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Exercising is important and necessary, so that nowadays even children know how important and useful exercise is for health, but due to many busy schedules, some people have neglected to exercise. In other words, working people, students or even housewives do not have enough time to go to sports clubs and participate in a sports field, and they always face a lack of time. In this article, we are going to describe the available information and options for exercise at home and help you find the best exercises. In fact, in this article, we will solve all your worries and concerns to get and have a beautiful body, and you will get fit by teaching sports movements at home. Just stay with us to get enough information about exercise training at home for children and exercise for children at home.

Things you should know before exercising at home

Many people only think about what to eat or what to do to have a beautiful body after exercise, but in this section we introduce you to the things and foods that you should eat and do before exercise. We all exercise to benefit from physical health and good shape, that’s why we do all the work after exercise at home. But on the one hand, we must pay attention to the fact that the work done before exercise is as important as after exercise for children at home.

  • Warm up the well : softening or warming up the body before starting exercise increases the temperature of the muscles, central body and blood flow. In fact, by warming up your body muscles become strong and power.
  • Delivering fuel to the body : There must be carbohydrates and protein in your food menu. Toast and peanut butter are high in protein and carbohydrates and are a good option for providing fuel to the body.
  • Drinking water : during scientific research some people have proven, that a person must drink 600 grams of water before exercising so that exercise can be more effective.
  • Music album : Researchers have found that music for exercising at home increases your performance psychologically, just like drinking water.

What is exercise at home?   have you ever done?

do you know What is exercise at home or exercise training at home for children? In today’s modern world, it is not possible for one or two people in a family not to work For this reason, these people cannot afford to go to sports clubs and lose their time. What is the answer to exercising at home? It must be said that every person can easily enjoy important features by having an exercise program at home. The question of what is exercise for children at home means that anyone can exercise in any environment with any clothes and enjoy their beautiful body. When the exercise is at home, of course, we only have a few square meters of space, and this space is either the living room or the bedroom. So Pilates at home is a good option for exercising at home. So we plan our type of exercise model based on this.

Getting ready and exercising at home in a short time

While preparing to exercise at home to strengthen your muscles, you should do a few things in order to reach your goals of being fit and having a beautiful body.

  • Find out the goal : At the beginning of exercising at home, you should define your goal that you want to achieve a shapely and beautiful body. Each person’s goals are different from another person, and everyone should determine their goals according to their interests, lifestyle, and the amount of weight they want to lose.
  • Recognizing problems and obstacles : At the beginning of work, you should be familiar with the problems of exercising at home and know that you are not like a professional athlete and you should act like a beginner. In fact, you will achieve great results in a short period of time by having a basic program.
  • Correct planning : Planning is important and necessary in any sport. Planning bodybuilding at home is the most important principle because if you don’t have a plan, you will face problems in this sport.

What are the types of exercise at home?

As it was said, exercising at home is for those people who are not able to go to gyms, so you can achieve all your goals by doing exercise for children at home. You just have to not get tired and continue your exercises with strength. In fact, any of the exercise movements at home such as TRX at home will not bring you to your desired weight quickly, but you must have enough spirit and patience to see your fitness over time. In the following, we have mentioned the names of some  most important and best exercise movements at home.

  • Squat
  • Step up
  • Power Trust
  • Plank
  • Side jump
  • Single handed swimming
  • Swedish swimming
  • Jumping with knees bent

Exercising at home without facilities

One of the most carefree and effortless types of exercise is exercise at home and exercise training at home for children, which you do not pay for and you can save your time. In fact, no one has the ability to go to the gym, endure the traffic, reach home and rest for the next day after working for 8-10 hours a day. Therefore, yoga at home or aerobics at home is the best option for a person. On the other hand, housewives must be present at home to take care of children and housework.

Apart from this, some people are not able to go out of the house due to their skeletal and muscular weakness. All of these are not reasons to exercise. Exercise at home without facilities is also possible, so you can exercise at home with Swedish swimming, kick back, parallel and you can exercise at home.

