Fitness or backgammon? Is it more important to strengthen the body or the mind?

what is the meaning of fitness

These days getting fit and beautiful has become the dream of every girl and boy and everyone wants to have a fat free body. Fitness is one of the most popular sports in todays world that will quickly bring you to your ideal body. Therefore if you want to have a well-cut body and always keep your body healthy, it is better to go to fitness. This sport has countless benefits for the body and soul of a person, which you can participate in by knowing what is fitness style. For this reason in the rest of this article we want to talk about which fitness or backgammon is beeter  and What is fitness and what is the meaning of fitness, so that you know what pleasant things or What is fitness happen in your body by participating in this sport so dont neglect us.

What is fitness?

Fitness is one of the branches of bodybuilding sports in which you can have a muscular body in addition to being fit, which everyone wants to have. While knowing What is fitness to choose fitness or backgammon you should know that many people are looking for drugs to achieve a muscular and fat-free body, while this is wrong. By knowing What is fitness to choose fitness or backgammon you will understand that along with these two things, your body will become flexible and your heart and blood vessels will remain healthy.

fitness or backgammon

The difference between fitness and bodybuilding

In order to know better and more fundamentally What is fitness, it must be said that it is different from it in some principles. In fact to choose fitness or backgammon many people may think that bodybuilding and fitness are the same or have little similarities with each other but these two sports are very different from each other in many different ways, such as the science of exercises and nutrition. In fitness the goal is not to bulk up the muscles and increase the size of the muscles, but in this sport, having the right weight, height and size is the criterion and every person should try to achieve these things.

What does fitness mean?

In order to know what fitness means to choose fitness or backgammon it should be said that in this sport, there is no increase in the volume of bodybuilding. In knowing the what is the meaning of fitness to choose fitness or backgammon you should know that this sport is a physical fitness sport that consists of light exercises, proper diet, aerobic and strength exercises. By observing all these things you can understand the what is the meaning of fitness and have an ideal body. reach al Because women are looking for fitness more than men so they are more drawn to this sport, which is why it can be said that fitness is more popular among women.
Because knowing what is the meaning of fitness women can try to perform the movements of this sport even in their homes and get fit without going to gyms. But all people should be careful to learn all the movements of this sport well and then start performing them so that their physical health is not endangered.

fitness or backgammon

Categorizing the physical characteristics of people in fitness

When you decide to work professionally in this field after knowing What is fitness in order to get fit you must be familiar with the classification of peoples physical characteristics. Because this sport is a combination of aerobic and strength movements such as various types of butterflies and crunches that every person may not be able to do according to their body. As a result if you are familiar with the classification of physical characteristics of people in this sport, you can find out which category you are in and what movements you should do or not do which we have briefly described below:
• Ectomorph: characteristic of people who lack enough fat and muscle fiber.
• Mesomorph: characteristic of people who have well trained muscles and a suitable muscular structure.
• Endomorph: characteristic of people who have more fat and are heavier.
Knowing What is fitness or What is fitness exercise you must have understood that you should eliminate the fat under your skin by performing what is aerobic fitness, strength exercises to know What is fitness exercise, what is aerobic fitness and burning fat in order to achieve the biggest goal of this sport which is fitness. Performing movements with more than 12 repetitions and rapid rhythm, using treadmill, stationary bike and vibrator are among the effective techniques to reduce fat volume in this sport.

What is fitness regimen?

The important thing to know about what is fitness style or fitness diet is to follow a correct diet. To know what a fitness diet is to choose better fitness or backgammon you need to know that protein plays an important role in achieving fitness, therefore you should consume a lot of protein while participating in this sport and this consumption should be according to your body structure and type of metabolism.
Two of the strong sources of protein for the body are vegetables and fruits. Because the athletes who go in this sport are always looking to burn their excess body fat and want to burn a lot of calories by performing fitness exercises and What is fitness exercise. In the meantime if you want to know what the fitness diet is you should go to the consumption of vegetables; Go for fruits, nuts and eggs to get really fit by consuming them along with knowing what a fitness diet is.

what is fitness style

What are the types of fitness?

Types of fitness include fitness modeling, fitness of specialized sports, aerobic fitness and fitness professionals choose their specialty according to their goal of doing this sport. Each of the types of fitness has its own trainer so when choosing Fitness coach, be sure to pay attention to this point. Another common difference between each of these disciplines is in the fitness and bodybuilding program that you receive from your trainer.

