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There is no person in the world who does not wish to have a flat stomach, on the other hand, many people do not have time to go to the gym and get in shape due to their busy schedules, so the best option for these people is exercise at home. With exercises belly at home, you can easily go through the most difficult stage of losing weight, which is to melt the sides and abdomen. Those who have big hips and stomachs always have problems in dressing, and the first thing that attracts the public’s attention is the appearance of clothes that are messed up with big bellies. On the other hand, when it comes to losing weight and melting side belly exercise at home, everyone thinks that belly fat is easy to melt, but this is not the case, and there are many muscles connected to each other in the abdomen, which are difficult to get rid of. be Just stay with us in the rest of this article to introduce you to the types of exercises belly at home or exercise to lose belly at home like side belly exercise at home.

What is the key to beauty? How exercise to lose belly at home?

Is there anyone in the world who hates flat stomach and six pack? The answer to this question is no, but melting belly and side fat is a difficult task. On the other hand, the problem of getting rid of belly and side fat is not only that it is difficult, but you should follow the best diets in addition to doing exercises belly at home.

Because melting belly and side fat if it is not principled and a person starts doing exercises and following various diets on his own, it will endanger his health. For example, a person may suffer from various heart diseases, diabetes, stroke and even some cancers. That’s why it’s time to get fit and beautiful by doing exercises belly at home and changing your lifestyle.

The best exercise to lose belly at home

In the past, being fat was not an important issue for both women and men, and people did not care about their big bellies at all. But in today’s modern world, no one likes to be overweight, and fat people are always looking for the right ways to melt their belly and side fat. In fact, the best way to get rid of excess weight is doing exercises belly at home.

Basically, when you start working on your core muscles, you will reach your desired body faster. For exercises belly at home, you can go for Pilates and yoga. Also, to lose weight, you can use a treadmill at home, or if you don’t have one, you can follow a variety of aerobic exercises. You should also know that keeping blood sugar stable prevents the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and sides.

What should we do before starting exercises at home? And best exercise to lose belly?

As you have noticed so far, the best exercise to melt your belly fat and sides is to combine aerobic and strength exercises. Because combining these exercises will focus on your abdominal and side muscles and will get you to your desired body faster. In addition, along with doing exercises, you must have proper nutrition and enough rest.

Before you start doing your favorite exercises, you should do a few things. At first, you should warm up your body for 10 minutes with stretching exercises, as well as standing and running, so that your breathing rate and heart rate increase. After warming up for 10 minutes, you should rest for 10 seconds and then start doing abdominal and side slimming exercises.

Knowing the muscles of the abdomen and sides

Before knowing and checking the types of exercises belly at home, each person should first know a little about the muscles in his abdomen and sides. The abdomen and sides of each person have very complex muscle networks. The main muscles of the middle part of the body are divided into four general categories, which are:

  • Transverse abdominal muscles
  • Rectus abdominis muscles
  • Internal oblique muscles of the abdomen
  • Abdominal external oblique muscles

At the beginning of losing weight, do different exercises to strengthen these four muscles.

  • These exercises include: exercises in different directions such as front to back, side to side and diagonal.

Basically, by being aware of your muscles, you will realize that you should not only use movements such as sit-ups or bicycle crunches because these exercises only maneuver the rectus abdominis muscle. After the stomach, another muscle that you should always try to melt is the oblique muscles of the abdomen or the sides. Also, the oblique muscles of the abdomen or the sides play an important role in creating stability and stability of the body, coordinating breathing and supporting the back.

exercise at home for fat people

Achieving a flat stomach is the dream of all young people and even middle-aged people today, and you have to go through many ways to achieve it. We suggest you side belly exercise at home. Because by following the exercises to lose belly fat at home, you don’t have to endure the crowds of the cities and you don’t have to spend a lot of money by exercise at home for fat people.

For example, every year, many people spend a lot of money to buy different slimming devices, which include: roller, impactor, vibrating devices. Basically, most people can reach their desired weight and ideal body by using these devices, but they will not last. In fact, these devices are not able to easily melt the layers of fat around the abdomen and only make you fit locally in a period of time that can be returned. But by doing exercises to lose belly fat at home, you can easily lose weight, which is irreversible.

