We all like to exercise and one of the attractive sports that has many fans all over the world is basketball. This fun and attractive sport is a team sport where two teams of five compete against each other in rectangular halls. The goal of all ten players is to throw the ball into a basket with a diameter of 46 cm and a height of 3.048 meters, which are placed on both sides of the hall. This exciting game is played in four ten minute periods between two teams on the field which are also called quarters. In the exciting game of basketball the team attacks the opponents field or attack field from its own field, which is called the defense field in order to make the most of the 24 seconds that the team can have the ball. If you also want to see basketball training at home or basketball shooting training or basketball training pdf and in the hall in a few minutes just follow us in the rest of the Fit Play article.
History of basketball
Do you know where the history of this popular sport which has many fans all over the world goes back? The main history of basketball is related to America. This exciting game was invented at the beginning of 1891 by a person named James Smith. But you should know that since many centuries ago among the inhabitants of various parts of the American continent, especially Central and South America there have been various types of games and competitions that are more or less similar to the game of basketball.
In our country there is also a traditional and old game among herdsmen which is called polo. In the game of polo two teams play each other on a field on horseback. In this field each team tries to bring the ball, which has six rings on its body to the opposite side of the field by throwing and passing to its teammates. Because the ball must pass through the ring and the basket that is installed on a wooden column at the end of the field and it can be said that this game is somewhat like a basketball game.
Basketball training for beginners
In basketball training an athlete must first know how much time it takes to play basketball. The time of this game in basketball training is four periods of ten minutes in international games and twelve minutes in NBA games. Also in basketball training, the teams rest time is two minutes between the first, second, third and fourth period and ten minutes between the two halves. Also the extra time that is given to the teams if necessary is five minutes in basketball training.
In back basketball training, after the teams have rested between the two halves of their fields the attack and defense fields of the two teams are changed. The times we have told the fans of this sport in basketball training are real times. In other words when the basketball is not in motion the game time is stopped. For example when a foul occurs or during a free throw time is stopped. For this reason the time to play a complete game is more than the numerical sum of the mentioned times and it usually takes about two hours.
Is basketball practice easy?
One of the best basketball exercises in basketball training is dribbling. Dribbling starts when a player takes possession of the ball and touches it again before it hits another player by throwing it or hitting it on the ground. Also the dribble ends when the player catches it with the hand or lets the ball rest in the hand or hands.
In training basketball dribble exercises you should also know that when the ball is not in contact with the dribblers hand, the number of steps taken will not be limited. Basically the player cannot dribble a second time after finishing the dribble. If a player does this on the run, he commits a double offense and will be punished by the referees.
How are basketball shooting exercises?
One of the main skills of a basketball player is the ability to perform basketball shooting training and all players must first learn basketball shooting training well. Most players want to score and if we give them a ball and a basket, they start shooting to score. In fact basketball shooting training are a skill that any person interested in basketball can learn on their own by basketball training at home or in the gym.
One of the 2 main goals of basketball is to make a good shot to score points for which you must learn basketball shooting training well and the other goal is to prevent the opponent from doing the same. In the following we have introduced two examples of the best basketball shots that you can become a professional with basketball shooting training.
- Basketball training – regional shots
In regional shots a player must know who to shoot who to pass and how far they are from the basket so that he can convert his ball into a goal by throwing.
- Basketball training – layup shots
In layup shots a player must be able to shoot with both right and left hands. The skill of this shot is that when shooting with the right hand, the jump must be done on the left foot and to perform a long jump, the last step is placed on the ground with strength.
Teaching basketball moves
We all know that not only in basketball training but also in training other sports there are a series of movements and skills that a person can become a professional player by learning and mastering them. For this reason we continue to teach basketball moves so that you can learn them like professionals. Teaching basketball moves consists of:
- Teaching basketball movements – shooting
There are different types of shots in basketball training that a player should use depending on different situations. Among the types of shots in basketball one hand fixed shot, two handed fixed shot, three step shot, pair shot, hook shot and volleyball shot can be mentioned.
- Teaching basketball movements – passing and receiving
In passing the player must pass the ball to his teammate. In fact, passing and receiving is one of the most important basic movements in any team tactic such as basketball. Among the types of passes we can refer to two handed chest to chest pass, one handed chest and ground pass, two handed overhead pass, baseball pass, two handed ground pass, hook pass and close pass.