Teaching sports at home for children

In the exercise training section at home, we want to help you perform exercise movements at home. In fact, in teaching exercise at home, by introducing you to how to do a few exercises easily in a small space, you can exercise with your children and teach your children to exercise as well.

  • Barfix : Barfix is ​​the best bodybuilding exercise for the development of upper body muscles such as forearm, chest, back, armpit and abdominal muscles. Barfix is ​​also the best option for abdominal exercises at home.
  • Swedish swimming : in this sport, two elbows are placed on the ground and the legs are straightened And being close to the ground, you can easily work on the arm and chest muscles.
  • Plank : This exercise is an isometric exercise through the body’s own weight. In this exercise, the person’s body is placed in the form of a board, and by pressing on the stomach, the fat in this area melts.
  • One-handed swimming : One-handed swimming is one of the best and most wonderful exercises for upper body preparation and muscle coordination.

Why do morning exercise at home?

Do you know what morning exercise is? Morning exercise is exercising in an open space like a park or a person’s home yard. But is it possible to exercise in the morning at home? In answer to this question, yes, morning exercise at home is also possible. To exercise in the morning at home, just open the windows and choose a suitable place for yourself.

It has also been scientifically proven that morning exercise is very beneficial for the body because the clean air instills freshness and vitality into the body. On the other hand, morning exercise can increase brain power and treat depression. In the following, we have mentioned some movements for morning exercise at home, which you will learn all of them by downloading exercise at home. Morning exercises at home include :

  • Stretching movement of cat and camel
  • Jack’s jump move
  • Table balance movement
  • Leg squats
  • Swim
  • Twisting the biceps muscle
  • Mutation
  • Bike

What are the important reasons for exercising at home?

Exercises at home will be one of the most positive experiences for a person. In fact, you can do weight loss exercises at home better than at the gym, provided you have the perseverance and determination to exercise at home for children. In this section of the article, we have collected some important reasons for morning exercise at home for you. These important reasons for exercising at home are :

  • Saving time: because you don’t need to go back and forth, you don’t have to show up, so you save your time.
  • Saving money: because you don’t need to be a member of a gym and you can easily exercise by training at home.
  • More hygiene: because we are sure of the cleanliness of our home and we do not use unsanitary equipment like in the gym.
  • Having privacy: exercise at home has privacy, which is not the same in the gym.
  • Increasing the speed of exercise: because the program is in your hands and you can increase and decrease your times yourself.

Exercise at home with dumbbells

Bodybuilding and exercise at home and exercise at home for children is possible even with a few small dumbbells. Movements such as squats, presses, rotations, planks and crunches are among the exercises you can do at home with dumbbells. In the following, we have presented the names of some exercises at home with dumbbells for you along with a summary of how to perform exercise movements at home with dumbbells. The most important exercise movements at home with dumbbells are :

  • Standing press and dumbbells on the shoulders: spread the legs shoulder-width apart, hold the dumbbells in your hands and above your head, press the dumbbells upwards.
  • Dumbbell squat: spread your legs shoulder-width apart, hold the dumbbells correctly, then enter the squat position by bending your knees and lowering your upper body.
  • Dumbbell set-up: stand in front of a step, bench or board, hold the dumbbells, put one foot on the bench and raise the body by pressing on the heel.

What is the best exercise at home that is compatible with our time?

People who cannot exercise in gyms for any reason can do the best exercise for their health at home. In this section, there is a question titled “What is the best exercise at home for children?” In response to the question, “What is the best exercise at home?” It should be said that there are many exercises for exercise at home for children, but the best of them are swimming and sitting on the floor.

These two movements are the best movement to answer the question of what is the best exercise at home for children due to their ease and simplicity. Because everyone has heard the names of these two movements and how to perform them from friends and acquaintances at least once. In these two movements, with only a few meters of space, you can perform these two movements in a few minutes and not worry about your body’s health.

