Skydiving is one of the most exciting and attractive air sports which is a fun and uplifting game in addition to being a sport. Maybe a little earlier this sport was not so popular among the general public but today there are few people in the whole world who have not heard the name of skydiving and have not sought skydiiving. This sport is one of those sports that beginners can engage in with skydiving training. On the other hand this sport has different branches, which you will understand by studying them and watching the parachute skydiving training video. If you havent tried this sport until now and have been worried about Skydiving or Backgammon we want to get you started so that after some time you can look for a backgammon training for professionals. So in the continuation of this article from Fit Play like automatic skydiving training or complete skydiving training stay with us for a few minutes to learn automatic skydiving and Skydiving or Backgammon along with the necessary tips backgammon training in simple language.
Familiarity with skydiving competitions
Before going to skydiving training and choose Skydiving or Backgammon we want to introduce you to the competitions of this sport, which are organized by the air organization and are classified into two types, classic and modern. Skydiving competitions for choose a Skydiving or Backgammon are:
- Classic – Goal: The goal of jumping in this competition is to land in a circle with a radius of 15 cm and points are given to the person based on this principle. If a person lands outside the circle, a negative score will be considered for him and each degree will be calculated as 16 cm for him. This race is held from a height of 900 to 1200 meters, which is also possible in groups of five people.
- Classic – Steel: The jump in this skydiving competition is performed from a height of 2,200 meters. The purpose of this competition is to make free movements without any mistakes, which must be done in the shortest possible time so that the winner of the competition can be seen after his efforts.
- Modern-FS: This competition is played in teams of four and eight people, with 72 different moves on Friday. These movements are determined by lot in this competition so that each group performs five or six movements at an altitude of 3000 meters. Of course be careful that in the jumps of FS competitions, in addition to the high activity, coordination within the group is essential.
- Modern-CF: This kind of parachute game competitions are also held in four-person teams, where a series of different movements must be determined by lot so that each person can perform five to six movements at a height of 2000 meters without any mistakes and at a high speed. to give In the competitions of this jump, the main point is a lot of effort and coordination within the group and special attention should be paid to it. In addition in the team of 8 people, rotation will be done from a height of 2500 meters and performing the most rotation in the specified time is considered the main point.
- Modern – FSS: The competitions of this parachute game in free fall skydiving training jumps and aviation, due to the three year experience, are highly regarded for the beauty of the work. By integrating free and compulsory movements a person must jump from a height of 4000 meters for 45 seconds and this jump must be flawless, correct and complete skydiving training, because it is very difficult for the judges to score points in this skydiving competition.
About Automatic skydiving training
One of the types of skydiving in the world is automatic skydiving, which we want to teach about automatic skydiving in this section. Automatic parachute game is a type of parachute game in which your parachute opens automatically after jumping from the flying device. In this type of parachuting to choose Skydiving or Backgammon you have no involvement in opening your parachute, which is why this type of parachuting is mostly used for military work. In automatic skydiving training, the parachute is opened to a device called a link, which is connected to the body of the helicopter or plane.
When you jump from the plane after learning the automatic skydiving training, this strap will automatically open your parachute and if the parachute deviates and does not open, the auxiliary parachute in front of you is of a non automatic type and is manually operated. The clamp installed on it can open the auxiliary umbrella at will. In automatic skydiving training, it is not bad to know that Phoenix parachutes are one of the best automatic parachutes.
Teaching different types of umbrellas in skydiving training centers
According to the weight of the pilot and the type of flight, the parachutes of this sport have different types that we want to introduce you to so that you can go to skydiving training centers with useful information. Of course before going to the skydiving training centers, it is not bad to know that all the parachutes of this sport are of 5 different types according to the experience, type of operation and training carried out. Do not go to skydiving training centers. The types of umbrellas in this sport and recreation to choose Skydiving or Backgammon are:
- Wing structure: The parachute has four parts: the canopy, the brake rope and the hanging rope, the carrier parts and the harness part.
- Canopy: adjusts the air pressure inside the umbrella and makes the person stay at high altitudes and is made of fabric impermeable to air.
- Hanging and brake ropes: made of very strong and light material and is connected to the canopy scatteredly to support the pilot.
- Holding clips: The holding clips connect the ropes of the dome to the umbrella and when the umbrella flies, they are mobile in place and in addition to providing comfort in flight, they are pressure maintainers.
- Harness section: It forms the seat of the pilot. In fact it is the hanging parts that the pilots hands and feet pass through and its material can be different according to the type of application.
Automatic parachute training video?
Many people are looking for automatic parachute skydiving training video but do you really prefer automatic skydiving training video to scientific materials and writings? It is true that the automatic skydiving training video has the necessary information about this type of parachute game but we want to say more important points in the content that we express, which may not be in the automatic parachute training video because most of the skydiving training video Automatic games do not pay attention to small details.
In general, in automatic parachute games due to the fact that the opening of the parachute is done automatically, safe landing is one of the most important issues that should be paid special attention to. When you go to skydiving training centers after choose Skydiving or Backgammon your physical fitness will be tested first. Then to choose Skydiving or Backgammon in the skydiving training centers, after checking your readiness you will be given the necessary training so that the least amount of impact is inflicted on your body during landing. For this reason in the following to choose Skydiving or Backgammon we have put forward some points that by following them, you can land with little damage to your body, which are:
- Pairing the legs and sticking the knees together.
- Bending the knees.
- Lowering the head so that the persons chin touches his chest.
- Placing the hands next to the ears in a half fist position.
- Flatness of the back.
