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Most people when the name of bodybuilding comes up they imagine people who walk on stage with bulky muscles and think that this is what bodybuilding means. While you can work in this sport for fun and dont seek to become a professional like these people. In simpler words, everything is in your hands in the field of bodybuilding and you yourself must determine your goal at the beginning of the journey. On the other hand many people think that this sport is only for men and not suitable for women. While today many women are competing with each other like men all over the world. After you have decided to work in this sport and you have chosen your goal it is time to learn a series of bodybuilding movements and get useful information in this field. If you are looking for bodybuilding training and you are tired of bodybuilding training videos, we recommend that you stay with us in the rest of the Fit Play article to get useful information in this regard.

What is bodybuilding training?

When you come to this sport, first of all you should know what bodybuilding is. Bodybuilding is one of the most attractive fitness sports that does not only increase volume and muscle. Just look at the best athletes in the world to see that they dont have such massive and strong muscles. Rather each person, according to his interest can work intensively in this sport to build a bulky body.

By doing bodybuilding exercises your bodys efficiency, strength and endurance will increase. In fact it can be said that you will do your middle age a great favor by growing your muscles and increasing their endurance and strength. Because bodybuilding if done in the right way can help you a lot in keeping your bones healthy. So stay with us in the rest of the content to get a little more useful information about this sport.

What is general bodybuilding?

Do you know what general bodybuilding means? General bodybuilding means activity in this sport for fun. If you go to general bodybuilding there will be no talk of bulky muscles and you will only focus on your bodys health. It can even be said that general bodybuilding means improving body health improving self confidence and having an ideal body. Also, this sport forces every person to make changes in his diet plan to achieve the desired fitness in order to achieve what he has in mind faster and better.

You must know that a person who decides to start in the field of bodybuilding must pay great attention to boring training programs and make daily changes in his food and follow it. It doesnt matter whether you go to your bodybuilding coach or to existing coaches to get proper nutrition and the important principle is to follow a correct diet along with bodybuilding sports to get better results.

Bodybuilding training at home : Squat

Bodybuilding training at home for the muscles involved in squats is :

  • Main muscles : quadriceps
  • Secondary muscles : glutes and hamstrings, thigh adductors, rectus abdominis and abdomen

Bodybuilding training at home to perform squats is :

  • Putting the barbell on the shoulders.
  • Chest high and head forward.
  • Opening the legs shoulder width apart and leaning outwards.
  • While lowering the weight, the hips should lean back.
  • Knees and legs should be in a horizontal line.
  • The upper body must be straight.
  • In the next step, you should go down and put the pressure of your weight on the heel.
  • At the point where the leg muscle meets the back leg muscle, stop and go back up.

Bodybuilding training with dumbbells : published by

Bodybuilding training with dumbbells for the involved muscles is :

  • Main muscles : middle deltoid
  • Secondary muscles : anterior deltoid, posterior deltoid and trapezius

The training of bodybuilding with dumbbells to perform the publishing movement consists of :

  • Holding dumbbells in hand and standing straight.
  • The hands should be fully extended by the side of the body and the palms should be towards the body.
  • Then by exhaling and keeping the upper body still, you should raise your hands to the side of your body.
  • Raise the dumbbells until the hands are parallel to the floor.
  • In the next step, you should pause at the highest point and return the weights to the starting point at the same time.

Bodybuilding training with dumbbells : hammer dumbbell forearm

Bodybuilding training with dumbbells for the forearm muscles of the hammer dumbbell consists of :

  • Main muscles : anterior brachialis, superior brachialis
  • Secondary muscles : biceps and forearm

Bodybuilding training with dumbbells to perform the forward movement of the hammer dumbbell

  • You should hold the dumbbells and stand with your arms straight.
  • Elbows should be at your sides and palms facing your body.
  • By exhaling, raise your hand in a hammer position to contract the forearm muscle.
  • Then pause for a moment at the highest point, then slowly return the dumbbell to the starting point while doing the tail action.

Bodybuilding training for beginners : underarm pull up

Beginner bodybuilding training for the muscles involved is :

  • Main muscles : large back
  • Secondary muscles : posterior deltoid, lower trapezius and parallelograms

Beginner bodybuilding training to perform the underarm pull-up movement consists of :

  • Sit on the cable machine and make sure that the knee pads are adjusted according to your height.
  • Hold the bar with your palm facing forward.
  • While your arms are holding the bar straight in front of you, move your body back about 30 degrees or more.
  • So that a curve is formed in the lower half of your waist and you give out your chest.
  • While exhaling, lower the bar by pulling your shoulders and upper arms down and back so that it touches your upper chest.

