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Do you also want to not feel tired when you come home from work? Do you want to spend time with your family without any fatigue? Or be fast and energetic at work? If the answer to all your questions is yes, you should go to one of the sports fields as soon as possible. Leaving aside the questions, no one likes a loose and tired body and does not want to suffer from various joint pains and chronic diseases in middle age, so one should start exercising at any age. Aerobics is one of the exciting and dynamic sports. Aerobics is a sport to prevent depression, boredom, impatience. Are you asking why? Because with Aerobics at home to lose weight, the endorphin hormone is produced in the body, which creates vitality, concentration of the mind, and an increase in intellectual creativity. For this reason, in the rest of this article from Fit Play aerobics for weight loss, we have generally taught aerobics and its movements just stay with us Aerobics at home to lose weight and aerobics for stomach and sides or women’s aerobics training.

All about aerobic exercise

In addition to preventing depression, boredom, and impatience, aerobic exercise releases hormones such as endorphins in the body. With the production and release of this hormone in the body, a person feels energetic, high concentration and intellectual creativity. On the other hand, you use the big muscles of your body by doing aerobics training at home and performing those movements.

But in order to involve the big muscles of your body, you should spend at least twelve minutes learning aerobics in a rhythmic and rhythmic mode and do all the movements. Because when the speed and intensity of aerobic exercises are tolerable, the body’s need to use oxygen increases for a while.

Aerobics at home to lose weight

According to experts, watching aerobics training at home and doing its movements will train the heart, blood vessels, and breathing system of a person to take oxygen with high speed and efficiency and also distribute it to different parts of the body. Because uniform breathing is done through the mouth and nose, by doing aerobics you will exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, control blood sugar, control blood pressure and reduce excess body weight.

Age factors for aerobic exercise

At any age, you can go to aerobics and learn aerobics in clubs, but on the condition that you do the movements in a principled way. In fact, this sport is useful for different ages, from children to adults and even exceptional children, and because of its rhythmic state, it helps people in learning movements.

But the best age to practice this sport and aerobics training at home is from the age of 15, because children should not do heavy lifting before puberty. On the other hand, elderly people should take care of their soft tissues and go for lighter sports as they get older. If they want to engage in aerobic sports, it is better to be under the supervision of an expert trainer.

Women’s aerobics training at home

Are you looking for women’s aerobics training at home? We should tell people who are looking for women’s aerobics training at home that this sport is more for women than men. For this reason, you can be sure that this sport is for you. Where can you see women’s aerobics training at home? The best place to see women’s aerobics training at home and learn all aerobic movements is the clubs near your workplace or home.

By registering in gyms, you can train women in aerobics. On the other hand, many women think that if they work with fitness machines along with aerobics, their bodies will become muscular. In this case, it should be said that the degree of muscularity and attractiveness in this field has many differences between men and women. Because women’s bodies show different reactions to these exercises due to hormonal differences with men.

Aerobic movements at home to slim the stomach

Aerobics at home to lose weight and slimming the stomach – mountain climber’s movement on the ground

  • First put the hands on the floor.
  • Keep your legs stretched behind the body.
  • Bring your legs to the chest in turn.
  • Keep the body straight and stretched as much as possible.

Aerobics at home to lose weight for abdominal slimming – leg lifting movement

  • Lie on your back on the floor.
  • Put your hands beside or under your hips.
  • Put your feet together to make a 90 degree angle to the ground.
  • Raise the legs and then lower them.

Aerobics at home to lose weight for belly fat – Superman moves

  • Sleep on your stomach on the floor.
  • Raise the arms, head and legs in a stretched manner.
  • Raise the right hand and the left leg at the same time.
  • Put pressure on the muscles of the back of the thigh and lower back.

Aerobics at home to lose weight for belly slimming – skater

  • Place your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly.
  • Jump to the right with the right foot.
  • Move the left foot to the back of the right foot.
  • Quickly jump to the left with the left foot.

 aerobics for weight loss

  • aerobics for weight loss – kneeling
  • Alternately raise the knees up to the height of the hip joints.
  • Place your elbows at a 90 degree angle.
  • Tap the knees with the knees up.

Aerobics at home to lose weight – blow on the back

  • Bend the knees and take them back.
  • Stretch and hold the hands behind the waist.
  • Kick them as each leg comes up.

aerobics for weight loss – jumping squats

  • Spread your legs shoulder width apart and stand.
  • By bending the knees, pull back the upper body and enter the squat position.
  • Jump by putting your body weight on your toes.