Complete skydiving training with knowledge of terminology
By knowing the terms of skydiving after choose Skydiving or Backgammon you have seen the complete skydiving training, because it is only by knowing the terms of a sport that you can know all its words and movements. For this reason to choose Skydiving or Backgammon we have discussed the complete skydiving training in terms of its terms so that you can see the complete skydiving training without going to skydiving training centers. The most common and important terms of this wonderful sport and entertainment to choose Skydiving or Backgammon are:
- Airborne
- Airborne force
- Air landing
- Air disembarkation
- Air movement
- Airborne attack
- Joint Airborne Operations
- Overhead bridge
- Landing area
- Launch area
- Combat control team
- Leading team
- Coach Barriz
- Jump leaf
- Fruitful
- Cargo
- loading time
- Preparation time
- flight crew
How to set the backgammon board?
The main topic that we have to deal with in backgammon education is how to arrange the backgammon board. To start this game after choose Skydiving or Backgammon each player must throw a dice and any of these two people who bring a higher number with their dice can start the game. If both people roll the same dice they must throw the dice again.
Then the backgammon game starts like this and we have to go to how to arrange the backgammon board. To set the backgammon board, you must first look at the number on the dice because the number on the dice shows how many squares the pieces should be moved. At the end choose Skydiving or Backgammon the pieces are moved forward with a series of rules, which we will discuss further.
How to move pieces on a backgammon board
After arranging the backgammon board to choose Skydiving or Backgammon it is time to move the pieces, which can be moved according to the number on the dice. A house is still a house that does not have two pieces or more than the opponents pieces, which we will discuss in the backgammon tutorial. The numbers on the dice form separate moves.
For example to choose Skydiving or Backgammon if a persons dice numbers are 5 and 3, you can place one of your pieces five spaces ahead and the other three spaces ahead. On the other hand, he can move a piece eight houses forward and place it in an open house or a closed house that we mentioned. A closed house is also a house that has two pieces or more pieces than the opponents.
Beginner backgammon tutorial for the law of moving pieces forward
As we mentioned a little earlier and we want to talk more about it in the backgammon training for beginners, the law of the movement of the pieces is forward. In backgammon beginners training after choose Skydiving or Backgammon, when you throw the dice six numbers will appear for you, which means that you have the right to throw the dice twice in the backgammon board. If the number of the dice you have thrown is three or six you can place one of your dice three spaces and your other dice six spaces in front of you.
If the dice you threw have two equal numbers like six in backgammon training for beginners so to speak, you have brought a pair on the backgammon board and it is equivalent to bringing four of that number. In beginner backgammon training after choose Skydiving or Backgammon if your dice come up as a six twice, you have four to six and you can use any combination to move your pieces. Also in beginner backgammon training you should know that the player must move as long as he has a legal move with the number on the dice and he cannot abandon the number he brought. For example if you roll a pair of three with your dice, only three of them can be played.
Teaching backgammon from the beginning – hitting and eating
In backgammon education to choose Skydiving or Backgammon the house occupied by a single piece is called from the beginning. You should pay attention that your opponent does not land on a single piece, because if your opponent lands on a single piece, he will hit that piece and it will be replaced by the piece that was eaten in backgammon training. As long as you have one or more pieces on the load you must put them into the game first so that when it is his turn, according to the number on his dice and backgammon training for professionals, he puts the outer piece in the playing house from the opponents inner area.
Teaching backgammon in simple language – take out
Removing in the backgammon game is one of the other important points that we want to address in the backgammon education in simple language. In backgammon training, in simple language when all your pieces are gathered in your own area, it is your turn to remove your pieces from the game and to remove the pieces from the backgammon game you have to throw dice. In backgammon training, in simple language to choose Skydiving or Backgammon you can remove one die from your game for every dice you throw because you can start throwing dice according to your dice numbers. In the example of backgammon education in simple language if you get five and two in your dice you must remove one die from house number five and one die from house number two.
backgammon training for professionals – betting
To teach professional backgammon and how to arrange backgammon after choose Skydiving or Backgammon we want to discuss the subject of doubling because the topic of doubling is not something that you can discuss at the very beginning of beginner backgammon training. Betting in backgammon is completely optional and you can bet whenever you want with professional backgammon training. In other words, whenever you think you are winning the field, you can ask your opponent to accept the loss before your opponent is forced to play to the end and may have a lot of chance to interfere in the game in the meantime.
But dont worry because with the betting that you will learn in professional backgammon training, this chance will disappear and your opponent will give up. In professional backgammon training after choose Skydiving or Backgammon you should be familiar with the term cube. Cube or dice are called dice that are used for dicing and are a bit larger than the game dice and have the numbers 2 and 4 and 8, 16, 32 and 64 are inserted. During the game any player who thinks he deserves to win can bet and can challenge his opponent only once before rolling the dice.
backgammon training for professionals for tables
Apart from everything else you cant skip backgammon training for tables because this intellectual game is a game where luck and possibilities play a leading role. Therefore the more you know about probabilities and tables, the higher your game level will be. Many people who have learned this game even with professional backgammon training, eventually fail and think that this failure is only due to lack of luck. But in this game, the problem is not always luck and a dice is completely healthy for both players.
It is your knowledge in backgammon education that gives you the chance to win. In simpler words how to arrange backgammon your luck is due to your familiarity with the probability of the appearance of different dice, which is discussed in the training of the backgammon game for tables. So dont worry because you dont need to have a great math background to understand backgammon probabilities, the only math skill you need is to be able to count to 36.
the final conclusion
In the final summary of this article like backgammon training for beginners or backgammon training in simple language and automatic skydiving training, we tried to give useful information about this fun game to choose better Skydiving or Backgammon and sport that makes you fresh and alive, so that you know what skydiving is and the complete training of skydiving is not as difficult as you think. In the last words of this article like automatic skydiving training or backgammon training in simple language and skydiving training video, we hope that the above content was useful for you and by using backgammon training for professionals you will have a good time not only for yourself but also for your friends.