Chess is a completely mental and intellectual sport that you must have high concentration to play. Many people have only heard the name of the game of chess and have never played chess and were afraid of its difficulties, but it must be said that by learning the principles and Chess rules, you can become a teaching professional chess player. On the other hand, many people start playing this game just for fun and entertainment, and these people are not familiar with the basic principles and concepts of this exciting sport, so they will not experience the real pleasure. Chess game is one of the most famous intellectual and puzzle games in the world that even old people love this game. You can get a lot of information about the game of chess from all corners of the internet, but in this Fit Play sports article chess rules in plain language or teaching chess techniques and teaching chess games, we will teach you chess in general along with the Chess rules in an easy way. To learn chess and chess rules in plain language, just stay with us in teaching chess for beginners.
Introducing the chess board
Before starting the game of chess and learning chess, you must first know how to arrange the chess board. The board of this exciting game is an eight by eight square, one of which is white and black in the middle, and has a total of 64 houses. Out of these 64 houses, 32 houses are white and 32 houses are black. If you want to play this game with two players, you must use 32 houses and assign 16 houses to white and 16 to black.
In chess training, everything depends on the power of analysis and concentration of your mind, and with high concentration and proper analysis, you can win this game. Chess training in its columns is such that the vertical columns of this game are arranged with alphabet letters A to H and the horizontal columns of this game are arranged with numbers 1 to 8. After introducing the chess board, you have taken the first step to start this exciting game.
Familiarity with chess pieces and the price of its board
To learn chess and its pieces, you must place 16 white pieces in 16 houses of rows one and two and 16 black pieces in 16 houses of rows seven and eight. In teaching chess games and its pieces, your chess board should be arranged in such a way that the first square on the right side of the board is black for both players. After familiarizing yourself with chess pieces, you have taken the second step to start and learn chess.
Apart from the arrangement of the pieces, many people have questions about the price of the chess board. In response to the question of these people, it should be said that the price of the board of this exciting and attractive game depends on the quality and type of board you choose, that the price of all types of chess game boards starts from 20 Tomans and will continue up to two million Tomans. In fact, everything depends on your choice in chess.
How should the chess board be arranged?
After teaching chess games about pieces and its board, a question arises and that question is how to arrange the pieces on the board. When you open your chess board, a number of square-shaped houses in black and white colors appear in front of you. After viewing your chess board, you should know that the pieces of this game are arranged according to a rule and all chess players must follow this rule. Chess pieces are pawns, bishops, knights, rooks, queens, and kings.
The chess training and their arrangement is as follows: you must arrange the soldiers in order in the second row, and after the arrangement of the soldiers, you place two faces in the corner on both sides, and after that, on both sides of the horse, then two The number of the elephant must be placed. On the other hand, the white king must be on the white square, the black king must be on the black square, and the minister must be on the remaining square.
Beginner chess training
Time is very important in teaching chess games. When this game is a competition between two people, they have to finish their game in a limited time, and in this game whoever finishes their time first will be the loser. Chess clock also has a price, its price is from 50 Tomans to 400 thousand Tomans and everyone will pay for the clock according to their taste. In beginner chess training, each of the six pieces move differently and one piece cannot pass over another piece or take the place of another piece.
In other words, in beginner’s chess training, when one of the pieces is out, the other piece can take its place and continue to move in such a way that it can defend itself in the best possible way. In beginner chess training, the movement of the pawn is somewhat unusual, and the pawn can only move forward, and it can also be attacked diagonally. The soldier piece has the right to move forward one space, and when the game starts, it can move two spaces forward once.
teaching professional chess
In beginner chess training, we only taught you how to move the pawn, but in teaching professional chess we will teach you how to move all the pieces.
How to move the king?
teaching professional chess, you should know that the most important piece in this game is the king piece, but on the other hand, it is the weakest because this piece can only move to one house in any direction. In fact, you should not bring the king into the game as much as possible, because when this piece has no way to defend itself, it becomes a king.
How the minister moves?
In teaching professional chess, the way the minister moves is that this piece can move directly in any direction, and this piece is the most powerful piece in chess. This bead cannot pass the beads that are in front of it.
How to move Rakh?
This piece can move as many houses as it likes, but the point of this piece is that it is only allowed to move forward, backward, left and right. In fact, faces are powerful vertebrae and can play an important role in taking care of other vertebrae.