Professional basketball training
So far in basketball training you have noticed that two five person teams compete with each other in a rectangular hall using learned techniques and a ball. Apart from this a player in professional basketball training should know that height and fitness are prerequisites for every basketball player. In professional basketball training if a player wants to reach the top, he must be skilled in the ability to pass, work with the ball, protect it from the opposing team and most importantly, score points. In the previous sections, we talked about these skills but in professional basketball training we take another look at other backsball techniques.
- Professional basketball training – individual defense
One of the basic and professional principles of basketball is the skill of individual defense. The types of individual defense in basketball include close or close defense, defense of the attacker away from the ball or open defense, defense of the pass receiver or defense of the pass path and defense of the player under the hoop.
- Professional basketball training – working with the ball
Working with the ball is called the way of catching the ball in all basketball techniques. A good player must be able to maintain and control the ball while performing basic movements such as shooting, passing, dribbling, turning, changing direction and rebounding.
What are basketball fouls?
As a beginner who has seen basketball training at home or back basketball training pdf do you know anything about back basketball sports mistakes? A person interested in basketball whether he has seen basketball training at home or basketball training pdf should know about the mistakes of the basketball sport. In the following to found the basketball training pdf, we have mentioned the types of mistakes in basketball :
- Personal foul : Personal fouls include blocking, charging, defending behind the head, contact with hands, holding, illegal use of hands and pushing.
- Foul by the parties : It is a mistake that two players from two different teams commit on each other at the same time.
- Unsportsmanlike foul : It is an individual foul that is intentionally committed on a player with or without the ball.
- Disqualification : Any mistake outside of the spirit of sportsmanship will be penalized by expulsion from the playing field and possession of the ball from the middle of the field will be given to the opponent.
- Team foul : In every ten minutes a team that commits more than 4 fouls commits a team foul.
Throws in basketball
In basketball training a player must be familiar with how to throw the ball correctly in this game. On the other hand when throwing the ball a player must follow the rules so that his throw is not considered a foul.
For example in a penalty shootout one hand must be next to the ball and the other hand must be on the ball. Also in basketball training and ball throwing, only the throwers wrist should be bent. The legs should be shoulder width apart and the knees should be slightly bent so that the throw can be done correctly.
The rules of basketball
A professional player who has seen basketball training pdf and wants to start playing basketball in a hall must first know the most important rules of basketball so that he does not violate them. In the following, we have taken a look at the most important rules of basketball to found basketball training pdf :
- Basketball training and the three second rule : when a team has the ball, none of the players of that team should stand in the opposing teams zone for more than three seconds.
- Basketball training and the eight second rule : When a player takes possession of the ball in his defensive field, he must take the ball out of the field and attack the opposing team’s field within eight seconds.
- Basketball training and the 24-second rule : If a team has possession of the ball it must enter the opponents hoop within 24 seconds or shoot towards the opposing teams hoop. When shooting, the ball must hit the ring until 24 seconds are zero. If the ball hits the board it continues for 24 seconds. Rules of professional basketball.
Scoring method in basketball
The score of each goal in the basketball game is different according to the position of the player who shot the ball. For example if a player is outside the three point line, his goal is worth three points and if he is inside the three point line, his goal is worth two points. Or every free throw which is also called a penalty, has one point in the game of basketball. You should also know that there is no tie in the game of basketball and so much extra time is given to the game so that one of the two teams wins.
The benefits of basketball
Apart from everything we cannot ignore the benefits of basketball such as basketball training. Because not only basketball but every sport has benefits for the body and knowing these benefits for the body is very important. For this reason we have taken a look at the benefits of basketball :
- Gaining mental balance and providing the necessary grounds for mental growth
- Creating proper motivation in people to participate in sports activities
- Creating a balanced personality and spirit of cooperation
- Strengthening psychological factors such as self confidence, concentration, attention and self improvement
- Gain vitality and happiness
- Cultivating and strengthening the leadership ability of individuals
- Increasing peoples decision-making power in a correct way and logical judgment
- Cultivating a person in terms of intelligence and increasing mental capacities
the final conclusion
In the final summary of this Fit Play sports article you generally got to know basketball training and the movements of this exciting and fun sport. You also found that by using this article and the basketball techniques taught in and you can basketball training at home with your friends.