The best exercise to lose belly and sides

The first step of exercising at home to lose belly and sides is to reduce the size of the waist. In fact, everyone’s stomach is flat at first, but over time, due to improper nutrition and lack of movement, it is covered with excess fat.

Exercises at home for slimming the abdomen and sides are basically focused on the muscles of this area, and over time, you will see your fat loss by performing various exercises on this area. Also, when you reach your desired weight, you should always try to keep your blood sugar stable because with the increase in blood sugar in the body, fats will come to you again.

The most common abdominal exercise at home

In this part of the article, we are going to introduce you to some of the most common abdominal exercises at home, so that by doing 3 sets of 15 of each, you can reach your ideal body in a short time. Some of the most common exercises belly at home are:

Reverse curve: This movement is one of the best side exercises belly at home for all ages, which works directly on the abdominal and side muscles.

  • Lie on the floor with your hands by your side.
  • Raise your legs and make a 90 degree angle to the ground.
  • Press your stomach with your legs and lower your legs to a 45 degree angle

Plank: This movement is a special movement for melting belly fat, which is somewhat similar to the Swedish swimming movement.

  • Stand on your palms and ankles. • Stand in this position for about 30 seconds with a perfectly straight body.
  • Raise one leg about 15 cm and stay in the same position for a few seconds.

Squat movement: This movement is another movement for melting fat in the abdominal area.

  • Stretch your legs and shoulders while standing on your feet.
  • In this movement, your knees and ankles should be forward, your back should be straight, and your head should be facing.
  • Go down slowly and when your thighs are parallel, return to the first position.

What is the best exercise for belly slimming?

In the following, we will introduce you one of the best exercises for belly slimming, so that you can quickly get rid of excess fat by doing it three or four times for 20 minutes a week. In fact, for three to four days, you only have to do each of the aerobic exercises for 12 minutes, and then run or ride a bike for half an hour for the rest of the days.

If you have an event and you want your clothes to look good on your body, we suggest exercises to slim your stomach in this section. Basically, if you want to get fit and not have any extra fat in your body, you should do aerobic exercises, cycling and running intensively for a month. Some of the best aerobic exercise for belly slimming are:

  • Roping
  • Propeller movement
  • Climbing movement
  • Bear walking motion
  • Squat jack movement
  • Backward motion
  • The motion of kicking from behind
  • The crunch movement
  • Barfix
  • Movement of raising the knee
  • Flutter cake movement
  • Spiral movement
  • Box jump movement
  • Launch movement

Get fit by walking

One of the best exercises belly at home is walking. Basically, you can walk not only in your home but in any public space without any cost or equipment. In fact, walking is one of the best and easiest exercises to get rid of belly and side fat. Basically, if you walk for half an hour to an hour every day, you will gradually see the loss of your belly fat.

On the other hand, one of the major advantages of walking is that you don’t put a lot of pressure on your body with this sport, so your fatigue is less compared to other sports. You can also prevent the secretion of a hormone called cortisol by walking. Another name of this hormone is stress and this hormone plays a very important and essential role in the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and sides.

Exercise at home for obese people

Exercising is always difficult and that’s why many people avoid doing exercises belly at home, but if you are a fat person, the situation becomes more difficult than it was. But if you follow us, we will solve all your worries. The first exercise at home to lose belly and sides is walking.

Walking is the best thing you will need after a lot of busy work that has eaten your nerves. This exercise at home to lose belly and sides increases the body’s metabolism in the first stage and refreshes your spirit and soul by speeding up the fat burning process. Also, another exercise at home for obese people is to perform strength movements and group movements.

At the end

In the final summary of this article, in general, you got to know the types of abdominal exercises at home for obese people. You also realized that although exercising is hard and difficult, you should start exercising as soon as possible to avoid suffering from various diseases and joint pains.

On the other hand, you know that only exercising will not bring you to your ideal body, but you should also change your lifestyle and eating habits. In the end, we hope that the above content like exercise to lose belly at home or exercise at home to lose belly and sides has been useful for you and that you have benefited from it.

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