What is aerobic fitness?

You must have heard the name of fitness aerobics and you would like to know what is aerobic fitness just like knowing what is fitness style. Aerobic fitness is actually a combination of movements with weights, which will be considered an aerobic exercise because a person starts using small and light weights at the beginning, which is done in bodybuilding with heavy and large weights. In the aerobic fitness section to choose fitness or backgammon it is interesting to know that the combination of aerobic movements with weights which is called aerobic fitness, causes the body to burn more calories. Because strength and mobility are combined in this sport and will make it one of the most effective and popular aerobic sports.
In a more basic and simple way to choose fitness or backgammon it can be said that aerobic fitness is an aerobic exercise that makes your body fit and strong, because we hope that you have understood what is aerobic fitness, that the purpose of this exercise is to develop bulky muscles or to use supplements and Or the energy drugs are not for growing muscles but the goal is to achieve an ideal body. Therefore at the very beginning of his activity in aerobic fitness a person will imagine his ideal body in his mind and will always strive to achieve it.

What is the difference between bodybuilding and what is fitness style?

The aim of the attractive sport of bodybuilding is to increase the volume of the bodys muscles, which must always be fat free. For this reason when you go to this sport after choose fitness or backgammon you will encounter heavy weights because the intensity of training in this field is so high that it will bring your muscles to the point of failure so that your muscles will reach a point where you will no longer be able to do this program. they dont have and what will happen to them after rest and proper nutrition is having strong and bulky muscles.
But in the field of emotional fitness, the goal is not to have large muscles and bulk them up with heavy weights but the goal in this field of sports is to form muscles and fit the muscles so that in the end the person has a well shaped and fat free body. For this reason after choose fitness or backgammon most of the individual fitness programs are aerobic exercises and you will use less weights and if you do use them, they will be ok.

Types of fitness

What are the benefits of fitness sports?

Would you like to know the benefits of sports fitness so that you can register for a sports fitness class? We congratulate you because if you know what the benefits of fitness sports are you will want to start working in this sport right now. So stay with us to know together what are the benefits of sports fitness to knoe what is sports fitness. The most important and common benefits of what is sports fitness are:
• Reducing the risk of diseases such as: heart, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, colon cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer.
• Increasing the physical fitness of the body such as: increasing muscle strength, endurance, cardiovascular, flexibility, agility and speed.
• Increasing the strength and size of the heart such as: increasing good cholesterol, increasing blood pumping, increasing heart function.
• Increasing body muscles such as: bones, ligaments and joints.
• Reaching and keeping the body at an ideal weight, increasing muscle strength and reducing fat.
• Increasing energy levels, improving sleep habits during the day and night.

A look at the history of backgammon

The history of backgammon dates back to the Middle East and ancient civilizations of Iran, Egypt and Sumer. In fact in each of these civilizations many board games were created so that they could warm their heads in their free time but todays backgammon game is becoming popular day by day instead of being forgotten and abandoned like other board games. so that today there are few people who have not heard the name of backgammon.

What is backgammon philosophy?

Have you ever thought about Backgammon philosophy? Or rather do you know Backgammon philosophy? Some people have information about the Backgammon philosophy but others who just want to come to this game do not know about the Backgammon philosophy, which we want to tell them what is the philosophy of backgammon. The Backgammon philosophy goes back to the text of the book Chess Name, which states that the Backgammon philosophy is related to Zoroastrian beliefs. We have presented the Backgammon philosophy in a brief and useful way so that you know what the philosophy of backgammon is.
• 30 beads: indicating 30 days and nights of a month
• 24 houses: indicating 24 hours a day
• 4 parts of the earth: 4 seasons
• 5 games: 5 hours a day
• 2 colors: black and white: night and day
• Each side of the earth has 12 houses: 12 months of the year
• Playground: sky
• Dice: Lucky star
• Rotation of dice: rotation of days
• Vertebrates: Humans
• Vertebral circulation on the earth: the movement of humans
• Removing the dice at the end of each game: the death of humans

What is backgammon?

Intellectual games such as backgammon to know What is backgammon which were called backgammon in the old days are one of the intellectual games that rely on planning so that you can win the game by using the right method with counting and luck. In order to understand What is backgammon, two people must move their pieces according to the two numbers on the dice clockwise or counterclockwise in order to remove their opponents pieces from the game. In this game when all the pieces from one of the two sides are removed from the backgammon board, the remover is the winner.