Bodybuilding training for beginners : Shrag with barbell

Beginner bodybuilding training for the muscles involved is :

  • Main muscles : trapezius that lifts the scapula
  • Secondary muscles : deltoid and forearm muscles

Bodybuilding training for beginners to perform shrag movements with barbells consists of :

  • Hold the barbell at arms length and in front of the thighs.
  • The distance between the hands should be shoulder width.
  • In the condition that the arms are kept straight, raise the shoulders and pull the barbell up vertically.
  • Then slowly lower the barbell to the starting point so that the trapezius muscle is under tension.

Professional bodybuilding training : sitting behind the barbell arm

Bodybuilding training for the muscles involved in the back of the seated barbell arm consists of :

  • Main muscles : triceps
  • Secondary muscles : deltoid and forearm muscles

Bodybuilding training to perform the movement behind the arm of a seated barbell consists of:

  • Sit up straight and hold the barbell overhead.
  • Hold the bar from the top with a small distance between the hands.
  • Lower the bar behind the head by bending the elbows.
  • Push the bar up until the elbows are straight.

Professional bodybuilding training : Deep Parallel

Professional bodybuilding training for the muscles involved in Deep Parallel is :

  • Main muscles : triceps
  • Secondary muscles : pectoralis major, deltoid and forearm muscles

Professional bodybuilding training for deep parallel movement is :

  • Hold your body up with arms extended and joints almost locked.
  • Then go down slowly while inhaling.
  • The upper body should be straight and the elbows should be at the side of the body so that the muscles behind the arm are more involved.
  • In the next step, go down until the arm forms a ninety degree angle with the forearm.
  • Then, while exhaling, return your body to the starting point using the back of your arms.

Basic bodybuilding training : leg press

Basic bodybuilding training for the muscles involved in the leg press is :

  • Main muscles : quadriceps
  • Secondary muscles : gluteus maximus, hamstrings

The basic bodybuilding training for doing the leg press is :

  • To perform this exercise, stand on the leg press machine.
  • Place your feet on the machine while the distance between your feet is shoulder-width apart.
  • Unlock the device and push it up until the legs are fully extended.
  • Then at the same time as doing the tail action, fold the legs inward until the front leg and leg form a 90-degree angle.
  • Finally, by applying force to the device through the heel, return the moving part of the device to the starting point.

Basic bodybuilding training : the back of the machine

Basic bodybuilding training for the muscles involved in the back of the leg is :

  • Main muscles : hamstrings
  • Secondary muscles : gluteus maximus and quadriceps

The basic bodybuilding training for doing the movement behind the machine consists of :

  • Adjust the device according to your height then lie on the device.
  • The lower pad of the device should be placed behind your foot and a few inches below the leg.
  • Keep your upper body straight and steady on the machine and make sure your legs are fully extended.
  • Now hold the side handles of the device and straighten the toes.
  • Then by exhaling and without moving the thighs, raise the legs as high as possible.
  • At the end, pause for a moment at the highest point, then return the legs to the starting point at the same time as doing the action.

How should nutrition in bodybuilding be?

In order to get the best results from bodybuilding exercises and achieve what you have in mind you must follow the principles of nutrition in this sport. In fact, it can be said that the second way to build a good body next to bodybuilding is complete and correct nutrition so that your muscles become stronger with nutrients. With a basic diet the necessary protein and energy will reach your body which will build new muscles and strengthen old muscles.

One of the important things that should be in the nutrition of a person who works in bodybuilding is carbohydrates. Because carbohydrates can provide energy for heavy and consecutive training which is very important for bodybuilders. In general we recommend that you use chicken, meat, turkey, fish and eggs as well as a variety of seeds such as nuts and beans in every meal in order to have a healthy and vibrant body that will last in old age.

Adequate rest in bodybuilding is an important factor

Another factor by which you can achieve your results in this sport is adequate rest. When a bodybuilder trains in the gym or watches bodybuilding videos at home and performs the exercises in the bodybuilding videos, his body muscles are stimulated. Then your muscle growth happens when youve done your workouts at the gym or Bodybuilding training at home after a gym video and want to rest.

If your body doesnt have enough rest your muscles wont grow as it should so you wont have a fat free body with bulky muscles. In fact, if you dont sleep well for 7 to 8 hours every night your body will not have enough time to recover, restore energy and your muscles will not have enough time to rebuild themselves. So try to have enough rest after watching the bodybuilding training video and doing your exercises to achieve pleasant results.

the final conclusion

In the final summary of this Fit Play article we tried to give you useful information about bodybuilding at home, bodybuilding with dumbbells, beginner bodybuilding, professional bodybuilding, basic bodybuilding and bodybuilding videos to use Get pleasant results from exercising. In the last word of this article, we hope that the above content was useful for you and that you will have a good time by using it.


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