Does exercising at home make us fit?

In answer to this question, it should be said that you must first know the meaning of exercise. Exercising means that you do movements so that your body starts burning fat. These movements may be performed with or without equipment. It doesn’t matter whether you do these movements with or without a device, because doing that movement makes you slim and has nothing to do with the device.

Therefore, many people think that they can get fit only with bodybuilding machines. While this is not the case and you can make your body burn fat and have a beautiful body by doing aerobic exercises at home.

Slimming and shrinking the belly at home

Having a flat stomach is not only the desire of many women but also the desire of many men, which will be difficult to achieve, but nothing is impossible by exercising at home or in the gym. Many people spend a lot of money on surgeries and pills to shrink their stomachs, all of which are ineffective in the end and do not shrink your stomach.

Even on the Internet, devices for slimming and shrinking the abdomen are advertised, but these devices are not able to shrink all the organs of the body and do not burn the fat layers around the abdomen. Rather, you may lose a few kilos locally, and the lost weight will return. It is not impossible to shrink the belly at home by doing sports exercises and you will achieve a beautiful body naturally within a few months.

Some exercises to shrink the belly at home

If your goal is to have a flat stomach, the first step is to eliminate the layers of fat on your abdominal muscles. Because all people have a flat stomach at first, and over time, fat sits on the muscles of this part and causes a person to have a belly. In the following, we presented tree important moves to shrink the belly at home :

  • Reverse curve :

Lie down on the floor and put your hands beside your body.Raise your legs and make a 90 degree angle to the ground. Put pressure on your stomach with your legs and lower your legs to a 45 degree angle and then be in the first position and do this movement 30 times a day.

  • Plank :

Stand on your palms and ankles. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds with a completely straight body.  Raise one leg about 15 cm and stay in the same position for a few seconds and do this movement 30 times a day.

  • Sitting up :

For this movement, lie on your back and keep your knees at a 90 degree angle.  Place your hands beside your head and press your lower back to the floor. Do this movement in 3 sets of 20 every day.

Benefits of weight loss exercise at home

Many times we have heard through friends and the internet that inactivity is harmful to the body, on the other hand, we have heard that exercising at home and in the gym is beneficial for the body, but many people may not be familiar with the benefits of exercise. In this part of the article, we have explained the benefits of exercising for you to get to know the benefits of exercising in advance.

  • Exercising helps a person to sleep better and more comfortably.
  • Exercising prevents sudden death and slows down the aging process.
  • Joints, muscles and bones stay healthy with exercise.
  • The body’s immune and defense system is strengthened by exercising.
  • Exercising increases energy and endurance in a person.
  • Nervous pressure and depression will disappear with exercise.
  • Exercise reduces cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis.

Examining the mental effects of exercise at home

Exercising at home not only increases the physical fitness of a person, but exercise has a great impact on the human mind and brain. In other words, exercise increases the efficiency of the brain. For example, by reducing anxiety and depression, a person feels refreshed. Exercising reduces stress on the body and mind. The effects of exercise on the human spirit and mind are many, so we only discussed the most important ones.

The two mentioned examples of the effect of exercise on the human mind were only a small part of the mental benefits of this exercise. You must have heard that with age, the human brain deteriorates and a person may get Alzheimer’s. By exercising, you can prevent brain degeneration. Because exercising between the ages of 25 and 45 increases chemicals in the brain that prevent the hippocampus from deteriorating.

At the end

At the end of this article, it should be said that if you are worried about your health and you don’t want to get all kinds of physical and mental diseases in your old age, it is still not too late. At any age, you can have a healthy body by eating healthy and starting to exercise in your favorite sport.

Also, in this article, you got to know the things you should know before exercising, types of exercise at home, how to exercise in the morning and lose weight, the important reasons for exercising, as well as the benefits and effects of exercise on the body and soul. We hope that you have gained useful information about exercising by reading this article.

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