on dirt fields without grass. In the end, we also realized that the sport of football is not as simple as we see on television and in the stadium and it has its own complexities and difficulties.