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If you have gone through all the possible ways and exercises to get an ideal body and you have not achieved good results, we recommend you to go for CrossFit. As this sport is a combination of strength, endurance and aerobic movements, it helps you a lot in achieving an ideal body. With a little activity in this sport and watching the video of Crossfit, you will see how the body changes and goes in the direction you want. For this reason, in the rest of this article, we want to teach CrossFit and Crossfit exercises with dumbbells from FitPlay or Crossfit movements for women so that you don’t need to watch Crossfit exercise videos on Internet sites. Because in some of the Crossfit exercise videos available on the internet, the information that we want to present below may not exist. For this reason pay attention to the following content like Crossfit training systems and Crossfit training at home so that you don’t need a CrossFit video.

What is CrossFit? Or how  found Crossfit exercise videos?

Crossfit is one of the best and most popular sports in the world, and today many people are looking for Crossfit training in Crossfit exercise videos and internet sites. In order to go to CrossFit training in this article, we want to tell you what CrossFit is. Crossfit is a combination of strength, endurance, gymnastics, explosive, plyometric, speed and weight lifting exercises that are done using the weight of the individual’s own body. Therefore, it can be said that by participating in this sport, abilities such as heart and lungs, endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, agility, balance and fitness will increase.

To perform Crossfit exercises, you should spend five to fifteen minutes three to five sessions during the week. The interesting thing about this sport is that its exercises are performed periodically, that is, you have to perform an explosive movement and take a short break and resume your exercises. The most important movements of this sport are combined exercises, pressing, pulling and running, rowing and squatting.

The most important crossfit movements for women

The number of women who are looking for this sport is more than men, so we want to describe the most important Crossfit movements for women. Because by knowing the most important crossfit movements for women, you can go to other crossfit training and achieve the goals in your head. The most important crossfit movements for women are:

  • Women’s Crossfit movements – Powerclean

This movement means lifting the barbell and bringing it up to the front and on the shoulders with high speed and strength, and one must be very careful in doing it.

  • Women’s Crossfit exercises – burpees

Performing this movement does not require any weight, and the person must stand on the ground and quickly get into a swimming position on the ground. Then one should go into a squat position and jump up with an explosive stance.

  • Women’s Crossfit movements – Snatch

This movement means lifting the barbell from the ground and raising it to the head while your arms are straight.

  • Crossfit movements for women – Thruster

This movement is done entirely by relying on body weight, and to start it, you must stand and lift the barbell up to your shoulders.

Necessary equipment for crossfit exercises

The sport of Crossfit has no specific age limit, and a person can easily increase and decrease the intensity of their exercises by adjusting it. In simpler words, a person does not have any specific age group to participate in this sport and can enroll in the best Crossfit classes for Crossfit training. Of course, the meaning of change is not to completely change the exercises in this sport, but you can only make its level simpler and more complex.

This sport is suitable even for people who have heart problems, and they will not have problems in terms of leveling. For this reason, we have presented the equipment that a person needs to be active in this sport, so that you have correct information about this sport. The most important equipment required for CrossFit exercises, both at home and in sports clubs, are:

  • Barbell
  • Dumbbell
  • Kettlebell
  • Gymnastics ring
  • Rope
  • Medicine ball
  • Weight training
  • Rowing machine
  • Box
  • Rubber

Crossfit training program

In order to go to Crossfit training and learn Crossfit training systems, you must have enough consistency and rest so that you can achieve good results from Crossfit training. In the training of Crossfit exercises, when you perform them, there are small tears in your muscles, so it is necessary to rest a few days a week while training Crossfit exercises and performing them, so that your body recovers.

That’s why we recommend you to work hard three days a week and lightly one day a week and have a rest day every six days. With this crossfit training program and having enough sleep, you can achieve the goals you have in your head regarding this sport faster and have a fit body that is free of any fat.

Crossfit exercises with dumbbells – pull-up movements

One of the Crossfit exercises with dumbbells is the pull-up movement, which by adding weights or dumbbells, you can increase the intensity of barfix. You can also put a dumbbell between your legs or hang a weight on your belt during CrossFit training.

Then, in Crossfit exercises with dumbbells, grab the barfix bar while your hands are slightly wider than the shoulders for this movement. Finally, engage your mid-body and pull your chin up above the barfix and pull down your armpit muscles. You can do this exercise, which is part of Crossfit training systems, in 5 sets with 5 repetitions.