How the elephant moves?
This piece can cross as many houses as it likes, with the condition that this piece must only be on a house that is the same color as itself, i.e. black or white, and on the other hand, it must stay on the same color.
How the horse moves?
Horse vertebrae have a small difference with other vertebrae. This bead must travel two houses in the same direction and the type of movement of this bead must be L-shaped. This piece is the only piece in chess that can pass through other pieces.
teaching chess for children
The title of chess game is the mother of sports because this sport is useful for every person from the old to the young both in terms of spirit and personality. This intellectual game, like other games and sports, has tactics that by learning them and using them on time, you can become a strong and teaching professional chess player. This game has no age category and you can play this game at any age.
To teaching chess for children, it should first be noted that if you want a responsible child, you must introduce him to the game of chess. Now a question arises in the minds of mothers, how is the teaching chess for children? Do not rush to teaching chess for childrenand use easy moves to start this game first. Since it was said that chess knows no age, even five-year-old children can learn chess.
teaching chess techniques
In this section and teaching chess for children, we are going to teaching chess techniques. The purpose of playing is to win and no one likes to lose. By observing and knowing some important techniques and teaching chess techniques, you can win this exciting game, you just need to have useful information about teaching chess techniques. One of the important and teaching chess techniques of this game is kish and matting. Checkmate means taking out the opponent’s pieces from the board and withdrawing.
When our opponent’s king cannot save himself, he becomes a cult. There are three ways to worship the king. The ways of worshiping the king are:
- Take it out of the kish state and move it.
- Close the Kish way with another bead.
- Attack the piece that killed the king.
If your opponent can’t escape the checkmate, it’s game over. On the other hand, in order not to be killed, you have to move your king’s piece to a safe place, and increase your concentration so that you don’t lose your pieces, which will be important in killing and checkmate.
The positive effects of playing chess for the health of the mind and soul
There are many games that, in addition to the body, have a very positive effect on the mind and spirit of a person, and one of these sports that has a very positive effect on a person’s spirit and personality is chess. This game is the best sport for Mefez. In the following, we have presented some of the most important benefits of this exciting game for you. The positive effects of this game for the health of the mind and soul are:
- Promote brain development
- Exercise both hemispheres of the brain
- Increase in IQ
- Help prevent and prevent Alzheimer’s disease
- Development of creativity
- Improve reading skills
- Improve problem solving skills
- Improve memory
- Teaching planning and foresight
- Cognitive and communication skills
- Recovery from stroke and disability
- Aid in rehabilitation and treatment
- Strengthen and build self-confidence
- Avoid wasting time
Chess rules?
Every game even children’s games and teaching chess for beginners, have rules, and chess is no exception. The Chess rules are very easy to learn like the game of chess, so you will learn all the Chess rules with one reading. The Chess rules are special and if someone sees them for the first time, they think it is not logical, but these rules are necessary to make the game exciting. In the following, we have taken a brief look at the Chess rules:
- Must be the king’s first move.
- It should be the first movement of Rukh.
- No pieces should have moved between the king and the rook.
- The king should not have defeated the king and still continue playing.
How to upgrade soldiers?
The soldier piece has a unique ability, and this ability is that if the soldier piece goes to a corner, it can turn into another piece in the game. For this reason, in checking the Chess rules in simple chess rules in plain language, some people think that the soldier piece can only replace the removed pieces, if this thought is not correct and this piece can even play the role of the minister piece. It should also be said that only soldiers can benefit from this law.
How to have a castle in chess?
Another unique rule of this exciting game is building a castle. Examining the chess rules in plain language, this rule allows one to do two things with one move. This rule is used when we move the king two squares to the left or right and then bring the king again from the side corner to the right.
Complete chess training
teaching professional chess and specialized manner requires an experienced coach. Fitplay site has provided this opportunity so that you can view the information of several experienced and highly teaching professional chess coaches of the country and for full training of chess in the online courses of these company professors.
the final conclusion
In the final summary of this Fit Play website article chess rules in plain language or teaching chess techniques and teaching chess for beginners, you generally got to know the rules, benefits and how to play chess, and you also found out that learning to play chess is not difficult not only for adults but also for teenagers and children. In the end teaching chess games and teaching chess for children or teaching chess for beginners, we hope that you have made the most of the above material like chess rules in plain language or teaching chess for beginners that the mentioned material is useful for you.