Aerobic movements for slimming – T-shaped swimming

  • Bend down on the floor and throw the woman’s body to the right.
  • Lift the left hand off the ground.
  • Turn the upper body by raising the left hand.

  aerobics for stomach and sides – butterfly

  • Stick your feet together.
  • Keep the hands by your side and then jump.
  • Spread your legs apart.
  • Raise and lower both hands at the same time.

aerobics for stomach and sides – buttock kicks

  • First, spread your legs shoulder width apart.
  • Bend your arms to the sides.
  • Bend your right knee into a running position. Tap your butt with your ankle.

aerobics for stomach and sides – corkscrewing

  • Stretch your midsection and keep your legs straight.
  • Raise the legs in the air until they form a right angle with the upper body.
  • Repeat the cycle by keeping your torso tight and your legs together.

aerobics for stomach and sides – box jump

  • Stand on a box with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your knees and pull your shoulders back.
  • Then take your hands back.
  • Bring the arms forward as you slowly jump down from the box.

advanced aerobics training Barbells?

advanced aerobics training Barbells, weights, dumbbells, pull-ups, pull-ups are among strength and non-aerobic activities that are part of the inseparable equipment of daily aerobic exercises, which are called advanced aerobics. Are you also looking for advanced aerobic training? We must tell you that advanced aerobics training is only possible in gyms.

In other words, you cannot learn advanced aerobics at home, because in advanced aerobics training you must work with special equipment. According to doctors, you can prevent osteoporosis with advanced aerobics training and working with the machine. Because calcification is done on your bones, which is effective in increasing muscle strength and endurance.

On the other hand, advanced aerobics training and performing its movements with a device creates self-confidence and body satisfaction in a person, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis and improves body coordination. For this reason, if you have time to go to the gym, be sure to do advanced aerobics training in gyms to enjoy your body.

Aerobic training at home with a few simple movements

  Aerobic training at home – bear crawl movement

  • Bend your knees slightly.
  • While keeping your back straight.
  • Crawl forward at a constant speed while maintaining the same position.
  • Actually shift more weight to the hands.
  • Do this movement 15-20 times.

Aerobic training at home – squat jump movement

  • While squatting.
  • Stand up on your feet.
  • Press through the heel and jump back.
  • Do this movement 10-15 times.

Aerobic training at home – inch worm movement

  • Move your hands while keeping your legs straight.
  • Become a butterfly state.
  • When you reach this position, increase the speed of your legs towards your hands and stand up.
  • Do this movement 10-15 times.

Aerobic training at home – movement

  • Bend forward so that the palms are in front of the feet.
  • At the same time, extend the legs and kick them back.
  • Return to a squat position and jump.
  • Do this movement 5-8 times.

Keeping the body stretched

When you start doing aerobic exercise, it is very important to keep your body stretched. When walking, keep your body straight and stretched so that your stomach is in. Also, in aerobic exercise, you should keep your hip muscles tight and your head up and always remember to put your body in the best position and shape. In other words, the more you stand, the more fit you look and as if you are a professional athlete.

Strengthen your back

Along with aerobic exercise, you should strengthen your back muscles. Because contrary to what many people think, the abdominal muscles are not just next to the navel, while these muscles are part of a complex muscle network that is connected to the chest, shoulders and even the spine. On the other hand, in aerobic training, in order to have strong abdominal muscles, you should not only do abdominal exercises, but also increase the strength of your lower back.

Avoid dieting

Many people go on a diet during aerobic training and doing aerobic exercises at home or in the gym. While you should know that when you try to lose weight by dieting, you cause your muscles to atrophy. You should know that the body needs to consume more energy to maintain muscles, and when it has less calories and energy, it does not use it to maintain muscles, as a result, these valuable tissues are also used for body metabolism. This is why when your diet ends you will gain weight again.

the final conclusion

In the final summary of this Fit Play blog article aerobics for weight loss or women’s aerobics training, you generally understood what aerobic exercise is and how you should proceed for advanced aerobics training or beginner aerobic training. You also realized that at any age, in order not to suffer from joint pains and chronic diseases, you should go to one of the sports fields. Therefore, one of the best sports for the physical and mental health of the body is aerobics, which can provide physical and mental health at the same time. In the last word of this article aerobics for stomach and sides, we suggest you, since many people do not have time to go to sports clubs and gyms, to train aerobics and its movements at home to have a healthy body and mind.

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