Crossfit exercises with dumbbells – barbell overhead press

Another crossfit exercise is the overhead dumbbell press, which you should focus on your shoulders. Then, for this exercise, which is part of the Crossfit training systems, you should stand so that your legs are hip-width apart and hold a barbell in line with your chest.

In the next step, to perform this movement in CrossFit, you need to lift the barbell above your head. Keep your stomach tight so as not to create a curve in the waist area. Finally, you must lower the barbell completely in a controlled manner and repeat the movement. You can do this movement, which is part of CrossFit training systems, in 5 sets with 8 repetitions.

Crossfit training at home – Deep movement with a ring

Deep movement with a ring is one of the advanced movements of this sport, which is also used in gymnastics. If you are looking for crossfit training at home for this movement, you must have a lot of endurance and strength in your middle and upper body. To train Crossfit at home regarding this movement, you must hold the ring in each hand and engage your mid-body and move away from the rings.

Then you need to lift your body off the ground so that your elbows are bent. Of course, the hands should be close to the sides while performing this movement, and at the same time, lower yourself so that your forearm touches the ring. You can do this movement, which is part of CrossFit training systems, in 5 sets with 10 repetitions.

Crossfit training at home – deadlift movement

The deadlift movement is one of the most important and essential movements of this sport that both beginners and professionals must learn. To train Crossfit at home, it is better to stand and spread your legs hip-width apart and bend your knees a little.

Then you should hold a barbell in front of your feet and tighten your midsection. In the next step, you need to raise the barbell near your feet so that your body is in a standing position. Of course, be careful when lifting the barbell, your back should be straight. You can practice this movement in 5 sets with 5 repetitions.

Proper nutrition for CrossFit

One of the most important parts that you can follow to achieve what you have in mind faster is proper nutrition during training and Crossfit exercises with dumbbells in this sport. An average crossfit athlete should consume 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat per day.

Therefore, you can reach these numbers by consuming meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruit, a little starch and not consuming sugar and have an ideal body. Therefore, try not to go to any other program other than this diet plan, because this diet plan has low carbohydrates and high protein.

Crossfit is not suitable for whom?

When you go to this sport to see Crossfit training, you should know that Crossfit is true that it is suitable for all age groups, but it is not safe for every person. For example, if you are pregnant and you are currently doing CrossFit, it may not be a problem for you to continue exercising, but be sure to consult your doctor about this.

This also applies to those who are currently injured or have other health problems. For this reason, it is very important to talk to your doctor or physiotherapist before starting exercise, so that your doctor can check whether or not you are active in this field of emotional sports by examining your illness and weaknesses, so that you can safely perform Crossfit exercises give

Common terms in CrossFit

Regardless of anything, the common terms in this sport cannot be ignored, because knowing the common terms in CrossFit will complete your CrossFit training. For this reason, in the training of CrossFit, so that you get complete information, we have proposed its common terms. The most important common terms of CrossFit are:

  • WOD: It is a daily exercise that can be done in Crossfit gyms.
  • EMOM: a type of exercise with a specific time interval that must be repeated a certain number of times per minute.
  • AMRAP: It is a circuit of circular exercises that you should do as many repetitions as you can in a certain period of time.
  • Metcon: Metabolic conditioning or two to three repeated exercises for a specified period of time.
  • Kipping: It is a type of stretching that allows CrossFit to do more repetitions in less time.
  • Rhabdo: It is a condition that occurs when muscle cells burst and leak their contents into the bloodstream.

the final conclusion

In the final summary of this article from Fit Play Crossfit exercises with dumbbells and Crossfit training systems, you realized that CrossFit is very useful for increasing the physical strength of the body, increasing the agility and flexibility of the body, but not every person can go to it, and elderly people, sick people and pregnant people. They must be active in this sport with the advice of their doctor.

Also, at the end of this article Crossfit training at home, where we have given you the most important CrossFit training for its movements and exercises, we recommend that you do not go to the Crossfit exercise videos on the Internet from the beginning and Crossfit training at home, because these are the trainers who, with your guidance, can prevent the possibility of reduce the damage. In the last word of this article, we hope that the above content was useful for you and that you will have a good time by using it.

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