How to start a backgammon game?

After getting the necessary information its time to know how is backgammon game and we want to answer your question how is backgammon game like other questions and uncertainties. There are two ways to arrange the pieces of this game on the backgammon board you can use both ways. The beginning of the backgammon game when you have chosen the white pieces, is that you should move on the backgammon board counter clockwise.
When you use the white piece and move counter clockwise be sure that your opponent will start playing in the opposite direction. To start the game of backgammon, both players throw dice and each one brings more dice or less dice according to the agreement, he can choose the color of the seals and the way to arrange the pieces and he will also be the starter of the game so we hope you understand. Have you ever wondered how is backgammon game?

benefits of sports fitness

Backgammon rules for moving pieces

Each mental game has specific rules that can only be followed by you to become a professional and defeat your opponent. You may have looked at the backgammon rules pdf but we have to tell you that the backgammon rules pdf may not explain all the important and necessary rules of this sport, thats why we have explained the backgammon rules for the movement of pieces. Like the question of how is backgammon game know What is backgammon rules are. The rules of the backgammon game for the movement of pieces to choose fitness or backgammonare:
• In backgammon a piece can never be closed in the same house.
• The white bead is placed on the white bead.
• The white piece cannot move to a square occupied by at least two opponent pieces.
• If the moving destination of a piece was in a closed house you must choose another piece to move.
• In backgammon if you roll a pair of dice, you must play that number four times.
• In the game of backgammon each player must roll dice and must move his pieces.
• If a player has the option to play both dice you must play both dice.

What is backgammon terms?

By knowing backgammon terms after choose fitness or backgammon you will understand What is backgammon each word in this game means and by using backgammon terms you can show your opponent how is backgammon game. For this reason we have presented the most important terms of backgammon to you because there are many terms of backgammon and only knowing the most important ones is your solution. The most important backgammon terms to choose fitness or backgammonare:
• Picking: Placing the nut on the ground to start knitting
• Afshar: House No. 5 of own and opponents land is called Afshar
• Afshargiri: Taking the 5th house or the opponent
• The term captured: two pieces that are in the opponent's field and in the house of 24
• Escaping: removing the piece in the opponents clay beam and taking it to other pieces of your own
• Pair: when two dice land the same
• Double blind: 11 pairs of dice
• House door: house number seven of each player
• Khal Khan: House number one in Khodi land
• Two sixes: a pair of sixes
• House Mountain: A house with more than 5 nodes is placed in it
• Bridge: to the pieces of house number 13, which play the role of a bridge for the escape of two captives

what is March in backgammon?

You must have heard what is March in backgammon and you want to know What is backgammon so dont worry if you are looking to know what is March in backgammon you dont need to worry and go to the backgammon rules pdf, because we like other things like Backgammon terms we want to explain to you what is March in backgammon.
When you remove all your pieces from the game before your opponent can remove at least one piece, your opponent has a so called backgammon board and the score you get is 2. If you try but fail to march your opponent you will get 1 point, provided you know correctly what is March in backgammon.

What are the benefits of playing backgammon?

Every sport and game has a benefit for the body which has caused the number of people who enter sports and mental games to increase day by day. Because no activity like exercising and playing mental games can be useful for your body and soul. For this reason to choose fitness or backgammon we have presented the benefits of playing backgammon to you so that you know what happens in your body and mind with this game. The most important benefits of playing backgammon to choose fitness or backgammon are:
• Acquiring cognitive skills
• Memory sorting
• Reducing the risk of Alzheimer
• Lowering blood pressure
• Increasing the speed of reaction
• Reducing stress
• Reduce distractions
• Increasing the strength of the immune system
• Freedom from worry and anxiety
• Increase freshness and vitality
• Development of the childs body and brain
• Therapy

benefits of sports fitness

the final conclusion fitness or backgammon

At the beginning of the material like What is fitness or What is fitness exercise, we looked at the physical characteristics of people and an important factor called warming up in this sport in a brief but useful way so that you know what category your body is in and what you should do before performing the movements you have learned Warm up your body. In the middle of the Fit Play content like what is the meaning of fitness and what is sports fitness, we discussed what is a fitness diet, fitness or backgammon and what are the benefits of sports fitness so that you can get to know more about this sport. In the last words of this article what is sports fitness, we hope that the above information like fitness or backgammon has been useful for you and that by using and choosing fitness or backgammon you should first think about your body and secondly think about your soul.